Category : C Source Code
Archive   : WTWG12B.ZIP
Filename : DOSMENU.C

Output of file : DOSMENU.C contained in archive : WTWG12B.ZIP
static char helptext[] =

" DOSMENU - a menu program for batch files.\n"
" a list of menu choices, separated by spaces.\n"
" to place a space inside a line, use double quotes\n"
" optionally, the first parameter may start with a '!'\n"
" which case it is the menu title.\n"
" RETURN:\n"
" DOSMENU sets the errorlevel to the number of the choice, 1,2,3....\n"
" or to 0 if user pressed ESCAPE\n"
" NOTES:\n"
" remember that test for ERRORLEVEL is EQUAL OR GREATER than value\n"
" EXAMPLE (in a .BAT file):\n"
" DOSMENU !select \"word perfect\" dbase lotus\n"
" if ERRORLEVEL 3 goto :lotus\n"
" if ERRORLEVEL 2 goto :dbase ...NOTE tests for 2 or higher\n"
" if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto :wordpf ...NOTE tests for 1 or higher\n"
" goto :quit ...ERRORLEVEL=0 means ESCAPE\n"
" ... follow with labels :lotus :dbase :wordpf in .BAT file \n"
" copyright David Blum 1987, 1989";

/* to compile using TurboC and WTWG window toolkit:
* tcc -ms dosmenu.c wts.lib

#include "wtwg.h"

/* slide()
* utility routine. The argv list comes with element 0 pointing to prog name
* and no terminal NULL.
* Slide moves all the argv's down 1 and creates a terminal NULL
* also it translates underscores to spaces
static void slide ( int n, char **list );

static void slide ( int n, char **list )
char **next;
while ( --n )
next = list +1;
*list = *next;
list = next;
*list = NULL;


main (int argc, char **argv)
int code;
char *title;
char **list;

winit ('T');

if ( argc == 1 || argv[1][0] == '?' )
wputs (helptext);
exit (0);

slide (argc, argv);

if ( argv[0][0] == '!' )
/* first choice is a title
title = (argv[0])+1;
list = argv +1;
title = NULL;
list = argv;


code = wpicklist (title, list);

/* the returned code is 0 for first parm, 1 for second, so forth,
* but if user picked ESCAPE, the returned value points to the NULL
if ( argv[code] == NULL )
code = 0;

return (code);
/*------------------------ end of DOSMENU.C -------------------------*/

  3 Responses to “Category : C Source Code
Archive   : WTWG12B.ZIP
Filename : DOSMENU.C

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: