Category : C Source Code
Archive   : WTWG12B.ZIP
Filename : DEMOFORM.C

Output of file : DEMOFORM.C contained in archive : WTWG12B.ZIP
/* form demonstration program.
* This program sets up 2 different data entry form,
* one is easy (few fancy options)
* one is harder (fancy options included).


#include "wtwg.h"

static int integer_data = 0;
static float float_data = 0.0;
static char text_data[] = "whatever you want";
static char date_data[11] = "01/01/1989";
static char time_data[9] = "00:00:00";

WFORM easy_form[] =
WFORMENTRY_F (float_data), 20, 2, /* set x&y position of data */
WFORMENTRY_I (integer_data), 20, 3,
WFORMENTRY_S (text_data), 20, 4,
WFORMENTRY_DT(date_data), 20, 6,
WFORMENTRY_TM(time_data), 20, 7,

WFORMENTRY_END(), 60, 10 /* width & height of form */


/* setup a slightly more sophisticated form.

char *choices[] =

char animal[40] = "Sheep",
choice[10] = "Zero";

int pos_int = 1;
unsigned int hex = 0x01;

/* special functions for validating custom data types in dext form.
int no_cow (WFORM *form, char *buffer);
int no_neg (WFORM *form, char *buffer);

WFORM hard_form[] =
/* label user picklist format, func, len, HOLD x y */
"POSITIVE INTEGER= ",&pos_int, NULL, "%i", no_neg, 3, 0, 20, 4
,"HEXADECIMAL= ", &hex, NULL, "%x", NULL, 7, 0, 20, 6
,"A Label", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 20, 8
,"NOT A COW: ", animal, NULL, "%s", no_cow, sizeof(animal),0, 20, 10
,"SELECTION: ", choice,choices, "%s", NULL, sizeof(choice),0,20, 15
,NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, wfvall, 0, 0,40, 20

main ()
char key;

int testmode;
int n;
char *user_choice;
char buffer[25];

winit ('T');

testmode = wpromptc ( "> DEMO <", "Select a mode",
"Text", "Graphics", NULL );

if ( testmode == 'G' )
winit ('G');
if ( testmode == ESCAPE )
exit (0);
whelp_install ( "demoform" ); /* pass name of help file */

wmsdrag (); /* install feature to make all windows draggable by mouse */

wclear ();
wputs ( "DEMO of picklists, string input, and form input\n"
" -click upper left corner of any window to move it with mouse\n"
" -during string input, click upper right to set INSERT mode\n"
" or use the INSERT key\n"
" -right mouse button is equivalent to ESCAPE key\n"

/* PART I - demo wpicklist () function for selecting
* a string from a NULL-terminated list
* Note call to wsetlocation() forces wpicklist() location onscreen.
* see wtwg.h for details on wsetlocation.
wsetlocation ( WLOC_ATXY, 3, 7 );
n = wpicklist ( "Pick One", choices );
user_choice = choices [n];

if ( user_choice == NULL )
user_choice = "You pressed ESCAPE";
wpromptc ( "YOUR CHOICE", user_choice, NULL );

/* PART II - demo wprompts() for single string input.
buffer[0] =0; /* make sure you don't prime wgets() with garbage data */

wprompts ("PROMPT FOR TEXT", "Your name? ", buffer, sizeof(buffer));

wpromptc (" YOU TYPED ", buffer, NULL );

/* PART III - demonstrate form input using easy_form
wfm_autoskip = 0; /* actually, 0 is default, this line not needed */

wscanform( "AUTOSKIP OFF", easy_form );

wfm_autoskip = WFM_AUTOSKIP;
wscanform( "AUTOSKIP ON", easy_form );

wopen ( 5,5, 60, 15, (RED<<4)+YELLOW, SPECKLE_BORDER,(RED<<4)+YELLOW, 0);
wtitle ( " form results " );
wprintf ("\ntext:%s, int:%i, float:%f, date:%s, time:%s",
text_data, integer_data, float_data, date_data, time_data);

wfm_autoskip = 0;

/* PART III of demo: trickier form stuff
if ( wmonitor == 'E' || wmonitor == 'V' )
/* splashy (ugly) color demo
wfmatr_lbl = (MAGENTA<<4)+YELLOW ;
wfmatr_lbl_active = (RED<<4)+YELLOW;
wfmatr_border = ( LIGHTRED<<4 )+YELLOW ; /* BLINKS in text mode */
wfmatr_title = ( LIGHTGRAY <<4 )+RED;
wfmatr_data = (MAGENTA<<4) + LIGHTCYAN;
wfmatr_data_active = (CYAN<<4);
wfm_border_type = SPECKLE_BORDER;

n = wscanform ( "any form title here", hard_form);

wopen ( 2,2, wxabsmax-2, 5, (LIGHTGRAY<<4)+RED,

wprintf ("YOU ENTERED name=%s, positive int data =%i, "
"choice=%s, hex data = %x; and you pressed %s",
animal, pos_int, choice, hex,
(n == ESCAPE)? "ESCAPE" : "ENTER" );


wprintform ("display only version", hard_form);

wclose(); /* closes the window wopen'd by wprintform */

wgoto ( wxabsmax/2 -3, wyabsmax/2); /* approx. center */
wputs ("GOODBYE");


/* the next line forces the linker to include the floating point library
* wscanform uses f.p. library ONLY if float data is specified
* but it is coded in a way that the linker won't necessarily recognize
* as requiring f.p. (dynamically built arg list to vsprintf)
* so if you have f.p. data in your form,
* your program MUST do some f.p. character conversion.
float_data = atof ("1.234");

return(0); /* main */

/* demo how to write any type of validation function for special form types.
* This function rejects the word "COW"
int no_cow (WFORM *form, char *buffer)
int rc =0;
if (memicmp (buffer, "cow", 3) == 0)
wform_showerror (form, "Illegal data -- \"cow\"");
strcpy ( buffer, "sheep");
rc = 1;
return (rc); /* no_cow */

/* This function rejects negative numbers.
int no_neg (WFORM *form, char *buffer)
int rc = 0;
if ( atoi (buffer) < 0)
wform_showerror (form, "No negative numbers, please.");
wform_showerror (form, NULL);
rc =1;
return (rc); /* no_neg */

  3 Responses to “Category : C Source Code
Archive   : WTWG12B.ZIP
Filename : DEMOFORM.C

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: