Category : C Source Code
Archive   : TVX.ZIP

Output of file : QUICKREF.TVX contained in archive : TVX.ZIP
*** Quick Reference Summary ***

Usage: tvx filename [-b -i -l -o=f -r -s -t -w -# {-z -c=f}]

-[no]b : backup file -[no]i : autoindent
-[no]l : make command log file -t : tty mode
-o=outputfile -r : read only
-s : big save buff -[no]w : word processing mode
-# : set virtual window lines to #

On MS-DOS versions:
-[no]z : use control-z for end of file
-c=configfile -c : use /bin/config.tvx

TVX Commands (n => count allowed)

nA Append lines to save buffer (previous contents retained)
B Buffer beginning - move cursor to top of current buffer
^B File beginning - move cursor to beginning of file
nC Change chars - delete n characters, enter insert mode
nD Down line - move cursor to beginning of next nth line
n^D Down column - move to same column in nth line down.
E Buffer end - move cursor to end of current buffer
n^E Insert repeat buffer n into current text for Editing
nF Find pattern - terminated with Escape - wild cards possible
^F Find across buffs - searches across file buffers
G Get save buffer - insert contents of save buffer into text
^G Unkill last line - get back the last single line killed
nH Half page - move cursor down (+n) or up (-n) half screen
nI Insert (till $) - If n supplied, then single char inserted
J Jump back to line cursor was on before previous command
nK Kill character - deletes starting at char cursor is over
n^K Kill line - deletes n lines
nL Left - move cursor n characters left
M Memory status - show basic status
nN Note current location, up to 9 different places remembered
n^N Reset location - return cursor to location n
nO Open blank line - new line in front of cursor
^O Operating system - allows operating system commands
nP Page - move cursor up (-n) or down (+n) screenfuls
^P Print screen - only on PCs
nR Right - move cursor right n characters
^R Restore edited buffer - Used with ^E command
nS Save n consecutive lines in save buffer - deletes old contents
nT Tidy (fill text) - uses margin set by :w
^T Abort session - edits are lost!
nU Up - move cursor up n lines to line beginning
n^U Up column - retains column
V Verify - repaints the screen
n^W Write buff, get next part of large file, -n writes to cursor
^X Exit, end session - save edits
n^Y Yank to(-n)/from(+n) file - prompt for filename will follow
nBS Delete character before the cursor
n; Find again - re-uses last find pattern
/ Delete "last thing" - following g, s, a, f, ^f commands
= Change "last thing" - like /, but enters insert mode
' Delete to line beginning - deletes before cursor
" Delete to line end - cursor onward to end of line
, Line beginning - move cursor to beginning of line
. Line end - move to end of current line
nTAB Word right - move to begining of word to right
n{ Word left - left a word. n=0 move to beg of current word.
n<>$$ Repeat loop - execute commands between <>'s n times
n& Repeat again - execute current repeat buffer again
n#k Execute repeat buffer k n times
? Help - gives a help screen
@ Invoke cmd file - execute file of TVX commands
* Insert pattern found last - leaves in command mode
$ Escape - end insert, find, repeat
n:p Set parameter p - Possible parameters:
A - Autoindent (1=y,0=n) D - display line
E - Expand tabs to n spaces F - find case (0=exact,1=any)
M - Match wild cards O - set output file name
S - scroll window R - repeat buffer to use
T - tty mode U - define user wild card set
V - virtual window W - autowrap width

Wild card matching - when wild card matching (:M) is enabled (default),
the following wild cards (control characters) are supported

^A - alphanumeric character (a-z,0-9) ^D - a digit (0-9)
^L - any letter (a-z) ^O - Other - not ^A ^P - Punctuation
^X - any single character ^U - a character from user set (:U to set)
Any of the above preceded by ^W matches a "word" of the wild card.
A ^N will match a "word" of characters NOT in the wild card set.


  3 Responses to “Category : C Source Code
Archive   : TVX.ZIP

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: