Category : C Source Code
Archive   : WTWG12A.ZIP
Filename : WTWG.DOC

Output of file : WTWG.DOC contained in archive : WTWG12A.ZIP
HEADER: MAIN documentation file for 'WTWG' windows system;
TITLE: Window Text/Window Graphics

DATE: 6/31/90

DESCRIPTION: This file contains an overview of the windows routines
provided on these disks, installation instructions and use notes.

KEYWORDS: windows, keyboard, mouse, text, graphics, expanded memory, menus;
SYSTEM: MS-DOS v3.0, probably works with v2.0 but untested;

SEE-ALSO: files on this disk named *.doc, demo*.c

defines.doc - documentation of struct, typedef, #defines etc
funcs.doc - documentation of specific function calls.

demo*.c - demo programs showing main features.

AUTHOR: David Blum

old address:
1710 Glyndon Ave
Venice, CA 90291

new address:

8039 North 1st Street
Phoenix, AZ 85020

COMPILERS: Turbo C v2.0, Microsoft C v5.1


The routines in these libraries provide screen, keyboard, and
mouse management in either text or graphics modes for Turbo C
version 2, TurboC++ and Microsoft C v5.

This file is an introduction to the ideas behind WTWG, providing
definitions of basic terms (like window, MOUSE, and BUTTON), and
an overview of the available functions. More detailed
documentation is in the other .DOC files ( FUNCS.DOC,
DEFINES.DOC, etc ). There are several demo programs as well.


NOTE: complete package actually spans several disks.

HEADER.DSK - C Users group standard submission header

.DOC files - Documentation is in this file and define.doc and funcs.doc

.H files: #include "window.h" - used by all program

Demonstration programs are in demo*.*
Source for the demos is demo*.c.
TurboC project files are demo*.prj
(Microsoft C - create similar *.mak for quick C)
On-line Help for the demonstration programs is in demo*.HLP and demo*.HX
The .BAT files Tdemo.BAT / Mdemo.BAT make and run the demos
using the command line compilers
for Turbo and Microsoft C respectively.

Several utility programs are included:
makehx.exe - create help 'index' file from help text file
(used by online-help functions)
(input: filename.HLP output: filename.HX )
txt2mcr.exe - convert ASCII text file to key macro
(input: filename.TXT output: filename.MCR )
(see DEMOMACR.C for examples) - filter for directory listings.
(see TMAKE.BAT or WMAKE.BAT for example of use)
type the prog name without arguments for help.

The lib files provided are W*.LIB ( for TurboC ) and MW*.LIB ( MSC )

WTS.LIB, WGS.lIB -two small-model libraries for TurboC are on disk.
WTS.LIB provides almost all of the routines in the larger library
but is specific for text mode, and will run on CGA, EGA/VGA,
or HERCULES monitors. If WTS.LIB is specified in a .PRJ or
.MAK file, no graphics mode functions will be linked in,
providing a smaller .EXE

WGS.LIB (TurboC) contains all the routines for both text and graphics
modes. In almost all cases the use of the routines is transparent.
This is accomplished by creating a 'text-mode' coordinate system
and superimposing it on the grpahics-mode cordinates. The two
cordinate systems may be referenced independently.

WGL.LIB (TurboC) is the large model graphics and text library.

WGY.LIB and WGYO.LIB are large model VROOM-compatible libs
for resident- and overlaid modules, respectively.

MWGM.LIB is the microsoft medium model graphics and text library.

The source disk includes:
w*.c - source for all windows routines. The source code is HEAVILY
commented, honest. 100% C no assembly code.
wsys.h and wscreen.h - headers used only by the w*.c routines
whelp.h - used internally by help routines whelp.c and makehx.c
msc.h - irons out some diferences between TurboC and Microsoft C
'utility' source code: dir2bat.c, makehx.c, text2mcr.c
.BAT files for building the libraries from the source code
(Twmake.bat, Mwmake.bat, Mnewmake.bat, Mblank.bat)

The source disk is archived, and includes the extraction utility.


Make a subdirectory under \tc named windows, copy this disk into the

The graphics routines initialize the BGI assuming that the .BGI and
.CHR files are in a directory named "C:\\TC". A global variable,
wpath_BGI, points to the string "C:\\TC". If you keep the BGI files in a
different directory, you should change the global variable prior to
initializing with winit('G');

Tell TurboC how to find these libraries:
command line compiler:
create a TURBOC.CFG file (or modify your current file)
(in the C:\TC directory)
with the lines: -IC:\TC\INCLUDE;C:\TC\WINDOWS
and use the DOS command PATH C:\;C:\DOS;\C:\TC
(modified for your disk setup)
integrated environment:
slightly different for TurboC and TurboC++, essentially like this:

Compile and run the demo programs either by:
Command line: run TDEMO.BAT
integrated environment: select project file demo*.prj,
be sure 'use registers' is ON
be sure 'link graphics lib' is ON
Run -> Run

If you have TurboC++, use PRJCNVT.EXE to make new-style .PRJ files.
See the TurboC documentation.

INSTALLATION - Microsoft C ( "msc" )

Make a subdirectory named windows under \msc ( or wherever msc is located ),
copy the WTWG files into the subdirectory.

Make sure that environment variables LIB and INCLUDE are defined as
done in the msc installation, and add the \msc\windows directory.

These routines were ported to microsoft C from TurboC. Microsoft C
lacks some of the ammenities of TurboC. If you recompile the source
code in a model other than MEDIUM, be sure to define a symbol stating
the memory model, ie: __SMALL__ or __LARGE__. See the header file
wsys.h (on the source code disk) for details.

Use MDEMO.BAT to compile, link and run the demos.


Same as Microsoft C. The library provided, MWGM.LIB can be referenced
on the QCL command line (be sure to specify /AM and graphics.lib), or
you can use LIB to extract the medium-model object modules and then
QLIB to create a QUICK LIBRARY. Tell Quick C environment which directories
too look in.

The quick C preprocessor has some unpleasant quirks and will not
compile the demo program demomenu.c.


This package was written using TurboC v2.0. In Turbo C, the
symbol __TURBOC__ is defined (unless STDC is selected). If the
preprocessor symbol __TURBOC__ is not defined, the programs assume
Microsoft C is the compiler, and will include msc.h. Differences
between msc and TC are spelled out in msc.h.

For the most part, the code is plain-ANSI compatible and should be
easy to port. A few noteworthy exceptions:
1) In-line interrupts and registers. See WSYS.H for explanation of
methods used for in-line interrupts and register assignements.
This method should be transparent in porting to any other compiler
that uses a Microsoft-C like 'int86(intno, ®struct, ®struct)'
method of generating interrupts. Just redefine INTERRUPT(intno) macro.
2) outport () in Microsoft C is outp().
3) file WBGI.C contains the code for interfacing these routines
with the compiler-provided graphics package (in this case, BGI).
The overall layout of the file is:
...start of file
#ifdef __TURBOC__
...code for TC version
...code for MSC version
...end of file
To port to some other C compiler, replace the MSC version and be
sure __TURBOC__ is undefined

4) wdraw() contains some TurboC specific graphics calls and data
types. These should be very easy to port if your graphics package
supports XOR pixel drawing in graphics mode. MSC doesn't. I
couldn't get them to work with Microsfoft C.

5) wclockinstall() uses interrupts to install an onscreen clock
This doesn't work right in Microsoft C, because of 'stack' errors.
It should be easy to fix for someone who knows more microsoft C than
I do. The routine works, but is quirky, in EGA/VGA graphics modes
but works well in any text mode and hercules graphics. Also, wsysrq.c
did not work in MSC, you may need to make changes there if
you want this feature.

6) Quick C - the QC preprocessor is non-standard and some of the
routines will not compile correctly; at least they generate error
messages. MSC 5 preprocessor works, though.


These routines were tested with the following TurboC options:
-r = register variables. MUST BE ON in all modules that call
these routines. Your computer will lock up if not.
-K = default char is unsigned. Conform to ANSI standard.
-N- and -k- Use non-standard stack frame.
-1 = generates 80x86 code. older machines may not run these
routines as provided, they would need to be recompiled.
IF YOU HAVE AN OLD PC (ie, 8088 not 8086), buy the source
code and recompile.
alignment - the routines were compiled with alignment OFF.
However, all of the data structures are self-aligning,
so it shouldn't matter.

Specify either WTS.LIB or WG$.LIB where $=model (L/S)

VROOM overlays (TURBO C and C++)

The batch file twmakey.bat makes two separate __LARGE__ libraries for
VROOM: wgy.lib contains portions that stay resident,
wgyo.lib contains overlay / swappable modules.

I arbitrarily made the choice that resident routines should be a
mininum support for basic input and output. This allows some
basic functions to be used in interrupt handlers and
time-critical code. You can open/close windows, save/restore,
clear, draw borders and titles, write chars and strings using
wputc/wputs (not wprintf), and get user input using wkbd_
functions. No higher level kbd input is supported (mouse, wgetc,
buttons, wpromptc, wgets, wprompts, wpicklist, wscanform,...)

The interrupt routines wSysRq, wclock, and winDOS are resident.

Fancier routines for screen configuration (paging, 43/50 line
toggle, palette manipulation), and keyboard manipulation keyboard
pipes, traps, macros, online help, wungetc(), as well as all
mouse routines, are all overlaid.


These routines are compiled with size optimization and byte alignment.
They should work even if word alignment is selected. Specify /J for unsigned
characters. If you get the source code, and recompile in other memory models,
you should #define a symbol specifying the model ( ie: __LARGE__ or __SMALL__ )

---------------------HOW TO USE THESE ROUTINES-----------------------------


At the start of your program winit('T') or winit('G').

Be sure to use capital letters -- winit ('t') will NOT work.

Special initializations:
* mulitple video pages: call winit_pages( mode ) instead of winit.
you may call one and then the other.
* DeskView programs: IMMEDIATELY after call to winit(mode), call wdvinit().
tested only with one video page, text mode.

Shutdown is automatic. Never call _exit() or abort(). Use exit()
instead. On return from main() or on execution of an exit()
function, the video state will be restored, cursor turned on,
expanded memory returned to the system, and any disk storage
('virtual memory') used will be erased.


The routine werror() assigns an exit code, restores the video
mode, and writes an error message, then shuts down the program.

If you use perror(), or puts(), or even wputs() in a graphics
mode program, or on a high video page, then your error message
will be lost when the video mode is restored. Even worse, using
some other windows packages, if you call exit() from a bizarre
video mode, your PC screen will be unreadable (especially
hercules). The werror() routine solves all these problems.

If you run out of memory, malloc() returns NULL. If you test for
this and then write an error message, and then exit, your message
might get lost (when the graphics mode changes back to text mode
the screen is erased). The shutdown routine requires some
available memory. Instead, use wmalloc() or wfarmalloc() or
wrealloc() to correctly handle the situation of running out of
memory. Testing is done for you, and error messages are dealt with


Most windows packages for the IBM PC operate in text mode only. It
takes about 4k of ram to save a text-mode full screen image, so memory
isn't a big deal for text mode. For graphics mode, especially on color
monitors (depending on resolution, etc) it can take > 100 k to save a
screen. This is an impractical amount of ram to use for most serious
graphics programs. Most large graphics-oriented programs require
expanded memory, but not all PC's have this feature. The solution is a
'heap' composed of 'virtual' memory.

The libraries include a memory management routine that allocates
'heap' memory from expanded memory, the DOS far heap, or a disk file, as
needed. The actual location of the data is transparent to the calling
routines. Memory use is ultimately limitted only by available disk space.

The routines that manage this service are named wheap..., and are
described in detail in funcs.doc.

Unfortunately, to achieve this the manager allocates a 64k buffer
for disk I/O. This means that you can't debug programs using the
TurboC integrated environment unless you have expanded memory
in your system. To allow for debugging, a separate version of the
memory management routine, heapdbg.c, is provided. Place this
module name in your .PRJ/.MAK file ahead of the WG$.LIB name. Ignore
the 'duplicate module' linker warnings. This module doesn't do disk
allocation or exp. mem. and so allocatable memory is limitted, but
with it you can run the integrated debugger, TD, or CodeView.

Finally, for programs in the large memory model, the routines
wmalloc() and wrealloc() guarantee a return of a NORMALIZED
pointer. If you use these routines exclusively, and never call
malloc, calloc, realloc, or similar, you will avoid segmentation
errors (very difficult to debug, intermittant errors in large
pgms). The file WSYS.H (intended only for compiling the WTWG
source code) contains a NORMALIZE macro that adjusts the
segment/offset values of far *ptrs to help completely avoid these
problems. If you always use wmalloc() or wfarmalloc() you
shouldn't have to worry about it, as the pointers are NORMALIZED
for you. NOTE added 6/31/91 for version 1.2: If you use C++ the
NORMALIZE macro has to be redefined to include a typecast. All
WTWG routines are written in C. Future releases will be in C++
but will use a separate NORMALIZE macro.


All the public symbols in this package begin with 'w...' and are declared
in window.h. You should have no problems with duplicate names.

x refers to horizontal co-ordinates. y refers to vertical
co-ordinates. Counting starts at 0.

Members of structures all have names that imply their parentage.
(ie, member of structure WMOUSE giving x position is wms_x)
Defined values for flags all have names that imply which flag they refer to
(ie, flag governing style for text output is winputsyle
flag value setting wrapping to next line is WPUTWRAP)


In some windows systems (especially Microsoft WINDOWS) your
windows are asked to 'redraw' themselves. This makes for complex

programs. Other window systems keep in-memory images of the
window and redraw the windows for you. This system does neither.
Programming effort and execution overhead (both speed and RAM)
are less than other systems. The disadvantage is you can't write
true multitasking programs using this package.

After initialization, a full-screen window is automatically open. Full
screen operation using wputs() wprintf() wputc() can proceed
identically to ANSI stream output. Alternatively, smaller windows can
be openned and closed.

The global variable w0 always points to the current open window.
Members of the WINDOW structure can be accessed. For instance,
w0-> winx gives the current x position (starts at 0).
w0-> winxmax gives the highest valid x position.
w0-> winattr gives the current attribute.
etc. see WINDOW.H

Windows are kept on a LIFO stack. Calling wopen() creates a window,
wclose() closes the most recently created window. The most recently created
window is the active window. Be sure your sub-routines close any
windows they open, leaving the stack set up correctly for calling routines.

The order of the stack can be changed by calling wreopen() to
place an older window on top of the stack, or wbury() to place
the current window on the bottom of the stack. This obviously
requires some caution. You can wreopen() the full screen window at any
time by calling wreopen (wfullscreen). Be sure to wbury() it when


A consistent co-ordinate system is used. Variable names
containing the three letters 'abs' refer to screen coordinates
(0,0 = top left). Position variables without 'abs' in them are
relative to the current window. In all function prototypes,
x=horizontal, y=vertical and the order is always x,y. Coordinate
numbering starts with 0 (NOT 1) and ends with winxmax/winymax
(or wxabsmax/wyabsmax). Variables with 'max' in the name specify
the largest valid value for that co-ord, ie: wxabsmax is the
largest valid x-value which is typically 79 for an 80-column
screen. Do not assume that wxabsmax is always 79: on Hercules
monitors in graphics modes it is 89 (720 pixels = 90 characters
accross). If you add Super VGA support (800*600 is easy), then
wpxabsmax =799 and wxabsmax=99. winxmax refers only to the
current window and is referenced as a member of the WINDOW
structure (ie: w0->winxmax). Variables with 'px' or 'py' refer to
pixels rather than text-mode character counts; ie, w0->wpxmax is
the largest valid horizontal pixel number in the current window
and wpxabsmax is the largest valid horizontal pixel on the

For all routines that refer to absolute positions (wxabs, wyabs), x
is horizontal and y is vertical. Counting begins at (0,0) in the
upper left corner of the screen. In graphics modes, wpxabs, wpyabs
values refer to absolute pixel count, (0,0) being top left corner of

Within a window, a local co-ordinate system is used with (0,0)

being the upper left corner of the open window, wherever that is
on screen. For a window that has 10 columns, the value of w0->winxmax
would be 9. Text output would take place at the current position in
the window which is given by w0->winx and w0->winy. The same sort
of coordinates apply in graphics modes, counting pixels.

Example:( w0->winxmax ) is the last valid x value in the current window.
( w0->winx ) is the current x co-ord in the current window.

The first 2 parameters to wopen() specify x,y of left top postion
of first text byte in the window. Any borders are above and to
left of this spot. The next 2 parameters are the number of
columns ( xmax+1 ) and number of rows (ymax +1) in the window,
again not counting borders. Window co-ordinates are referenced
starting at 0, but the number of rows/columns desired is
referenced starting at 1.

wsetlocation() and wlocate() can be used to automatically place a
window using co-ordinates relative to screen top/left; screen
center, current window, or current cursor position. These
functions simplify coding self-centering windows or windows that
should be located at the current text location. Routines which
create self-adjusting windows include wgets() wpromptc() wform().


Text can be sent to the screen via wputc() wputs() or wprintf(). The
'current location' is updated appropriately. You can discover the
current location by referencing w0->winx and w0->winy. The next byte
of text ouput will take place at that spot. You can change that spot
with wgoto(new_x, new_y).

The behavior of wputc/wputs/wprintf at line endings and at the bottom
of a window is called the 'put style' and is controlled by the
variable (w0->winputstyle). The 'put style' for the current window can be
changed. By default these behave exactly like their ANSI
counterparts putc/puts/printf, ie at the last column text wraps to
the beginning of the next line, and after the last line the window is
scrolled up one line. ANSI escape code are honored. Within each window,
different text behavoirs can be specified. Text wrapping at the end of
a line and window scrolling after the last line can be turned off. ANSI
escape sequences can be processed or ignored and printed. \n can generate
a CR/LF or just a LF. All these choices are set with the flag w0->winputstyle.
When the window is closed, the previous window's put style is restored.
See defines.doc for more details.

Window colors are specified as 'unsigned char.' The first 4 bits
specify the background, the low 4 bits set the foreground. See the
definitions in WINDOW.H. For example,
wsetattr( (RED<<4)+YELLOW ) sets yellow letters on red bkgnd.
wgetattr() returns the current attribute as 'unsigned char'

On hercules monitors, in text mode, the colors behave just like for
other programs ( GREEN = white, BLUE=underline, RED=invisible ). In
graphics mode, only colors that include GREEN or BLUE will be white,
all others will be black. So, (GREEN<<4)+YELLOW is a bad choice
becuase in Hercules graphics mode it will show up as solid
(unreadable). This is called 'dithering.' The HP laserjet driver
whplj_dump() uses the same dithering scheme so if you are
consistent in you choice of colors your programs will look OK on

The cursor is managed automatically: it is off by default and turned
on by wgets() when the user has to type something. On exit it is
turned on again. In graphics modes for user input (typing) a
pseudo-cursor is created. In text mode, if you really want a cursor,
you can call wturn_cursor (ON) or wturn_cursor (OFF), but most of
the time it is handled for you.


The program detects the enhanced keyboard at startup. The
nonsense about character/scan code (see TurboC manual for
getch()) is handled automatically - a single call to wgetc()
always returns a single character. Becuase the number of
characters available on the enh. kbd is large, the return type of
wgetc() is an 'int'. The range is -32k to +32k. For actual keys
on the keyboard, only 1 thru about 300 are used. Value 128 is
reserved for the mouse. All routines that ask for or return
keyboard values expect 'int' data; if you use 'char' or 'unsigned
char' errors may occur.

Wgetc() does several things:
1) mouse and keyboard are 'merged' into one virtual device.
2) hotkeys are searched for and specified routines called.
(examples are in demomenu, demomacr, demohkey)
3) keyboard input can be trapped and sent to a file, or
redirection can be done to read a file as keyboard input.
4) If the user doesn't press a key after 3 minutes the screen is
blanked. This happens in text or graphics, EGA/VGA/HERCULES.

Example: int keystroke; /* 'char keystroke' would be wrong */
keystroke = wgetc();
if ( keystroke == FKEY(1) ) {...}
if ( keystroke == ESCAPE ) {...}
if ( keystroke == ALT_TAB ) {...} /* actual value is 293 */
if ( keystroke == WMOUSE ) {...} /* mouse used */

MOUSE use is automatic. 2- and 3-button mice are supported. The mouse is
turned off when not actually accepting user input to allow graphic-mode
screen drawing without garbage onscreen (try turning mouse ON and drawing
a circle with the mouse moving on a VGA/EGA screen). When the video display
is changed to a high page number the mouse is disabled if the monitor/
mode combination requires that (not all monitors and mode support the
mouse on pages higher than page 0). If you want to display the mouse cursor
at other times, use wmouse_turn (ON) and wmouse_turn(OFF) but BE SURE to
use these calls in pairs or the poor little critter will get confused.

If you add a Super VGA 800*600 driver (available thru 3rd
parties for TurboC), you need to code a mouse driver. Most mouse
drivers do not work in 800*600 mode. My version was written by a
friend for me and I can't release it. I might rewrite using
different methods in the future and if I do I will release that

When the mouse is used, wgetc() returns the value MOUSE. If the right
button on the mouse is pressed, wgetc() returns ESCAPE (ie: right
button always performs ESCAPE key function) After testing for
(keystroke==MOUSE), you should check the global structure 'wmouse' to
see what was done with the mouse. The elements contained in wmouse are
documented in define.doc.

keystroke = wgetc();
if ( keystroke == MOUSE )
if ( wmouse.wms_inwindow )
...mouse is inside current window
if ( wmouse.wms_used & WMS_LEFT_RLS )
... released left button
if ( wmouse.wms_x == 3 )
...mouse is at x=3 in current window co-ords

See demomous for other examples.

wgets() allows typing of text into an area of screen, and places results in
a string that you specify. You set the maximum length of the input field.
Don't forget the string size MUST include the terminal \0. ie YES=4 bytes long.
The original contents of the string are displayed before the user types
anything. Text input begins at the current location and 'wraps' around to
next line if needed. Simple editting includes
CTRL-Y (delete to end),
CTRL-O (replace with original version).
ESCAPE quits text entry without changing the contents of the original data.
This function works in either text- or graphics- modes. In graphics modes,
a pseudo-cursor is created. In text mode, the PC hardware cursor is
temporarily turned ON, then turned off at exit.

BUTTONS are areas onscreen that the mouse can point to and select.
Mouse selection of a BUTTON is translated to a key value that you
associated with the button. See demomous (or calls to wpromptc() in
any of the demos). Ex:

wbutton_add ( "Press Me", 3, 5, 9, 'P', WBTN_BOX );
/* The words Press Me are placed at x=3, y=5 in a
box of length 8+1. (1 is for terminal NULL)
The value 'P' is assigned to the button.
wbutton_add ( "F10 - QUIT", 3, 8, 11, FKEY(10), 0 );
/* The words F10 - QUIT are placed at x=3, y=8
for length 10+1. No box is drawn.
The value FKEY(10) is assigned to the button.
keystroke = wgetc ();
/* if the left button was released with the mouse in
...the 1st button area defined above, keystroke='P'
...the 2nd button area, keystroke= FKEY(10)
NOTE also:
if P was pressed on the keyboard, keystroke='P', not 'p'
if F10 was pressed, keystroke = FKEY(10)
if ( keystroke == 'P' )
... either mouse click in button or 'P' on
if ( keystroke == FKEY(10) )

SCROLLBARS are vertical bars that can be set to a 'value' by
positioning on them with the mouse. Scrollbars are created with
wscrollbar_add(), just like wbutton_add(). A unique keystorke code is
assigned to the scrollbar, which should not be a valid keyboard key (ie, -1
works, so does 600) You specify screen location and length of scrollbar,
and a 'virtual range'. The 'value' of the scrollbar will then be a
'long int' between 0 and the virtual range. The function wscrollbar_scroll()
tracks the mouse while the left button is down and returns the new value for
the scrollbar. You can redraw the pointer on the scrollbar to show a new
value by calling wscrollbar_reset(). See demomous.c for example.

Higher level interaction with the user is done with:
wpromptc() - prompt for a single keystroke.
CAUTION: remember to give NULL as the lst argument!!!
wprompts() - prompt for a string of specified lenght.
wpicklist()- chose an item from a NULL terminated list of strings.
wscanform()- get multiple items of data, with validation.
wscrollbar_scroll() - mouse scrollbars.
wdraw () - TurboC graphics mode only - draw lines, rectangles, etc


HOTKEYS are keys that activate a routine independent of the main
program. If you have TurboC, in the integrated environment, the
F-keys are all hotkeys. Similar for QuickC.

The easy way to install a hotkey handler is to call the
whotkey_install() function, specifying both the key value and the

void myfunc (void); /* function that does something */

winit ( mode );
whotkey_install ( HOME, myfunc );

The function myfunc will be called whenever the HOME key is
pressed. If the function is already active at the time of the
keypress, it will not be called twice, and the keystroke will be
passed thru. See demohkey for examples.

A number of useful hotkey routines are provided in the WTWG
package including: context sensitive help ( whelp_install ),
pulldown menus ( wpulldown ), HP laserjet screen dump (
whplj_install ), and ability to use the mouse center button to
act like a hotkey ( wmspopup & wpopfkey ) and a simple keyboard
macro recorder ( wmacro_install ).

Note that this allows you to write traditional programs (the
program controls when keyboard action takes place and what is
done with user actions) or 'event-driven' programs (the keyboard
manager gets a key and decides which routine should be given the
new input). If your program has one main routine that asks the
user a series of questions and then takes action, there is no
need for hotkeys, menus, etc... If the majority of your program
is reached by hotkeys (or pulldown menus, which are implemented
as a hotkey) then it is 'event-driven.' Such programs are made up
of many void funcs(void) that communicate with each other by way
of global-scope variables.

A more complex, and more flexible, way to install hotkeys is to
point the global variable 'wkeytrap' to the function that scans
for the key and executes the sub-task. Be sure to hang on to the
addresses any previously installed hotkey routines and 'chain' to
them in your hotkey routine, otherwise the help and menu systems
won't work (or any other hotkeys you invent). If your hotkey is
pressed, the routine that handles it should return 0, indicating
that another keystroke is needed. If the key is not your hotkey,
return the key itself. If you use the first method, you won't
have to worry about this stuff.

static int (*prev)(int) =NULL;
/* save previous hotkey routine for chaining */
static int installed =0;
/* prevent mult. installations */

int hotkey (int key)
if ( prev )
/* chain to previous hotkey routine.
which may return '0' (ie, swallows the key.)
key = (*prev)(key);

/* routine handles hot key functions */
if (key == HOTKEY_VALUE)
/* do something interesting */
return (0); /* swallow hotkey, get another key */
return (key); /* return key */


void install_hotkey (void)
if ( installed ) return;
prev = wkeytrap; /* save previous hotkey */
wkeytrap = hotkey;
installed =1;

Within the source code of the library, example programs that use
the complex method of creating hotkeys may be found in wpulldn.c
(pulldn menus - checks for ALT_letter and for mouse click on menu
bar) and wmspopup.c (checks for mouse center button).


Popup menus are lists of choices that the user can make. In WTWG,
popup menus are created by the function wpicklist(). You pass the
function a title for your menu, and a pointer to an array of
strings (one string for each choice), terminated by NULL.
wpicklist(title, list) displays the lsit, allows the user to
choose one element, and returns the element number (first element
is #0). If the user presses ESCAPE, the return value is equal to
the number of choices. You can use the return value as an index
to the list of choices.


int choice;
char *my_list[] = {"ONE","TWO","THREE","FOUR",NULL};

choice = wpicklist ( "Choose a number", my_list );
/* a box with the choices pops on the screen
* and disappears after a choice is made

if ( my_list [choice] == NULL )
... user pressed ESCAPE...
... choice=0 means selection was "ONE", etc...

If you have TurboC++ you can also use some WTWG-extension
functions released separately to C users group. These functions
will create file directory lists as pop-up menus, etc...


Large programs are neatly organized by pulldown menus. Each
choice in a menu is either a sub-menu or a function. The
functions are declared as: void menu_func (void); The menu
manager then acts as an event-driven interface, so your functions
are called only when the user activates the menu.

Pulldown menus are created from a tree of tables, organized
hierarchically. Each table is an array of the type WMENU (
a typedef defined in window.h). One table element produces one
menu choice. Nested menus are created by setting a pointer in the
WMENU structure to another table of WMENUs. Each table element
references a function of type void with no parameters (ie: void
menu-func(void) ), these functions do the indicated tasks. You
can place all the startup code and menu tables in one file, and
place the functions in other files, and so build complex programs
by a mix-and-match approach. At program startup, call
wpulldown_install() to setup the menu onscreen. This routine also
places a 'trap' in wgetc() so any 'hotkey' from the menu table is
recognized and control is passed to the menu. Menu items may also
be selected by mouse. F1 gives context-sensitive help for each
item in the menu tree. See the example in demomenu.c.


Complex data-entry forms are supported using a table-driven
approach. Each element in a WFORM table is of type WFORM ( a
typedef defined in window.h ). The WFORM table also specifies the
size of the form onscreen. Many data types are supported, and
provision is made for custom data validation, allowing
arbitrarily complex data types. Some simple macros are provided
to allow WFORM tables to be created easily. These include string,
integer, float, date, and time. Data items can automatically
invoke a pop-up list of choices. Context-sensitive help is
integrated into the form manager; F1 provides help for each
individual item in the form. See the examples in demoform.c.


Online context-sensitive help is supported. Place the text of
your help in a file called helpfile.HLP. Help topics are
identified by starting with the character '@'in column 1. The
text for that topic follows. Text should be 50 columns by 5
lines, per topic. Examples of help files are demomenu.hlp.

The next step is to use the program MAKEHX.EXE to create a 'help
index' file which will be named helpfile.HX. From the DOS prompt
type: makehx helpfile. Then, in your 'C' program, install
the online help program with: whelp_install ( "helpfile" ); The
help topic changes appropriately with different choices in
pulldown menus or with different input lines in FORMS. You can
also change the help index explicitly. See the sample files on
the disk (*.HLP) and the demo programs DEMOFORM.C and DEMOMENU.C


0) Starting counts incorrectly at 1, rather than 0. In this coordinate
system, the upper left corner of a window is 0,0 and winxmax is
the actual value of last valid x-byte not 1 higher, etc.
Correctly coded loop: for(n=0; n<= w0->winxmax; ++n)

1) forgetting to call winit() or using lower case letters in call to
winit(). System hangs. Correct: winit('G') for graphics mode or
winit('T') for text mode. Incorrect: winit('t');

2) requesting 1 byte too few in call to wopen becuase wopen needs
actual number of rows and columns. should be winxmax+1. Also,
the border is not counted in the request for window size, but
does affect window placement and whether window fits

3) forgetting terminal NULL argument in call to wpromptc(). Program
terminates with message 'window out of bounds' or junk onscreen.
Correct call:
key= wpromptc("TITLE", "QUESTION?", "ANSWER 1", "2", NULL);
Incorrect call:
key = wpromptc ( "QUESTION", "1", "2" );

Similarly, don't forget terminal NULL on list of ptrs to wpicklist(),
and don't forget NULL terminating entries for menus and forms.

4) creating a 'hotkey' routine by the complex method and
forgetting to chain to previous hotkeys. Use whotkey_install() instead.
See wmsdrag.c for example of how to do it the complex way.

5) function called by pulldown menu program MUST quit if ESCAPE key is
typed, but may require multiple ESCAPEs for confirmation. If you
forget this, and do not return after ESCAPE, program may go into
infinite loop.

6) Forgetting to wclose() a window - you eventually run out of memory,
or subsequent calls to wclose() will close the wrong window, and
then output will go the the wrong window, garbage will show up
onscreen, etc... Some functions return ptrs to windows wopen()ed
by that function call, so the window has to be wclose() 'd by you
after return. ie, wdraw() returns a ptr to a structure it allocates
(see demomous), and wfprintfm() returns a ptr to a window it openned
that needs to be closed (see demoform()). Etc...

7) Using wreopen() to place an earlier window on top of the stack, and
then returning. The window stack order is confused, and the wrong
window gets wclose()'d.

8) Forgetting the terminal NULL when specifying string sizes. The
standard C function strlen() returns the number of bytes NOT
COUNTING the terminal \0. You should add 1. This affects the
following: wgets(), wbuttton_add(), data entry forms, many

9) WFORM - onscreen form abruptly scrolls out of view and program hangs.
3 possibilities: 1) bug in wscanform() fixed in version 1.2
2) first or last item in WFORM table[] is a label
(ie: no data item). Move labels to center of table.
3) lengths of labels are too long
Labels must fit on line to left of start of data.

10) garbge onscreen when using wgets() or wprompts() ( or wscanform )
You did not initialize the string storage area to blanks or \0.

11) compiler errors: unable to open file 'wtwg.h' or 'stdio.h'
You installed WTWG into its own directory (a good idea)
but didn't tell the compiler about it.
To fix this problem:
Microsoft users: either switch to TurboC
or set environment variables LIB= and INCLUDE=
command line version: write a TURBOC.CFG file
with -L and -I options.

12) Linker errors:
-forgetting to specify the graphics libraries if you use wgs.lib, mwgm.lib
(even if your program doesn't do any graphics, in which case you
should use wts.lib for text-only library)
-floating-point errors:
you have a float-type data element in a data entry form
but your program doesn't do any floating point math. see demoform.c
-duplicate symbol: you are using heapdbg to create a simplified version
for testing, and the linker gives about ten thousand 'duplicate'
warning messages: ignore them all.
-symbol not found: _LXMUL and similar names.
You are using a WTWG library compiled using Turbo C++
but you are still using the pre-C++ version of TURBO C.
You should upgrade.

13) mysterious program crash, message "Memory Allocation Error,
Cannot load COMMAND.COM, System Halted" or onscreen garbage in
hercules graphics mode program and system hangs: Either your
program has exceeded the 4k default stack in TurboC (in which
case, add the line "unsigned _stklen=20000;" at the start of your
program) or your small model program has grown too large (rebuild
using large model), or you have a floating point math error or an
integer zero divide (see TurboC routine matherr()).
Alternatively, there is a memory overwrite in a large model
program somewhere, good luck finding it.

14) garbage onscreen when you move the mouse (especially in VGA):
You turned ON the mouse cursor and left it on when doing screen
output. If you use wgetc() and higher-level input functions only,
you should never have to worry about this. If you need to
manipulate the mouse, make sure you turn it OFF immediately after
use and don't mix mouse routines with screen output.


The overall plan of the routines is somewhat unique. The idea of
a mode-independent windows system is wholly my own. The 8-bit
character size and the simplifications and speed enhancements it
allows are my own idea and as far as I know are unduplicated
anywhere. The scheme of linked lists, with the current window on
top, is fairly common, but was developed independently by me. The
method of mouse and keyboard integration is, to my knowledge,
unique. The idea of BUTTONS and HOTKEYS comes from a simplified
understanding of the X-WINDOWS widget.

Most of the low-level video access methods come from TURBO C
PROGRAMMING ON THE IBM PC, by LAFORE. The EGA routines for write
mode 1 (used in wscroll() and wclear()) come from trial and
error. Other IBM PC hardware routines, especially cursor,
keyboard, mouse, and expanded memory calls, come from DOS
PROGRAMMERS GUIDE by Dettman. The basics of the 43/50 line EGA
mode logic comes from DOS POWER TOOLS by SOMERSON, but as far as
I know there is no resource for handling mouse and multiple
video pages in 43/50 line mode; that was trial and error. The
revised logic for using the enhanced keyboard in wkbd.c comes
from an article in the July 1990 C User's Journal by by STEVE
GRUEL. The printer driver commands for the laserjet comes from the
HP manual.

The text of these routines was written using VEDIT, an excellent
editor. All the main development and debugging was done in

Contact me for any problems.

  3 Responses to “Category : C Source Code
Archive   : WTWG12A.ZIP
Filename : WTWG.DOC

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: