Category : C Source Code
Archive   : TIFTOOL.ZIP
Filename : IMERR.H

Output of file : IMERR.H contained in archive : TIFTOOL.ZIP
* ImErr.h -- imaging error definitions.
* made this version on 88-10-31
#define IM_BASE 0

#define IM_BUG (IM_BASE + 1) /* supposedly impossible situation - almost certainly my problem */
#define IM_MEM_FULL (IM_BASE + 2) /* can't allocate enough memory */
#define IM_MEM_FAIL (IM_BASE + 3) /* can't lock allocated memory */
#define IM_NO_WIDTH (IM_BASE + 4) /* no ImageWidth */
#define IM_NO_LENGTH (IM_BASE + 5) /* no ImageLength */
#define IM_NO_OFFSETS (IM_BASE + 6) /* no StripOffsets */
#define IM_BAD_SPP (IM_BASE + 7) /* unsupported SamplesPerPixel */
#define IM_BAD_COMPR (IM_BASE + 8) /* unsupported compression type */
#define IM_BAD_PHOTO (IM_BASE + 9) /* unsupported photometricInterpretation */
#define IM_BAD_PREDICT (IM_BASE + 10) /* unsupported Predictor */
#define IM_BAD_PLANAR (IM_BASE + 11) /* unsupported PlanarConfiguration */
#define IM_BAD_BPS (IM_BASE + 12) /* unsupported BitsPerSample */
#define IM_BAD_NUM_OFF (IM_BASE + 13) /* wrong number of StripOffsets */
#define IM_UNK_FORMAT (IM_BASE + 14) /* unknown format */
#define IM_BAD_FILLORDER (IM_BASE + 15) /* unsupported FillOrder */
#define IM_BAD_WIDTH (IM_BASE + 16) /* bad ImageWidth - like 0 */
#define IM_BAD_LENGTH (IM_BASE + 17) /* bad ImageLength - like 0 */
#define IM_PRED_MISMATCH (IM_BASE + 18) /* cannot use this predictor with this bit depth */

#define IM_FADING_COMPR (IM_BASE + 19) /* this compression type is not recommended */
#define IM_BAD_TTYPE (IM_BASE + 20) /* bad tiff type (not BYTE or ASCII or ...) */
#define IM_BAD_NUM_BITS (IM_BASE + 21) /* wrong number of BitsPerSample values */
#define IM_LARGE_STRIP (IM_BASE + 22) /* the strip is larger than the recommended 10K */
#define IM_BAD_NUM_COUNTS (IM_BASE + 23) /* wrong number of StripByteCounts */
#define IM_NO_BYTECOUNTS (IM_BASE + 24) /* no StripByteCounts */ /* fatal if LZW */
#define IM_BAD_NEXT_IFD (IM_BASE + 25) /* the (2nd) next-ifd-pointer points past EOF */
#define IM_PB_BITSNOTONE (IM_BASE + 26) /* PackBits: bit depth is greater than 1 */
#define IM_NO_PHOTO (IM_BASE + 27) /* no PhotometricInterpretation field */
#define IM_FADING_BITDEPTH (IM_BASE + 28) /* not-recommended bit depth (probably 6) */
#define IM_BAD_ROWSPERSTRIP (IM_BASE + 29) /* bad RowsPerStrip (probably 0) */
#define IM_NO_COMPR (IM_BASE + 30) /* uncompressed */
#define IM_COLOR_CLASH (IM_BASE + 31) /* PhotometricInterpretation does not match SamplesPerPixel */
#define IM_NO_NEWSUBFILETYPE (IM_BASE + 32) /* no NewSubfileType */

  3 Responses to “Category : C Source Code
Archive   : TIFTOOL.ZIP
Filename : IMERR.H

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: