Category : C Source Code
Archive   : VIM20SRC.ZIP
Filename : CSEARCH.C

Output of file : CSEARCH.C contained in archive : VIM20SRC.ZIP
/* vi:ts=4:sw=4
* VIM - Vi IMproved
* Code Contributions By: Bram Moolenaar [email protected]
* Tim Thompson twitch!tjt
* Tony Andrews onecom!wldrdg!tony
* G. R. (Fred) Walter watmath!watcgl!grwalter

* csearch.c: command line searching commands

#include "vim.h"
#include "globals.h"
#include "proto.h"
#include "param.h"

/* we use modified Henry Spencer's regular expression routines */
#include "regexp.h"

int global_busy = 0; /* set to 1 if global busy, 2 if global has
been called during a global command */
int global_wait; /* set to 1 if wait_return has to be called
after global command */
extern regexp *myregcomp __ARGS((char *));

/* dosub(lp, up, cmd)
* Perform a substitution from line 'lp' to line 'up' using the
* command pointed to by 'cmd' which should be of the form:
* /pattern/substitution/gc
* The trailing 'g' is optional and, if present, indicates that multiple
* substitutions should be performed on each line, if applicable.
* The trailing 'c' is optional and, if present, indicates that a confirmation
* will be asked for each replacement.
* The usual escapes are supported as described in the regexp docs.

dosub(lp, up, cmd, nextcommand)
linenr_t lp;
linenr_t up;
char *cmd;
u_char **nextcommand;
linenr_t lnum;
long i;
char *ptr;
regexp *prog;
long nsubs = 0;
linenr_t nlines = 0;
static int do_all = FALSE; /* do multiple substitutions per line */
static int do_ask = FALSE; /* ask for confirmation */
char *pat, *sub = NULL;
static char *old_sub = NULL;
int delimiter;
int sublen;
int got_quit = FALSE;
int got_match = FALSE;
int temp;

if (strchr("0123456789gc|\"#", *cmd) == NULL) /* new pattern and substitution */
delimiter = *cmd++; /* remember delimiter character */
pat = cmd; /* remember the start of the regexp */

* do the next loop twice:
* i == 0: find the end of the regexp
* i == 1: find the end of the substitution
for (i = 0; ; ++i)
while (cmd[0])
if (cmd[0] == delimiter) /* end delimiter found */
*cmd++ = NUL; /* replace it by a NUL */
if (cmd[0] == '\\' && cmd[1] != 0) /* skip escaped characters */
if (i == 1)
sub = cmd; /* remember the start of the substitution */
old_sub = strsave(sub);
else /* use previous pattern and substitution */
if (old_sub == NULL) /* there is no previous command */
pat = NULL; /* myregcomp() will use previous pattern */
sub = old_sub;

* find trailing options
if (!p_ed)
do_all = FALSE;
do_ask = FALSE;
while (*cmd)
if (*cmd == 'g')
do_all = !do_all;
else if (*cmd == 'c')
do_ask = !do_ask;

* check for a trailing count
if (isdigit(*cmd))
i = getdigits(&cmd);
if (i <= 0)
lp = up;
up += i - 1;

* check for trailing '|', '"' or '#'
if (*cmd)
if (strchr("|\"#", *cmd) != NULL)
*nextcommand = (u_char *)cmd;

if ((prog = myregcomp(pat)) == NULL)

* ~ in the substitute pattern is replaced by the old pattern.
* We do it here once to avoid it to be replaced over and over again.
sub = regtilde(sub, (int)p_magic);

for (lnum = lp; lnum <= up && !(got_int || got_quit); ++lnum)
ptr = nr2ptr(lnum);
if (regexec(prog, ptr, TRUE)) /* a match on this line */
char *new_end, *new_start = NULL;
char *old_match, *old_copy;
char *prev_old_match = NULL;
char *p1, *p2;
int did_sub = FALSE;
int match, lastone;

if (!got_match)
got_match = TRUE;

* Save the line that was last changed for the final cursor
* position (just like the real vi).
Curpos.lnum = lnum;

old_copy = old_match = ptr;
for (;;) /* loop until nothing more to replace */
Curpos.col = (int)(prog->startp[0] - ptr);
* Match empty string does not count, except for first match.
* This reproduces the strange vi behaviour.
* This also catches endless loops.
if (old_match == prev_old_match && old_match == prog->endp[0])
goto skip2;
while (do_ask) /* loop until 'y', 'n' or 'q' typed */
temp = RedrawingDisabled;
RedrawingDisabled = FALSE;
smsg("replace by %s (y/n/q)? ", sub);
RedrawingDisabled = temp;
if ((i = vgetc()) == 'q' || i == ESC || i == Ctrl('C'))
got_quit = TRUE;
else if (i == 'n')
goto skip;
else if (i == 'y')
if (got_quit)

/* get length of substitution part */
sublen = regsub(prog, sub, ptr, 0, (int)p_magic);
if (new_start == NULL)
* Get some space for a temporary buffer to do the substitution
* into.
if ((new_start = alloc((unsigned)(strlen(ptr) + sublen + 5))) == NULL)
goto outofmem;
*new_start = NUL;
* extend the temporary buffer to do the substitution into.
if ((p1 = alloc((unsigned)(strlen(new_start) + strlen(old_copy) + sublen + 1))) == NULL)
goto outofmem;
strcpy(p1, new_start);
new_start = p1;

for (new_end = new_start; *new_end; new_end++)
* copy up to the part that matched
while (old_copy < prog->startp[0])
*new_end++ = *old_copy++;

regsub(prog, sub, new_end, 1, (int)p_magic);
did_sub = TRUE;

* Now the trick is to replace CTRL-Ms with a real line break.
* This would make it impossible to insert CTRL-Ms in the text.
* That is the way vi works. In Vim the line break can be
* avoided by preceding the CTRL-M with a CTRL-V. Now you can't
* precede a line break with a CTRL-V, big deal.
while ((p1 = strchr(new_end, CR)) != NULL)
if (p1 == new_end || p1[-1] != Ctrl('V'))
if (u_inssub(lnum)) /* prepare for undo */
*p1 = NUL; /* truncate up to the CR */
if ((p2 = save_line(new_start)) != NULL)
appendline(lnum - 1, p2);
++up; /* number of lines increases */
strcpy(new_start, p1 + 1); /* copy the rest */
new_end = new_start;
else /* remove CTRL-V */
strcpy(p1 - 1, p1);
new_end = p1;

old_copy = prog->endp[0]; /* remember next character to be copied */
* continue searching after the match
* prevent endless loop with patterns that match empty strings,
* e.g. :s/$/pat/g or :s/[a-z]* /(&)/g
old_match = prog->endp[0];
prev_old_match = old_match;
match = -1;
lastone = (*old_match == NUL || got_int || got_quit || !do_all);
if (lastone || do_ask || (match = regexec(prog, old_match, (int)FALSE)) == 0)
if (new_start)
* copy the rest of the line, that didn't match
strcat(new_start, old_copy);
i = old_match - ptr;

if ((ptr = save_line(new_start)) != NULL && u_savesub(lnum))
replaceline(lnum, ptr);

free(new_start); /* free the temp buffer */
new_start = NULL;
old_match = ptr + i;
old_copy = ptr;
if (match == -1 && !lastone)
match = regexec(prog, old_match, (int)FALSE);
if (match <= 0) /* quit loop if there is no more match */
/* breakcheck is slow, don't call it too often */
if ((nsubs & 15) == 0)

if (did_sub)
/* breakcheck is slow, don't call it too often */
if ((lnum & 15) == 0)

if (nsubs)
updateScreen(CURSUPD); /* need this to update LineSizes */
if (nsubs > p_report)
smsg("%s%ld substitution%s on %ld line%s",
got_int ? "(Interrupted) " : "",
nsubs, plural(nsubs),
(long)nlines, plural((long)nlines));
else if (got_int)
else if (do_ask)
else if (got_int) /* interrupted */
else if (got_match) /* did find something but nothing substituted */
else /* nothing found */

free((char *) prog);

* doglob(cmd)
* Execute a global command of the form:
* g/pattern/X : execute X on all lines where pattern matches
* v/pattern/X : execute X on all lines where pattern does not match
* where 'X' is an EX command
* The command character (as well as the trailing slash) is optional, and
* is assumed to be 'p' if missing.
* This is implemented in two passes: first we scan the file for the pattern and
* set a mark for each line that (not) matches. secondly we execute the command
* for each line that has a mark. This is required because after deleting
* lines we do not know where to search for the next match.

doglob(type, lp, up, cmd)
int type;
linenr_t lp, up;
char *cmd;
linenr_t lnum; /* line number according to old situation */
linenr_t old_lcount; /* line_count before the command */
int ndone;

char delim; /* delimiter, normally '/' */
char *pat;
regexp *prog;
int match;

if (global_busy)
emsg("Cannot do :global recursive");

delim = *cmd; /* get the delimiter */
if (delim)
++cmd; /* skip delimiter if there is one */
pat = cmd;

while (cmd[0])
if (cmd[0] == delim) /* end delimiter found */
*cmd++ = NUL; /* replace it by a NUL */
if (cmd[0] == '\\' && cmd[1] != 0) /* skip escaped characters */

reg_ic = p_ic; /* set "ignore case" flag appropriately */

if ((prog = myregcomp(pat)) == NULL)

* pass 1: set marks for each (not) matching line
ndone = 0;
for (lnum = lp; lnum <= up && !got_int; ++lnum)
match = regexec(prog, nr2ptr(lnum), (int)TRUE); /* a match on this line? */
if ((type == 'g' && match) || (type == 'v' && !match))
/* breakcheck is slow, don't call it too often */
if ((lnum & 15) == 0)

* pass 2: execute the command for each line that has been marked
if (got_int)
else if (ndone == 0)

global_busy = 1;
global_wait = 0;
RedrawingDisabled = TRUE;
old_lcount = line_count;
while (!got_int && (lnum = firstmarked()) != 0 && global_busy == 1)
Curpos.lnum = lnum;
Curpos.col = 0;
if (*cmd == NUL)
docmdline((u_char *)"p");
docmdline((u_char *)cmd);

RedrawingDisabled = FALSE;
global_busy = 0;
if (global_wait) /* wait for return */
msgmore(line_count - old_lcount);

clearmarked(); /* clear rest of the marks */
free((char *) prog);

  3 Responses to “Category : C Source Code
Archive   : VIM20SRC.ZIP
Filename : CSEARCH.C

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: