Category : C Source Code
Archive   : VF.ZIP
Filename : BIOSLIB.H

Output of file : BIOSLIB.H contained in archive : VF.ZIP
* bioslib.h

/* BIOS interrupts */
#define PRINT_SCRN 0x05
#define TOD_INIT 0x08
#define KEYBD_INIT 0x09
#define DISK_INIT 0x0E
#define VIDEO_IO 0x10
#define EQUIP_CK 0x11
#define MEM_SIZE 0x12
#define DISK_IO 0x13
#define RS323_IO 0x14
#define CASS_IO 0x15
#define KEYBD_IO 0x16
#define PRINT_IO 0x17
#define TOD 0x1A
#define VIDEO_INIT 0x1D
#define GRAPHICS 0x1F

/* video routine numbers */
/* (placed in register AH before a BIOS interrupt 10H */
#define SET_MODE 0
#define CUR_TYPE 1
#define CUR_POS 2
#define GET_CUR 3
#define LPEN_POS 4
#define SET_PAGE 5
#define SCROLL_UP 6
#define SCROLL_DN 7
#define READ_CHAR_ATTR 8
#define WRITE_CHAR 10
#define PALETTE 11
#define WRITE_DOT 12
#define READ_DOT 13
#define WRITE_TTY 14
#define GET_STATE 15
#define ALT_FUNCTION 18 /* EGA only */
#define WRITE_STR 19 /* AT only */

/* disk routine numbers */
#define RESET_DISK 0
#define DISK_STATUS 1
#define READ_SECTOR 2
#define WRITE_SECTOR 3
#define FORMAT_TRACK 5

/* keyboard routine numbers */
#define KBD_READ 0
#define KBD_READY 1
#define KBD_STATUS 2

  3 Responses to “Category : C Source Code
Archive   : VF.ZIP
Filename : BIOSLIB.H

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: