Category : C Source Code
Archive   : WTWG12B.ZIP
Filename : W50LINE.C

Output of file : W50LINE.C contained in archive : WTWG12B.ZIP
/* w50line.c - control EGA/VGA display in text modes to 43/50 line
* USAGE: w50line ( ON_OFF );
* PARAMETER: ON_OFF = if 0, restore to 25 line mode
* non-0, set to 50/43 line
* RETURNS: int is50 = 0 if in 25 line mode,
* non-0 if in 50/43 line mode
* ALSO: changes winymax to 42,49, or 24 as needed.
* changes the size of wfullscreen, the initial fullscreen window.
* moves the cursor to within a 25-line window if needed.
* changes parameters governing multiple video pages.
* allows for 2 top protected lines if pulldown menus are installed.
* WARNINGS: When switching back to 25-line mode, this function
* does not check any currently open windows
* to make sure they are inside the 25-line screen.
* This function has no effect in graphics modes or on HERCULES cards.
* ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: The logic for switching to 43/50 line mode comes
* from DOS POWER TOOLS by Somerson.
#include "wsys.h"

static void clear50(void); /* prototype for atexit func */
static char exit_installed =0;

static char is50 =0;

#define BIOS_CURSOR_EMULATION *( (unsigned char far *) 0x0487L )

#define BIOS_PAGE_SIZE *( (int far *) 0x044CL )

int w50line ( int want50 )
int nlines;
unsigned char save_BIOS_CURSOR;


if (
( wmonitor == 'E' || wmonitor == 'V' )
#ifndef TEXTONLY
/* do nothing if in a graphics mode */
&& ( wmode == 'T' )
#endif /* TEXTONLY */
if ( want50 )
if ( !exit_installed )
/* install exit function only once per program
exit_installed = ON;
atexit (clear50);

/*set 8-byte font
_BX = 0; /* load font */
_AX = 0x1112;
INTERRUPT ( 0x10 );

wcurscanln = 0x0607;

/* force EGA cursor to correct size
* A fairly complex situation here.
* with 'cursor emulation' ON,
* EGA card converts row 6 to row 12 (for CGA compat.)
* so have to turn OFF cursor emulation, then set cur. row
BIOS_CURSOR_EMULATION |= 0x01; /* turn OFF emulation*/
_CX = 0x0600; /* cursor size request */
_AH = 1;
INTERRUPT ( 0x10 );
BIOS_CURSOR_EMULATION = save_BIOS_CURSOR; /* restore emul. */
outport ( 0x03B4, 0x0714 );

/* set number of screen lines
* dividing BIOS_PAGE_SIZE by 80 (=#columns) doesn't work
* for some reason in VGA BIOS page size is 64 bytes too big.
nlines = ( wmonitor == 'V' ) ? 50 : 43;

/* setup windows globals
wyabsmax = nlines -1;

/* adjust size of wfullscreen to allow for top menu
wfullscreen->winymax = nlines-1 - (wfullscreen->wintop);

/* clear lower half of screen to fullscreen color
wdefine ( 0, 25, wxabsmax+1, nlines-25, 0, 0, 0);
wsetattr ( wfullscreen-> winattr );
wclear ();

/* setup multiple pages if this is a 'paging' program
if ( wlastpage )
/* have to change the PAGE size to reflect smaller chars.
* also, for reasons totally unclear to me,
* the pages in 50-line mode are 32 chars =64 bytes longer.
* ie, 64 bytes are unused in VGA RAM at end of each page.
* and the pages in 43-line mode are something else.
* Therefore, get the page size form the BIOS storage area.
wlastpage = 3; /* pages 0, 1, 2, 3 = 4 total */
wpage_size = BIOS_PAGE_SIZE;
is50 = ON;
/* don't want50 */
#if 0
/*set BIOS to 25 line mode
_BX = 0;
_AX = 0x1111;

wcurscanln = 0x0C0D; /* cursor scan lines */

/* force EGA/VGA cursor to correct size
_CX = 0x0C0D; /* cursor size request */
_AX = 1;
INTERRUPT ( 0x10 );
outport ( 0x03B4, 0x0D14 );
#endif /* 0 */
/* NEW, easier way to restore 25-line mode
/* revert video using BIOS mode select
* MODE=3, bit 7 of AL =1 means save video contents
_AX = 0x0083;
INTERRUPT ( 0x10 );

nlines = 25;
wyabsmax = 24;

/* wfullscreen may have been shrunk by 2 lines by wpulldown()
wfullscreen->winymax = 24 - (wfullscreen-> wintop);
if ( w0 -> winy > 24 )
/* make sure cursor is inside 24-line boundary
wgoto ( -1, 24 );
if ( w0 != wfullscreen )
/* make sure wfullscreen is also inside 24-line boundary
if (wfullscreen-> winy > (wfullscreen->winymax) )
wfullscreen-> winy = (wfullscreen->winymax);

/* reset multiple pages if this is a 'paging' program
if ( wlastpage )
wlastpage = 7; /* pages 0..7 = 8 total */
wpage_size = 4096;
is50 = OFF;

/* the cursor was turned 'ON' during the above manipulation.
* if the cursor was 'OFF' prior to calling this routine,
* it should be turned 'OFF' again.
if ( (w0-> winflag & WFL_CURSOR) == 0 )
wcursor (OFF);

/* change mouse mvt limits to match nlines.
if ( wmouse.wms_present )
_DX = (nlines*8)-1;
_CX = 0;
_AX = 0x08;
INTERRUPT ( 0x33 );

} /* end if wmonitor== 'E' or 'V' and wmode=='T' */

return (is50); /* w50line() */

static void clear50 (void)
if ( is50 )
w50line ( OFF );
return; /* clear50() - called only atexit */

  3 Responses to “Category : C Source Code
Archive   : WTWG12B.ZIP
Filename : W50LINE.C

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: