Category : C Source Code
Archive   : TEL2307S.ZIP
Filename : NCSABRK.ASM

Output of file : NCSABRK.ASM contained in archive : TEL2307S.ZIP
; ncsabrk.asm
; Support for BREAK interupts in NCSA Telnet
;* *
;* *
;* part of NCSA Telnet *
;* by Tim Krauskopf, VT100 by Gaige Paulsen, Tek by Aaron Contorer *
;* Kurt Mahan, Heeren Pathak, and Quincey Koziol *
;* *
;* National Center for Supercomputing Applications *
;* 152 Computing Applications Building *
;* 605 E. Springfield Ave. *
;* Champaign, IL 61820 *
;* *
;* *

;Microsoft EQU 1
;Lattice EQU 1
ifndef Microsoft
ifndef Lattice
%out ERROR: You have to specify "/DMicrosoft" OR "/DLattice" on the
%out MASM command line to determine the type of assembly.

; From original code by Tim Krauskopf 1984-1985
; Support for the BREAK interupt added, June 1990, Quincey Koziol
; National Center for Supercomputing Applications

; Internal data
X EQU 6 ; for the large model programs
; Match the model directive with the application model
.model large


sim_int macro num
call cs:orig_&num

TRUE equ 1
FALSE equ 0

; large model flag parameter equates
FLG_OFF equ [bp+6]
FLG_SEG equ [bp+8]

; small model flag parameter equates
FLG_OFF equ [bp+4]
FLG_SEG equ [bp+6]

; The subroutines to call from C
ifdef Microsoft
;_TEXT segment public 'CODE'
; assume CS:_TEXT
PUBLIC _install_break,_remove_break
PUBLIC install_break,remove_break

; The replaced addrss and the flag pointer are in the code
; segment so they will be accessable to the interrupt
; replacement code.

; far address of application program's Ctrl-C/Break
; detected flag
flag dd 0

orig_16h dd 0 ; far addresses of
orig_1bh dd 0 ; the original
orig_23h dd 0 ; vectors

; flag to let capture () & release () know there are
; valid addresses in org_??h
replaced db FALSE

assume ds:@curseg

; Routines to install and deinstall a BREAK routine which intersepts ctrl-c's
BREAKINT EQU 4*23H ; User hook to break int

; The following "installation" prodecure is a near call even
; in the large model enironment
install_vectors proc near

; get current int 16h vector
mov ax, 3516h
int 21h
mov word ptr orig_16h, bx

; save the vector we found
mov word ptr orig_16h+2, es

; get address of new handler
lea dx, sixteen_handler

; set the vector to point
; to our routine
mov ax, 2516h
int 21h

; Replacement of 1bh is mandatory if you want to prevent int
; 1bh (Ctrl-Break) from setting the flag DOS looks at

; get current int 1bh vector
mov ax, 351bh
int 21h
mov word ptr orig_1bh, bx

; save the vetor we found
mov word ptr orig_1bh+2, es

; get address of new handler
lea dx, int1b_handler

; set the vector to point
; to our routine
mov ax, 251bh
int 21h

; Replacement of 23h is *not* necessary to trap Ctrl C or
; Ctrl-Break, however, if you want to break from your code
; using Ctrl-2 or Alt-3, int 23h is where we'll make a call to
; release () so the installed interrupt handlers will be un-
; installed, thus preventing a system hang on return to DOS

; get current int 23h vector
mov ax, 3523h
int 21h
mov word ptr orig_23h, bx

; save the vector we found
mov word ptr orig_23h+2, es

; get address of new handlers
lea dx, int23_handler

; set the vector to point
; to our routine
mov ax, 2523h
int 21h
install_vectors endp

; install_break
; install the break interrupt handler, the handler is technically
; part of this procedure.
ifdef Microsoft
_install_break proc far
install_break proc far
; establish the stack frame
push bp
mov bp, sp

; save the application programs ds & es registers
push ds
push es

; make ds point to the code segment for vector swaps
push cs
pop ds

; check if already installed
cmp replaced, TRUE
jz capture_exit

; get the offset and segment of application "break_flag"
mov ax, word ptr FLG_OFF
mov word ptr flag, ax
mov ax, word ptr FLG_SEG
mov word ptr flag+2, ax

; install the replacements
; NOTE: near overides for when large model
call near ptr install_vectors

; flag that things have changed
mov byte ptr replaced, TRUE

; restore registers and stack frame
pop es
pop ds
pop bp
ifdef Microsoft
_install_break endp
install_break endp

assume cs:@curseg, ds:nothing, es:nothing

; remove_break
; restores interrupt 16h, 1bh, 23h to what they were before installing our
; break handler
ifdef Microsoft
_remove_break proc far
remove_break proc far
; save regs used locally
push ds
push dx

; save the flags in case this routine has been called
; by the int 23h handler

; check that _capture() has installed the handlers
cmp cs:replaced, TRUE
jnz release_exit

; ds:dx gets the address of the saved original
; interrupt 16h vector
lds dx, cs:orig_16h

; reset the int 16h vector
mov ax, 2516h
int 21h

; ds:dx gets the address of the saved original
; interrupt 1bh vector
lds dx, cs:orig_1bh

; reset the int 1bh vector
mov ax, 251bh
int 21h

; ds:dx gets the address of the saved original
; interrupt 23h vector
lds dx, cs:orig_23h

; reset the int 23h vector
mov ax, 2523h
int 21h

; indicate that vectors are no longer replaced
mov cs:replaced, FALSE

; restore flags, dx & ds
pop dx
pop ds
ifdef Microsoft
_remove_break endp
remove_break endp

assume cs:@curseg, ds:nothing, es:nothing

; place to store the int 16h function parameter
; re-entrance is not a problem
save_funct db ?

; Sixteen_handler is a far proc regardless of the memory model
; specified in the ".model" directive since it is an interrupt
; replacement routine.

sixteen_handler proc far

; save the function value
mov cs:save_funct, ah

; convert to the non-extended numbers
and ah, 11101111b

; is it a shift status request
cmp ah, 2

; lower than shift status request, we'll take care of it
jb not_shift_status_req

; put back the callers function, pass it to the BIOS &
; don't come back here
mov ah, cs:save_funct
jmp cs:orig_16h

; if it is a "is_keyready" call, handle it in the
; keyready_call block of code
cmp ah, 1
jz keyready_call

; must be a "get_key" request

; restore the callers original function value
mov ah, cs:save_funct

; simulate an interrupt
sim_int 16h

; did the BIOS return the Ctrl-C keycode
cmp ax, 2e03h

; no, so we can return to caller
jnz iret_back

; the BIOS returned a Ctrl-C keycode, so
; set the flag in the application program
call near ptr set_flag

; the Ctrl-C dey is thrown away so go bakc and get
; another key
jmp get_key_call

; restore the callers original function value
mov ah, cs:save_funct

; simulate an interrupt
sim_int 16h

; if the zero flag is set (by the BIOS), the keyboard
; buffer is empty - ok to return to caller
jz ok_to_go_back

; compare the key at the heaad of the keyboard buffer
; with Ctrl-C keycode. This compare will leave the Z flag
; indicating a key is available.
cmp ax, 2e03h
jnz ok_to_go_back

; key was Ctrl-C, set the application program flag
call near ptr set_flag

; remove Ctrl-C keycode from the keyboard buffer
mov ah, 0
sim_int 16h

; log back to see if a non Ctrl-C key is ready
jmp keyready_call

; throw away flags of our caller and return
ret 2

; restore callers flags on return
sixteen_handler endp

; int1b_handler is a far proc regardless of memory model
; set the application program flag and return
int1b_handler proc far
call near ptr set_flag
int1b_handler endp

; int23_handler is a far proc regardless of memory model
; used here to allow Ctrl-2 or Alt-3 to "break" the program
; execution.
; restore the original vectors and execute the original Ctrl-C
; interrupt handler
int23_handler proc far
; call _release
jmp cs:orig_23h
int23_handler endp

; set_flag is a near procedure regardless of memory model
; Use the address passed to _capture() and set the integer
; refrenced to one.

set_flag proc near
push ds
push si

; get the address of the application break flag
lds si,cs:flag

; set the flag to one
mov word ptr [si], 1
pop si
pop ds
set_flag endp

ifdef Microsoft

  3 Responses to “Category : C Source Code
Archive   : TEL2307S.ZIP
Filename : NCSABRK.ASM

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: