Category : C Source Code
Archive   : WRAP.ZIP
Filename : SHIFT.ASM
; shift.asm - routine to shift a window left or right a specified number
; of columns.
; void shift(shiftwin *win, int num);
; where window is a structure defined as:
; typedef struct {
; int x1, y1, x2, y2;
; char attr;
; } shiftwin;
; coordinates are 1-relative
; and num is a positive number to shift right,
; or a negative number to shift left.
; NOTES: calling this routine with any of the parameters outside legal values
; for your type of display will cause unpredictable results.
; The routine assumes an 80-column screen. Actually, the assumption
; made is that the address of cell x,y+1 is the address of cell
; x,y + 160.
ifdef __COMPACT__
.model compact
ifdef __HUGE__
.model huge
ifdef __LARGE__
.model large
ifdef __MEDIUM__
.model medium
ifdef __SMALL__
.model small
extrn _scrseg:word
extrn _getscr:proc
_shift proc
push si
push di
push bp
mov bp,sp
push ds
push es ;save segment regs
cmp word ptr [bp+10],0
jnz shift1
jmp shift_done
shift1: call _getscr
mov di,word ptr [bp+8] ;di holds address of window spec
;[di+0] = x1
;[di+2] = y1
;[di+4] = x2
;[di+6] = y2
;[di+8] = attr
mov cx,word ptr [bp+10] ;count in CX
cmp ch,80h
jnc shift_left ;negative count is right
shift_right: ;positive count is left
mov bx,word ptr [di+4]
call compute_ofs ;destination in di, source in si
jmp short shifter
mov bx,word ptr [di]
call compute_ofs ;destination in di, source in si
mov bx,word ptr ss:[bp+8]
mov ax,word ptr [bx+4]
sub ax,word ptr [bx] ;ax is window width
inc ax
mov dx,word ptr [bx+6]
sub dx,word ptr [bx+2]
inc dx ;dl is # rows to shift
mov dh,byte ptr [bx+8] ;dh is attr
mov bx,cx ;save shift count
mov cx,ax
mov ax,word ptr _scrseg
mov ds,ax
mov es,ax ;DS and ES are video segment
mov ah,dh ;space
mov al,20h ;with attribute
xor dh,dh
; AX is char/attribute for vacated columns
; BX is shift count (signed)
; CX is column count
; DX is # lines to shift
; DS and ES point to video segment.
push si
push di
push cx ;save window width
rep movsw ;do the move
mov cx,bx ;restore column count
cmp ch,80h
jc sh2
neg cx
sh2: add di,bx
add di,bx
rep stosw ;clear vacated columns
pop cx
pop di
pop si
add di,160 ;compute source and dest for
add si,160 ;new row
dec dx ;dec row count, if not zero
jnz shift_loop ;then do it again
pop es ;restore segment regs
pop ds
mov sp,bp ;and everything else
pop bp
pop di
pop si
mov ax,word ptr [di+2]
dec ax ;change for 1-relative
mov dx,160
mul dx ;160*row
dec bx ;for 1-relative
add ax,bx
add ax,bx ;+2*col
mov di,ax ;returns dest in di
mov si,ax
sub si,cx ;source in si
sub si,cx
_shift endp
public _shift
Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!
This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.
But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: