Category : C Source Code
Archive   : WTWG12B.ZIP
Filename : WBUTTON.C

Output of file : WBUTTON.C contained in archive : WTWG12B.ZIP
/* wbutton.c
*--------------------- 'BUTTON' functions -----------------------------*
* buttons are selectable choices onscreen
* associated with either mouse or keyboard action.
* wbutton_add () - add a button to the list.
* install button handler if not yet done
* add new button to linked list
* draws the button onscreen.
* WBTN_BOX = draw a box around button
* wbutton_frame () and
* wbutton_draw () - draw the button onscreen, draw box
* internal utilities.
* also called by
* wbutton_mark, _inactivate(), etc...
* event_handler () - keyboard trap routine.
* see definition of WBUTTON above.
* these routines keep linked lists list of currently active buttons
* one list is maintianed for each window.
* when a button is added, wbutton_add()
* allocates memory for WBUTTON struct and adds to linked list.
* draws button onscreen.
#include "wsys.h"

void wbutton_add (char *utext, int ux, int uy, int ulen,
int uval,
unsigned char ustyle )

/* allocate storage and place new button in linked list
Bptr = wmalloc ( sizeof (WBUTTON), "wbutton_add" );
Bptr->Bchain = w0->winbutton;
w0->winbutton = Bptr;

Bptr-> Btext = utext;
_NORMALIZE ( Bptr-> Btext );

Bptr-> Bval = uval;
Bptr-> Bstyle= ustyle;

Bptr-> Bx = ux;
Bptr-> By = uy;

Bptr->Blen = ulen;

/* compute location of end of button
* note that ulen includes terminal NULL.
* but stored value in WBUTTON strutcure is just the displayed bytes.
* so subtract 1 for terminal NULL .
Bptr-> Bxend = ux + ulen -1;
Bptr-> Byend = uy;

wbutton_draw ( Bptr, wbuttonattr );

if ( ustyle & WBTN_BOX )
/* draw a box around button

wbutton_frame ( Bptr, SINGLE_BORDER, wreverseattr(wbuttonattr) );



return; /* wbutton_add */

void wbutton_draw ( WBUTTON *Bptr, unsigned char new_attr )

unsigned char user_attr, user_x, user_y;

int len;

user_attr = wgetattr(); /* save attribute & position */
user_x = wherex();
user_y = wherey();

wsetattr ( new_attr );

/* number of onscreen bytes,
* which doesn;t count terminal NULL
len = (Bptr-> Bxend) - (Bptr-> Bx);

wgoto ( Bptr->Bx, Bptr->By );

wputfl ( Bptr->Btext, len ); /* fixed len put */

wsetattr ( user_attr ); /* restore ol attribute */
wgoto ( user_x, user_y );

return; /* wbutton_draw */

void wbutton_frame
( WBUTTON *Bptr, unsigned char type, unsigned char color )
int l, t, r, b;

l = (w0-> winleft) + (Bptr->Bx);
t = (w0-> wintop ) + (Bptr->By);
r = (w0-> winleft) + (Bptr->Bxend) -1;
b = (w0-> wintop) + (Bptr->Byend);

wframe (l, t, r, b, type, color );

/*---------------- end of WBUTTON.C ----------------------*/

  3 Responses to “Category : C Source Code
Archive   : WTWG12B.ZIP
Filename : WBUTTON.C

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: