Category : C Source Code
Archive   : VIM20SRC.ZIP
Filename : SCREEN.C

Output of file : SCREEN.C contained in archive : VIM20SRC.ZIP
/* vi:ts=4:sw=4
* VIM - Vi IMproved
* Code Contributions By: Bram Moolenaar [email protected]
* Tim Thompson twitch!tjt
* Tony Andrews onecom!wldrdg!tony
* G. R. (Fred) Walter watmath!watcgl!grwalter

* screen.c: code for displaying on the screen

#include "vim.h"
#include "globals.h"
#include "proto.h"
#include "param.h"

char *tgoto __PARMS((char *cm, int col, int line));

static u_char *Nextscreen = NULL; /* What's to be put on the screen. */
static int NumLineSizes = 0; /* # of active LineSizes */
static linenr_t *LineNumbers = NULL; /* Pointer to the line for LineSizes */
static u_char *LineSizes = NULL; /* Number of rows the lines occupy */
static u_char **LinePointers = NULL; /* array of pointers into Netscreen */

* The following variable is set (in cursupdate) to the number of physical
* lines taken by the line the cursor is on. We use this to avoid extra calls
* to plines(). The optimized routine updateline()
* makes sure that the size of the cursor line hasn't changed. If so, lines
* below the cursor will move up or down and we need to call the routine
* updateScreen() to examine the entire screen.
static int Cline_size; /* size (in rows) of the cursor line */
static int Cline_row; /* starting row of the cursor line */
static int Leftcol = 0; /* starting column of the screen */
static FPOS oldCurpos = {0, 0}; /* last known end of visual part */
static int oldCurswant = 0; /* last known value of Curswant */
static int canopt; /* TRUE when cursor goto can be optimized */

static int screenline __ARGS((linenr_t, int, int));
static void screenchar __ARGS((u_char *, int, int));
static void screenfill __ARGS((int, int));
static void screenalloc __ARGS((int));
static void screenclear2 __ARGS((void));

* updateline() - like updateScreen() but only for cursor line
* This determines whether or not we need to call updateScreen() to examine
* the entire screen for changes. This occurs if the size of the cursor line
* (in rows) hasn't changed.
int row;
int n;

if (must_redraw) /* must redraw whole screen */

screenalloc(TRUE); /* allocate screen buffers if size changed */

if (Nextscreen == NULL || RedrawingDisabled)

screenchar(NULL, 0, 0); /* init cursor position of screenchar() */

row = screenline(Curpos.lnum, Cline_row, (int)Rows - 1);


if (row == Rows) /* line too long for screen */
n = row - Cline_row;
if (n != Cline_size) /* line changed size */
if (n < Cline_size) /* got smaller: delete lines */
s_del(row, Cline_size - n, FALSE);
else /* got bigger: insert lines */
s_ins(Cline_row + Cline_size, n - Cline_size, FALSE);


* updateScreen()
* Based on the current value of Topline, transfer a screenfull of stuff from
* Filemem to Nextscreen, and update Botline.

int type;
register int row;
register int endrow;
linenr_t lnum;
linenr_t lastline = 0; /* only valid if endrow != Rows -1 */
int done; /* if TRUE, we hit the end of the file */
int didline; /* if TRUE, we finished the last line */
int srow = 0; /* starting row of the current line */
int idx;
int i;
long j;
static int postponed_not_valid = FALSE;
register u_char *screenp;

screenalloc(TRUE); /* allocate screen buffers if size changed */

if (Nextscreen == NULL)

cmdoffset = 0; /* after redraw command line has no offset */
if (must_redraw)
type = must_redraw;
must_redraw = 0;
if (type == CLEAR) /* first clear screen */
type = NOT_VALID;
if (type == CURSUPD) /* update cursor and then redraw */
NumLineSizes = 0;
cursupdate(); /* will call updateScreen(VALID) */
if (NumLineSizes == 0)
type = NOT_VALID;

if (RedrawingDisabled)
if (type == NOT_VALID)
postponed_not_valid = TRUE; /* use NOT_VALID next time */

if (postponed_not_valid)
type = NOT_VALID;
postponed_not_valid = FALSE;

/* return if there is nothing to do */
if ((type == VALID && Topline == LineNumbers[0]) ||
(type == INVERTED && oldCurpos.lnum == Curpos.lnum &&
oldCurpos.col == Curpos.col && Curswant == oldCurswant))

if (type == NOT_VALID)
redraw_msg = TRUE;
NumLineSizes = 0;

idx = 0;
row = 0;
lnum = Topline;

/* The number of rows shown is Rows-1. */
/* The default last row is the status/command line. */
endrow = Rows - 1;

if (type == VALID || type == VALID_TO_CURSCHAR)
* We handle two special cases:
* 1: we are off the top of the screen by a few lines: scroll down
* 2: Topline is below LineNumbers[0]: may scroll up
if (Topline < LineNumbers[0]) /* may scroll down */
j = LineNumbers[0] - Topline;
if (j < Rows - 3) /* not too far off */
lastline = LineNumbers[0] - 1;
i = plines_m(Topline, lastline);
if (i < Rows - 3) /* less than a screen off */
* Try to insert the correct number of lines.
* This may fail and the screen may have been cleared.
if (s_ins(0, i, FALSE) && NumLineSizes)
endrow = i;

if ((NumLineSizes += j) > Rows - 1)
NumLineSizes = Rows - 1;
for (idx = NumLineSizes; idx - j >= 0; idx--)
LineNumbers[idx] = LineNumbers[idx - j];
LineSizes[idx] = LineSizes[idx - j];
idx = 0;
else /* far off: clearing the screen is faster */
else /* far off: clearing the screen is faster */
else /* may scroll up */
j = -1;
for (i = 0; i < NumLineSizes; i++) /* try to find Topline in LineNumbers[] */
if (LineNumbers[i] == Topline)
j = i;
row += LineSizes[i];
if (j == -1) /* Topline is not in LineNumbers */
row = 0;
screenclear(); /* far off: clearing the screen is faster */
* Try to delete the correct number of lines.
* Topline is at LineNumbers[i].
if ((row == 0 || s_del(0, row, FALSE)) && NumLineSizes)
srow = row;
row = 0;
for (;;)
if (type == VALID_TO_CURSCHAR && lnum == Curpos.lnum)
if (row + srow + (int)LineSizes[j] >= Rows - 1)
LineSizes[idx] = LineSizes[j];
LineNumbers[idx] = lnum++;

row += LineSizes[idx++];
if ((int)++j >= NumLineSizes)
NumLineSizes = idx;
row = 0; /* update all lines */
if (endrow == Rows - 1 && idx == 0) /* no scrolling */
NumLineSizes = 0;

done = didline = FALSE;
screenchar(NULL, 0, 0); /* init cursor position of screenchar() */

if (Visual.lnum) /* check if we are updating the inverted part */
linenr_t from, to;

/* find the line numbers that need to be updated */
if (Curpos.lnum < oldCurpos.lnum)
from = Curpos.lnum;
to = oldCurpos.lnum;
from = oldCurpos.lnum;
to = Curpos.lnum;
/* if in block mode and changed column or Curswant: update all lines */
if (Visual_block && (Curpos.col != oldCurpos.col || Curswant != oldCurswant))
if (from > Visual.lnum)
from = Visual.lnum;
if (to < Visual.lnum)
to = Visual.lnum;

if (from < Topline)
from = Topline;
if (to >= Botline)
to = Botline - 1;

/* find the minimal part to be updated */
if (type == INVERTED)
while (lnum < from) /* find start */
row += LineSizes[idx++];
srow = row;
for (j = idx; j < NumLineSizes; ++j) /* find end */
if (LineNumbers[j] == to + 1)
endrow = srow;
srow += LineSizes[j];
oldCurpos = Curpos;
oldCurswant = Curswant;
/* if we update the lines between from and to set oldCurpos */
else if (lnum <= from && (endrow == Rows - 1 || lastline >= to))
oldCurpos = Curpos;
oldCurswant = Curswant;

* Update the screen rows from "row" to "endrow".
* Start at line "lnum" which is at LineNumbers[idx].
for (;;)
if (lnum > line_count) /* hit the end of the file */
done = TRUE;
srow = row;
row = screenline(lnum, srow, endrow);
if (row > endrow) /* past end of screen */
LineSizes[idx] = plines(lnum); /* we may need the size of that */
LineNumbers[idx++] = lnum; /* too long line later on */

LineSizes[idx] = row - srow;
LineNumbers[idx++] = lnum;
if (++lnum > line_count)
done = TRUE;

if (row == endrow)
didline = TRUE;
if (idx > NumLineSizes)
NumLineSizes = idx;

/* Do we have to do off the top of the screen processing ? */
if (endrow != Rows - 1)
row = 0;
for (idx = 0; idx < NumLineSizes && row < (Rows - 1); idx++)
row += LineSizes[idx];

if (row < (Rows - 1))
done = TRUE;
else if (row > (Rows - 1)) /* Need to blank out the last line */
lnum = LineNumbers[idx - 1];
srow = row - LineSizes[idx - 1];
didline = FALSE;
lnum = LineNumbers[idx - 1] + 1;
didline = TRUE;

emptyrows = 0;
* If we didn't hit the end of the file, and we didn't finish the last
* line we were working on, then the line didn't fit.
if (!done && !didline)
if (lnum == Topline)
* Single line that does not fit!
* Fill last line with '@' characters.
screenp = LinePointers[Rows - 2];
for (i = 0; i < Columns; ++i)
if (*screenp != '@')
*screenp = '@';
screenchar(screenp, (int)(Rows - 2), i);
Botline = lnum + 1;
* Clear the rest of the screen and mark the unused lines.
screenfill(srow, '@');
Botline = lnum;
/* make sure the rest of the screen is blank */
/* put '~'s on rows that aren't part of the file. */
screenfill(row, '~');
emptyrows = Rows - row - 1;

if (done) /* we hit the end of the file */
Botline = line_count + 1;
Botline = lnum;

if (redraw_msg)
redraw_msg = FALSE;


static int invert; /* shared by screenline() and screenchar() */

* Move line "lnum" to the screen.
* Start at row "startrow", stop when "endrow" is reached.
* Return the number of last row the line occupies.

static int
screenline(lnum, startrow, endrow)
linenr_t lnum;
int startrow;
int endrow;
register u_char *screenp;
register u_char c;
register int col; /* visual column on screen */
register int vcol; /* visual column for tabs */
register int row;
register u_char *ptr;
char extra[16]; /* "%ld" must fit in here */
char *p_extra;
int n_extra;
int n_spaces = 0;

int fromcol, tocol; /* start/end of inverting */
int noinvcur = FALSE; /* don't invert the cursor */
int temp;
FPOS *top, *bot;

row = startrow;
col = 0;
vcol = 0;
invert = FALSE;
fromcol = -10;
tocol = MAXCOL;
ptr = (u_char *)nr2ptr(lnum);
canopt = TRUE;
if (Visual.lnum) /* visual active */
if (ltoreq(Curpos, Visual)) /* Visual is after Curpos */
top = &Curpos;
bot = &Visual;
else /* Visual is before Curpos */
top = &Visual;
bot = &Curpos;
if (Visual_block) /* block mode */
if (lnum >= top->lnum && lnum <= bot->lnum)
fromcol = getvcol(top, 2);
temp = getvcol(bot, 2);
if (temp < fromcol)
fromcol = temp;

if (Curswant != MAXCOL)
tocol = getvcol(top, 3);
temp = getvcol(bot, 3);
if (temp > tocol)
tocol = temp;
else /* non-block mode */
if (lnum > top->lnum && lnum <= bot->lnum)
fromcol = 0;
else if (lnum == top->lnum)
fromcol = getvcol(top, 2);
if (lnum == bot->lnum)
tocol = getvcol(bot, 3) + 1;

if (Visual.col == VISUALLINE) /* linewise */
if (fromcol > 0)
fromcol = 0;
/* if the cursor can't be switched off, don't invert the character
where the cursor is */
if ((T_CI == NULL || *T_CI == NUL) && lnum == Curpos.lnum)
noinvcur = TRUE;

/* if inverting in this line, can't optimize cursor positioning */
if (fromcol >= 0)
canopt = FALSE;
if (!p_wrap) /* advance to first character to be displayed */
while (vcol < Leftcol && *ptr)
vcol += chartabsize(*ptr++, vcol);
if (vcol > Leftcol)
n_spaces = vcol - Leftcol; /* begin with some spaces */
vcol = Leftcol;
screenp = LinePointers[row];
if (p_nu)
sprintf(extra, "%7ld ", (long)lnum);
p_extra = extra;
n_extra = 8;
vcol -= 8; /* so vcol is 0 when line number has been printed */
p_extra = NULL;
n_extra = 0;
for (;;)
if (!canopt) /* Visual in this line */
if (((vcol == fromcol && !(noinvcur && vcol == Cursvcol)) ||
(noinvcur && vcol == Cursvcol + 1 && vcol >= fromcol)) &&
vcol < tocol) /* start inverting */
invert = TRUE;
else if (invert && (vcol == tocol || (noinvcur && vcol == Cursvcol)))
/* stop inverting */
invert = FALSE;

/* Get the next character to put on the screen. */
* The 'extra' array contains the extra stuff that is inserted to
* represent special characters (non-printable stuff).

if (n_extra)
c = (u_char)*p_extra++;
else if (n_spaces)
c = ' ';
if ((c = *ptr++) < ' ' || (c > '~' && c <= 0xa0))
* when getting a character from the file, we may have to turn it
* into something else on the way to putting it into 'Nextscreen'.
if (c == TAB && !p_list)
/* tab amount depends on current column */
n_spaces = (int)p_ts - vcol % (int)p_ts - 1;
c = ' ';
else if (c == NUL && p_list)
p_extra = "";
n_extra = 1;
c = '$';
else if (c != NUL)
p_extra = (char *)transchar(c);
n_extra = charsize(c) - 1;
c = (u_char)*p_extra++;

if (c == NUL)
if (invert)
if (vcol == 0) /* invert first char of empty line */
if (*screenp != (' ' ^ 0x80))
*screenp = (' ' ^ 0x80);
screenchar(screenp, row, col);
invert = FALSE;
* blank out the rest of this row
* could also use clear-to-end-of-line, but it is slower
* on an Amiga
while (col < Columns)
if (*screenp != ' ')
*screenp = ' ';
screenchar(screenp, row, col);
if (col >= Columns)
col = 0;
if (!p_wrap || ++row == endrow) /* line got too long for screen */
screenp = LinePointers[row];
/* store the character in Nextscreen */
if (!invert)
if (*screenp != c)
*screenp = c;
screenchar(screenp, row, col);
if (*screenp != (c ^ 0x80))
*screenp = c ^ 0x80;
screenchar(screenp, row, col);

if (invert)
invert = FALSE;
return (row);

* put character '*p' on the screen at position 'row' and 'col'
static void
screenchar(p, row, col)
u_char *p;
int row;
int col;
static int oldrow, oldcol; /* old cursor position */
int c;

if (p == NULL) /* initialize cursor position */
oldrow = oldcol = -1;
if (oldcol != col || oldrow != row)
* If we're on the same row (which happens a lot!), try to
* avoid a windgoto().
* If we are only a few characters off, output the
* characters. That is faster than cursor positioning.
* This can't be used when inverting (a part of) the line.
if (oldrow == row && oldcol < col)
register int i;

i = col - oldcol;
if (i <= 4 && canopt)
while (i)
c = *(p - i--);
else if (T_CRI && *T_CRI) /* use tgoto interface! jw */
outstr(tgoto(T_CRI, 0, i));
windgoto(row, col);

oldcol = col;
windgoto(oldrow = row, oldcol = col);
if (invert)
outchar(*p ^ 0x80);

* Fill the screen at 'srow' with character 'c' followed by blanks.
static void
screenfill(srow, c)
int srow;
int c;
register int row;
register int col;
register u_char *screenp;

for (row = srow; row < (Rows - 1); ++row)
screenp = LinePointers[row];
if (*screenp != c)
*screenp = c;
screenchar(screenp, row, 0);
for (col = 1; col < Columns; ++col)
if (*screenp != ' ')
*screenp = ' ';
screenchar(screenp, row, col);

* compute Botline. Can be called after Topline or Rows changed.
linenr_t lnum;
int done = 0;

for (lnum = Topline; lnum <= line_count; ++lnum)
if ((done += plines(lnum)) >= Rows)
Botline = lnum; /* Botline is the line that is just below the window */

* prt_line() - print the given line
* returns the number of characters written.
char *s;
register int si = 0;
register char c;
register int col = 0;

int n_extra = 0;
int n_spaces = 0;
char *p = NULL; /* init to make SASC shut up */
int n;

for (;;)
if (n_extra)
c = *p++;
else if (n_spaces)
c = ' ';
c = s[si++];
if (c == TAB && !p_list)
/* tab amount depends on current column */
n_spaces = p_ts - col % p_ts - 1;
c = ' ';
else if (c == NUL && p_list)
p = "";
n_extra = 1;
c = '$';
else if (c != NUL && (n = charsize(c)) > 1)
n_extra = n - 1;
p = transchar(c);
c = *p++;

if (c == NUL)

return col;

static void
int clear;
static int old_Rows = 0;
static int old_Columns = 0;
register int i;

* Allocation of the sceen buffers is done only when the size changes
if ((Nextscreen != NULL && Rows == old_Rows && Columns == old_Columns) || Rows == 0 || Columns == 0)

comp_col(); /* recompute columns for shown command and ruler */
old_Rows = Rows;
old_Columns = Columns;

* If we're changing the size of the screen, free the old arrays
if (Nextscreen != NULL)
free((char *)Nextscreen);
if (LinePointers != NULL)
free((char *)LinePointers);
if (LineNumbers != NULL)
free((char *) LineNumbers);
if (LineSizes != NULL)

Nextscreen = (u_char *)malloc((size_t) (Rows * Columns));
LineNumbers = (linenr_t *) malloc((size_t) (Rows * sizeof(linenr_t)));
LineSizes = (u_char *)malloc((size_t) Rows);
LinePointers = (u_char **)malloc(sizeof(u_char *) * Rows);

if (Nextscreen == NULL || LineNumbers == NULL || LineSizes == NULL ||
LinePointers == NULL)
if (Nextscreen != NULL)
free((char *)Nextscreen);
Nextscreen = NULL;
for (i = 0; i < Rows; ++i)
LinePointers[i] = Nextscreen + i * Columns;

if (clear)

screenalloc(FALSE); /* allocate screen buffers if size changed */

static void
if (starting || Nextscreen == NULL)

outstr(T_ED); /* clear the display */

/* blank out Nextscreen */
memset((char *)Nextscreen, ' ', (size_t)(Rows * Columns));

NumLineSizes = 0; /* clear screen info */
redraw_msg = TRUE; /* refresh cmdline at next screen redraw */

linenr_t p;
long nlines;
int i;
int temp;

screenalloc(TRUE); /* allocate screen buffers if size changed */

if (Nextscreen == NULL)

if (Curpos.lnum > line_count)
Curpos.lnum = line_count;
if (bufempty()) /* special case - file is empty */
Topline = 1;
Curpos.lnum = 1;
Curpos.col = 0;
for (i = 0; i < Rows; i++)
LineSizes[i] = 0;
if (NumLineSizes == 0) /* don't know about screen contents */
NumLineSizes = 1;
else if (Curpos.lnum < Topline)
* If the cursor is above the top of the screen, scroll the screen to
* put it at the top of the screen.
* If we weren't very close to begin with, we scroll more, so that
* the line is close to the middle.
temp = Rows / 2 - 1;
if (Topline - Curpos.lnum >= temp) /* not very close */
p = Curpos.lnum;
i = plines(p);
temp += i;
/* count lines for 1/2 screenheight */
while (i < Rows && i < temp && p > 1)
i += plines(--p);
Topline = p;
if (i >= Rows) /* cursor line won't fit, backup one line */
else if (p_sj > 1) /* scroll at least p_sj lines */
for (i = 0; i < p_sj && Topline > 1; i += plines(--Topline))
if (Topline > Curpos.lnum)
Topline = Curpos.lnum;
else if (Curpos.lnum >= Botline)
/* number of lines the cursor is below the bottom of the screen */
nlines = Curpos.lnum - Botline + 1;
* If the cursor is less than a screenheight down
* compute the number of lines at the top which have the same or more
* rows than the rows of the lines below the bottom
if (nlines <= Rows)
/* get the number or rows to scroll minus the number of
free '~' rows */
temp = plines_m(Botline, Curpos.lnum) - emptyrows;
if (temp <= 0) /* emptyrows is larger, no need to scroll */
nlines = 0;
else if (temp >= Rows) /* more than a screenfull, don't scroll */
nlines = temp;
/* scroll minimal number of lines */
if (temp < p_sj)
temp = p_sj;
for (i = 0, p = Topline; i < temp && p < Botline; ++p)
i += plines(p);
if (i >= temp) /* it's possible to scroll */
nlines = p - Topline;
else /* below Botline, don't scroll */
nlines = 9999;

* Scroll up if the cursor is off the bottom of the screen a bit.
* Otherwise put it at 1/2 of the screen.
if (nlines >= Rows / 2 && nlines > p_sj)
p = Curpos.lnum;
temp = Rows / 2 + 1;
nlines = 0;
i = 0;
do /* this loop could win a contest ... */
i += plines(p);
while (i < temp && (nlines = 1) != 0 && --p != 0);
Topline = p + nlines;
else if (NumLineSizes == 0) /* don't know about screen contents */
Cursrow = Curscol = Cursvcol = i = 0;
for (p = Topline; p != Curpos.lnum; ++p)
if (RedrawingDisabled) /* LineSizes[] invalid */
Cursrow += plines(p);
Cursrow += LineSizes[i++];

Cline_row = Cursrow;
if (!RedrawingDisabled && i > NumLineSizes)
/* Should only happen with a line that is too */
/* long to fit on the last screen line. */
Cline_size = 0;
if (RedrawingDisabled) /* LineSizes[] invalid */
Cline_size = plines(Curpos.lnum);
Cline_size = LineSizes[i];

curs_columns(!RedrawingDisabled); /* compute Cursvcol and Curscol */
if (must_redraw)

if (set_want_col)
Curswant = Cursvcol;
set_want_col = FALSE;

* compute Curscol and Cursvcol
int scroll; /* when TRUE, may scroll horizontally */
int diff;

Cursvcol = getvcol(&Curpos, 1);
Curscol = Cursvcol;
if (p_nu)
Curscol += 8;

Cursrow = Cline_row;
if (p_wrap) /* long line wrapping, adjust Cursrow */
while (Curscol >= Columns)
Curscol -= Columns;
else if (scroll) /* no line wrapping, compute Leftcol if scrolling is on */
/* if scrolling is off, Leftcol is assumed to be 0 */
/* If Cursor is left of the screen, scroll rightwards */
/* If Cursor is right of the screen, scroll leftwards */
if (((diff = Leftcol + (p_nu ? 8 : 0) - Curscol) > 0 ||
(diff = Curscol - (Leftcol + Columns) + 1) > 0))
if (p_ss == 0 || diff >= Columns / 2)
Leftcol = Curscol - Columns / 2;
if (diff < p_ss)
diff = p_ss;
if (Curscol < Leftcol + 8)
Leftcol -= diff;
Leftcol += diff;
if (Leftcol < 0)
Leftcol = 0;
must_redraw = NOT_VALID; /* screen has to be redrawn with new Leftcol */
Curscol -= Leftcol;
if (Cursrow > Rows - 2) /* Cursor past end of screen */
Cursrow = Rows - 2; /* happens with line that does not fit on screen */

* get virtual column number of pos
* type = 1: where the cursor is on this character
* type = 2: on the first position of this character (TAB)
* type = 3: on the last position of this character (TAB)
getvcol(pos, type)
FPOS *pos;
int type;
int col;
int vcol;
u_char *ptr;
int incr;
u_char c;

vcol = 0;
ptr = (u_char *)nr2ptr(pos->lnum);
for (col = pos->col; col >= 0; --col)
c = *ptr++;
if (c == NUL) /* make sure we don't go past the end of the line */

/* A tab gets expanded, depending on the current column */
incr = chartabsize(c, vcol);

if (col == 0) /* character at pos.col */
if (type == 3 || (type == 1 && c == TAB && State == NORMAL && !p_list))
vcol += incr;
return vcol;

long nlines;
register long done = 0; /* total # of physical lines done */

/* Scroll up 'nlines' lines. */
while (nlines--)
if (Topline == 1)
done += plines(--Topline);
* Compute the row number of the last row of the cursor line
* and move it onto the screen.
Cursrow += done;
if (p_wrap)
Cursrow += plines(Curpos.lnum) - 1 - Cursvcol / Columns;
while (Cursrow >= Rows - 1 && Curpos.lnum > 1)
Cursrow -= plines(Curpos.lnum--);

long nlines;
#ifdef NEVER
register long done = 0; /* total # of physical lines done */

/* Scroll down 'nlines' lines. */
while (nlines--)
if (Topline == line_count)
done += plines(Topline);
if (Curpos.lnum == Topline)
s_del(0, done, TRUE);
Topline += nlines;
if (Topline > line_count)
Topline = line_count;
if (Curpos.lnum < Topline)
Curpos.lnum = Topline;

* The rest of the routines in this file perform screen manipulations. The
* given operation is performed physically on the screen. The corresponding
* change is also made to the internal screen image. In this way, the editor
* anticipates the effect of editing changes on the appearance of the screen.
* That way, when we call screenupdate a complete redraw isn't usually
* necessary. Another advantage is that we can keep adding code to anticipate
* screen changes, and in the meantime, everything still works.

* s_ins(row, nlines, invalid) - insert 'nlines' lines at 'row'
* if 'invalid' is TRUE the LineNumbers[] is invalidated.
* Returns 0 if the lines are not inserted, 1 for success.
s_ins(row, nlines, invalid)
int row;
int nlines;
int invalid;
int i;
int j;
u_char *temp;

screenalloc(TRUE); /* allocate screen buffers if size changed */

if (Nextscreen == NULL)
return 0;

if (invalid)
NumLineSizes = 0;

if (nlines > (Rows - 1 - row))
nlines = Rows - 1 - row;

if (RedrawingDisabled || nlines <= 0 ||
((T_CIL == NULL || *T_CIL == NUL) &&
(T_IL == NULL || *T_IL == NUL) &&
(T_SR == NULL || *T_SR == NUL || row != 0)))
return 0;

if (Rows - nlines < 5) /* only a few lines left: redraw is faster */
screenclear(); /* will set NumLineSizes to 0 */
return 0;

if (Rows != Rows_max)
windgoto((int)Rows - 1, 0); /* delete any garbage that may have */
clear_line(); /* been shifted to the bottom line */
* It "looks" better if we do all the inserts at once
if (T_CIL && *T_CIL)
windgoto(row, 0);
if (nlines == 1 && T_IL && *T_IL)
outstr(tgoto(T_CIL, 0, nlines));
for (i = 0; i < nlines; i++)
if (i == 0 || row != 0)
windgoto(row, 0);
if (T_IL && *T_IL)
windgoto((int)Rows - 1, 0); /* delete any garbage that may have */
clear_line(); /* been shifted to the bottom line */
redraw_msg = TRUE;

* Now shift LinePointers nlines down to reflect the inserted lines.
* Clear the inserted lines.
for (i = 0; i < nlines; ++i)
j = Rows - 2 - i;
temp = LinePointers[j];
while ((j -= nlines) >= row)
LinePointers[j + nlines] = LinePointers[j];
LinePointers[j + nlines] = temp;
memset((char *)temp, ' ', (size_t)Columns);
return 1;

* s_del(row, nlines, invalid) - delete 'nlines' lines at 'row'
* If 'invalid' is TRUE LineNumbers[] is ivalidated.
* Return 1 for success, 0 if the lines are not deleted.
s_del(row, nlines, invalid)
int row;
int nlines;
int invalid;
int j;
int i;
u_char *temp;

screenalloc(TRUE); /* allocate screen buffers if size changed */

if (Nextscreen == NULL)
return 0;

if (invalid)
NumLineSizes = 0;

if (nlines > (Rows - 1 - row))
nlines = Rows - 1 - row;

if (RedrawingDisabled || nlines <= 0 ||
((T_DL == NULL || *T_DL == NUL) &&
(T_CDL == NULL || *T_CDL == NUL) &&
row != 0))
return 0;

if (Rows - nlines < 5) /* only a few lines left: redraw is faster */
screenclear(); /* will set NumLineSizes to 0 */
return 0;

windgoto((int)Rows - 1, 0); /* delete any garbage that may be */
clear_line(); /* on the bottom line */
redraw_msg = TRUE;

/* delete the lines */
if (T_CDL && *T_CDL)
windgoto(row, 0);
if (nlines == 1 && T_DL && *T_DL)
outstr(tgoto(T_CDL, 0, nlines));
if (row == 0)
if (Rows != Rows_max)
windgoto((int)Rows_max - 1, 0);
for (i = 0; i < nlines; i++)
for (i = 0; i < nlines; i++)
windgoto(row, 0);
outstr(T_DL); /* delete a line */

* Now shift LinePointers nlines up to reflect the deleted lines.
* Clear the deleted lines.
for (i = 0; i < nlines; ++i)
j = row + i;
temp = LinePointers[j];
while ((j += nlines) < Rows - 1)
LinePointers[j - nlines] = LinePointers[j];
LinePointers[j - nlines] = temp;
memset((char *)temp, ' ', (size_t)Columns);
return 1;

if ((p_smd && (State == INSERT || State == REPLACE)) || Recording)
gotocmdline(TRUE, NUL);
if (p_smd)
if (State == INSERT || State == REPLACE)
outstrn("-- ");
if (p_ri)
outstrn("REVERSE ");
if (State == INSERT)
outstrn("INSERT --");
outstrn("REPLACE --");
if (Recording)

* delete mode message

if (Recording)

* if ruler option is set: show current cursor position
* if always is FALSE, only print if position has changed
int always;
static linenr_t oldlnum = 0;
static colnr_t oldcol = 0;
static int oldlen = 0;
int newlen;
char buffer[20];

if (p_ru && (redraw_msg || always || Curpos.lnum != oldlnum || Cursvcol != oldcol))
windgoto((int)Rows - 1, ru_col);
* Some sprintfs return the lenght, some return a pointer.
* To avoid portability problems we use strlen here.
sprintf(buffer, "%ld,%d", Curpos.lnum, (int)Curpos.col + 1);
newlen = strlen(buffer);
if (Curpos.col != Cursvcol)
sprintf(buffer + newlen, "-%d", Cursvcol + 1);
newlen = strlen(buffer);
while (newlen < oldlen)
outchar(' ');
oldlen = newlen;
oldlnum = Curpos.lnum;
oldcol = Cursvcol;
redraw_msg = FALSE;

* Clear a line. The cursor must be at the first char of the line.
register int i;

if (T_EL != NULL && *T_EL != NUL)
for (i = 1; i < Columns; ++i)
outchar(' ');

  3 Responses to “Category : C Source Code
Archive   : VIM20SRC.ZIP
Filename : SCREEN.C

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: