Category : C Source Code
Archive   : WTWG12B.ZIP
Filename : WCLEAR.C

Output of file : WCLEAR.C contained in archive : WTWG12B.ZIP
/*! wclear
* clear an area of screen to current background
#include "wscreen.h"
#include "wsys.h"

void wclear ( void )
wclearabs ( w0->winleft, w0->wintop,
w0->winleft + w0->winxmax, w0->wintop + w0->winymax
wgoto ( 0,0 );

void wclearline ( void )
wclearabs ( w0->winleft + w0->winx, w0->wintop + w0->winy,
w0->winleft + w0->winxmax, w0->wintop + w0->winy

void wclearabs ( int l, int t, int r, int b )
unsigned char far *p, far *s; /* to video ram */
int col; /* column counter */

struct _CHATTR
unsigned char c;
unsigned char a;
typedef struct _CHATTR far *CHATTR; /*ptr to a far ch/attr pair*/

#ifndef TEXTONLY

unsigned char a; /* background attribute */
unsigned int hn; /* hercules bank offset */
unsigned char far *base; /* base of each row */
unsigned char far *colptr; /* pointer to column */

unsigned char latch;
#endif /* TEXTONLY - end graphics-mode declarations */

if ( l < 0 || r > wxabsmax || t < 0 || b > wyabsmax )

if ( wmode == 'T' )
s = wpage_ram + 2*80*t + 2*l;

chattr.c =' ';
chattr.a = wgetattr();

for ( ; t <= b; ++t, s += 2*80 )
/* s pts to start of each line */
for ( col = l, p = s; col <= r; ++col )
*((CHATTR) p) = chattr;
p += 2;
/* end text mode absolute clear */

} /* end text mode */

#ifndef TEXTONLY
/* graphics mode wclearabs */

a = ( wgetattr() ) >> 4; /* background color */

switch ( wmonitor )
case ( 'H'):
/* NOTE addressing hercules graphics ram:
* l, t are 'text-mode' addresses.
* 720 pixels/row, wpxchar pixels per 'x' increment
* so 1st factor = wxabsmax = chars per row
* divide wpychar by 4(=# herc banks) =
* gives #of sets of banks (4 pixel rows each)
* wpxchar/8 =1 always, included only for clarity.
* because charsizes are mults of 4, whbank starts at 0;
base = wpage_ram
+ ( (720/wpxchar)*(wpychar/4)*t ) + l;

/* in hercules, 'dither' blue and green bits
* note this line changes 'a' from attr to bitmask.
* and sets 8 adjacent bits on screen
a = (a & 0x03) ? 0xff : 0x00;

/* convert to pixel co-ords only for counting rows */
t *= wpychar;
b = (b+1) * wpychar; /* includes last pixel row */

for ( hn = 0; t < b; ++t, hn += 0x2000 )
/* loop iterates once per row
if ( hn == 0x8000 )
/* finished one set of 4 banks,
* move up to next tier.
hn = 0;
base += 90;
for ( col = l, colptr = base;
col <=r;
++col, ++colptr)
/* once per column within each row */
*( colptr + hn ) = a;
break; /* end hercules mode */

case ( 'E' ):
case ( 'V' ):

base = wpage_ram + ( wegarowsize * wpychar * t ) + l;

/* convert to pixel co-ords to count rows
t *= wpychar;
b = (b+1)* wpychar; /* last pixel row in last char row*/


EGA_OUT (3, 0x00); /* OVERWRITE */
/* write attribute to 8 bits */
EGA_OUT (0, a);
EGA_OUT (8, 0xFF);

for ( ; /* loop once per row */
t < b;
++t, base += 640/wpxchar )
for ( col = l, colptr =base ;
col <= r;
++col, ++colptr)

*(colptr) = 0xff;

} /* end for each rows */

/* reset EGA */
EGA_OUT (0,0); /* BLACK */

} /* end switch (wgdriver) */

#endif /* TEXTONLY - end graphics mode wclearabs */
return; /* wclearabs */


/*---------------------- end of WCLEAR.C -----------------------------*/

  3 Responses to “Category : C Source Code
Archive   : WTWG12B.ZIP
Filename : WCLEAR.C

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: