Category : C Source Code
Archive   : TEACH-C.ZIP
Filename : LESSON4

Output of file : LESSON4 contained in archive : TEACH-C.ZIP
These were written while the author was ~Ilearning~N the language and since
they are ~Ifree~N ( to copy and/or distribute ) there is a money-back
guarantee on the accuracy of each and every statement in the lessons (!)
The ~Idisplay~N program was written ( in C ) in order to provide a vehicle
for displaying the lessons.
Dept. of Applied Math
Univ. of Waterloo
Ontario N2L 3G1
FOR WHILE and other good stuff
~b~Imain() ~F{~N
~b~Iint i~N
~b~Iwhile (i<11); {~N
~b~Iprintf("\n The square of %d is %d",i,i*i);~N
This is the opening ~b~I{~N for ~b~Imain()~N.
~b~Imain() {~N
This is the closing ~b~I}~N for ~b~Imain()~N.
~Vint i~N
Here we declare ~b~Ii~N to be an ~b~Iint~Neger variable, and define it
to be (initially) the integer ~b~I1~N.

~IFind the error here!~N
~Vint i~N should be ~b~Iint i~F;~N
~Vint i;~N with SEMI-COLON!
Now that we're debugging our program, let's change these lines so that
the declaration and the initialization of ~b~Ii~N are together:

~b~Imain() {~N
~b~Iint i=1;~N
~b~Iwhile (i<11); {~N
~b~Iprintf("\n The square of %d is %d",i,i*i);~N

int i=1;
~b~Imain() {~N
~b~Iint i=1;~N
~Vwhile (i<11); {~N
~b~Iprintf("\n The square of %d is %d",i,i*i);~N
Here's something says to execute certain statements again
and again ~Ias long as i is less than 11~N ( or ~b~Iwhile~N i<11 ).

Execute what statements?
~b~Iwhile (i<11); ~F{~N
All the stuff between these curly brackets!
...and this stuff says to ~b~Iprintf~N:

~r~I The square of ~N ~r~Iis~N
value of ~b~Ii~N value of ~b~Ii*i~N (the square of ~b~Ii~N)
goes in here. goes in here.
change it!
~b~Imain() /* sexy program */~N
~b~I{ /* start main() */~N
~b~I int i=1; /* declare i=1 */~N
~b~I while (i<11); { /* while i<11 */~N
~b~I printf("\n The square of %d is %d",i,i*i); /* print i, i*i */~N
~b~I i=i+1; /* increment i */~N
~b~I } /* end of while */~N
~b~I} /* end of main */~N

Here's the same program again...but nicer to read!

Anything between ~b~I/*~N and ~b~I*/~N is a ~Icomment~N and is ignored
by the C-compiler (it's for human consumption only) so we've added a
comment to every line. NOW we can see what the program does by reading
~Ionly~N the comments!

Indenting the various parts makes for easier reading (again for human
consumption ...the compiler doesn't care).

The start and end of ~b~Imain()~N are easy to spot.
(Although different programmers use different formats, ~IWE~N will
always start and end ~b~Imain()~N with ~b~I{~N and ~b~I}~N in the ~Ifirst~N
column) Well ...sometimes we will start with: ~b~Imain() {~N
~b~I while (i<11); ~F{~N~b~I~W /* while i<11 */~N
~b~I ~F}~N~b~I~W /* end of while */~N
...and we start a ~b~Iwhile~N loop with ~b~Iwhile (....) ~F{~N and end it
with ~b~I~F}~N placed directly below the ~b~Iw~N in ~b~Iw~Nhile.

...and we will always (?) ~Iindent~N (by 4 spaces) these ~Iinside loops~N.
~b~Imain() /* sexy program */~N
~b~I{ /* start main() */~N
~b~I int i=1; /* declare i=1 */~N
~b~I while (i<11); { /* while i<11 */~N
~b~I printf("\n The square of %d is %d",i,i*i); /* print i, i*i */~N
~b~I i=i+1; /* increment i */~N
~b~I } /* end of while */~N
~b~I} /* end of main */~N

Alas, this program won't even compile!

Whereas most C statements end in a SEMI-COLON, the ~b~Iwhile (...)~N does
~INOT~N. We must delete the ~b~I;~N after a ~b~Iwhile~N.
~b~I while (i<11)~F;~N~b~I~W { /* while i<11 */~N
~b~I while (i<11) { /* while i<11 */~N
~b~Imain() /* sexy program */~N
~b~I{ /* start main() */~N
~b~I int i=1; /* declare i=1 */~N
~b~I while (i<11) { /* while i<11 */~N
~b~I printf("\n The square of %d is %d",i,i*i); /* print i, i*i */~N
~b~I i=i+1; /* increment i */~N
~b~I } /* end of while */~N
~b~I} /* end of main */~N
The construction: ~V i=1; ~N
~V while (i<11) { ~N
~V some statements; ~N
~V i=i+1; ~N
~V } ~N

occurs so often (in any language) that a slick mechanism exists ~Ifor~N
handling this loop:

~V for (i=1; i<11; i=i+1) { ~N
~V some statements; ~N
~V } ~N
~b~Imain() /* sexy program */~N
~b~I{ /* start main() */~N
~b~I int i; /* declare i */~N
~b~I for (i=1; i<11; i=i+1) { /* the for loop */~N
~b~I printf("\n The square of %d is %d",i,i*i); /* print i, i*i */~N
~b~I } /* end of for */~N
~b~I} /* end of main */~N

Note that the ~Ifor loop~N automatically initializes ~b~Ii~N to ~b~I1~N,
then does the ~b~Iprintf()~N again and again, each time incrementing ~b~Ii~N,
until ~b~Ii~N has the value ~I11~N ( ..then the program exits from this loop
after ~b~Iprintf~N-ing for the last time with ~b~Ii~N=10).

The value of ~b~Ii~N, after the exit from the loop, is ~I11~N.
NOT 10
..and, just to check it all out, we leave our word processor after saving
this ~Isource~N code under the name ~Iprogram2.c~N, then type:

~Icc program2~N

then (assuming it compiles without errors!) we finish with:

~Ilink program2~N

then ( since this ~Icompile/link~N procedure will generate an ~Iexe~Ncutable
file called ~Iprogram2.exe~N ) we type:


and the ~Iexe~Ncutable program will load from disk, then execute, to give:

~r~I The square of 1 is 1~N
~r~I The square of 2 is 4~N
~r~I The square of 3 is 9~N
~r~I The square of 4 is 16~N
~r~I The square of 5 is 25~N
~r~I The square of 6 is 36~N
~r~I The square of 7 is 49~N
~r~I The square of 8 is 64~N
~r~I The square of 9 is 81~N
~r~I The square of 10 is 100~N
1 ~b~I i=5; ~N
2 ~b~I while (i<5) { ~N
3 ~b~I some statements; ~N
4 ~b~I } ~N

In this piece of code, the ~b~Iwhile~N loop will be executed only as long as
~b~Ii<5~N. Since we set ~b~Ii=5~N in Line 1, the loop would be bypassed.

~IThe condition, in a while loop, is checked at the beginning of the loop!~N

Usually this is what we want .... but, sometimes it is NOT:

~b~I while (sam>100) { ~N
~b~I -------------------------------------------- ~N
~b~I some statements which calculate some numbers ~N
~b~I and use these to compute the value of sam. ~N
~b~I -------------------------------------------- ~N
~b~I } ~N

In this piece of code the value of ~b~Isam~N is not even known until we go
through the ~b~Iwhile~N loop we want to check the ~Iwhile-condition~N
at the END of the loop !!!
now DO this for a WHILE
~b~I while (sam>100) { ~N
~b~I -------------------------------------------- ~N
~b~I some statements which calculate some numbers ~N
~b~I and use these to compute the value of sam. ~N
~b~I -------------------------------------------- ~N
~b~I } ~N

We replace the above construction by a ~IDO-WHILE~N:

~b~I do { ~N
~b~I -------------------------------------------- ~N
~b~I some statements which calculate some numbers ~N
~b~I and use these to compute the value of sam. ~N
~b~I -------------------------------------------- ~N
~b~I } while (sam>100)~F;~N~b~I ~N

...and (magic) the ~Iwhile-condition~N is checked at the
~Iend of the loop~N!
1 ~b~I double x=1.0, y, e; /* double precision ! */ ~N
2 ~b~I do { /* start of the do-loop*/ ~N
3 ~b~I y=2.0*sin(x); /* calculate y */ ~N
4 ~b~I e=fabs(y-x); /* calculate error */ ~N
5 ~b~I x=y; /* change x to y */ ~N
6 ~b~I } while (e>.0000005); /* end condition */ ~N
7 ~b~I printf("x-2sin(x)=%f when x=%f",e,x); ~N

This program calulates the root of the equation: ~Ix-2*sin(x)=0~N
by starting with ~b~Ix=1.0~N (Line 1), then repeatedly replacing ~b~Ix~N
by y in Line 5 ( where y is calculated as 2.0*sin(x) in Line 3 ).

While the error,( the ~b~If~Nloating point ~b~Iabs~Nolute value of ~b~Iy-x~N,
calculated in Line 4) exceeds ~b~I.0000005~N we repeat the loop.

Finally, when the ~Iwhile-condition~N (in Line 6) is false (i.e. when
~b~Ie~N is LESS THAN OR EQUAL to .0000005), we print:

~r~Ix-2sin(x)=0.000000 when x=1.895494~N correct to 6 decimal places!

..and it's nice to check the error ~b~Ie~N after we go thru' the loop!
~b~Iwhile (something is true ) {~N
~b~I do these statements; ~N
~b~I} ~N

~b~Ifor (initialize variables;repeat,if this is true;do this at end of loop) {~N
~b~I do these statements; ~N
~b~I} ~N

~INOTE~N: If there is only ~Ione~N statement to perform, in either a ~b~Iwhile~N
or a ~b~Ifor~N loop, then we don't need the ~b~I{~N and ~b~I}~N:

~b~I ~N
~b~Ifor (i=0; i<11; i=i+1) ~N NO OPENING {
~b~I printf("\n The square of %d is %d",i,i*i); ~N or CLOSING }
~b~I ~N
~b~Ido { ~N
~b~I do these statements; ~N
~b~I} while (something is true)~F;~N~b~I ~N
~INOTE~N: The ~Iwhile~N which occurs at the end of a ~IDO loop~N needs
We can also invoke a function ( like ~b~Igetchar()~N ) ~Iwhile~N inside....
~b~Ichar key; ~N
~b~Iwhile ( (key = getchar()) != 'e' ) ~N
~b~I printf(" You pressed %c \n",key); ~N
~b~Iprintf("\n THAT'S THE eND"); ~N

..where we wait for a ~Isingle~N keypress (that's what ~b~Igetchar()~N does!),
and assign the key to the ~b~Ichar~N variable ~b~Ikey~N via ~b~Ikey=getchar()~N,
and so long as ~b~Ikey~N is ~Inot equal~N to the letter ~I'e'~N, we ~b~Iprintf()~N
the ~b~Ikey~N (as a ~b~I%c~Nharacter) and then a ~b~I\n~Newline .

~INOTE~N: ~b~Iscanf("%c",&key)~N would require your pressing the ~Ienter~N key
after each of the letters ~Ia~N, ~Ib~N, etc. ... so we used ~b~Igetchar()~N!

This program would give (if you pressed ~Ia~N then ~Ib~N then ~Ic~N etc.):

~Ia ~r You pressed a~N
~Ib ~r You pressed b~N
~Ic ~r You pressed c~N
~Id ~r You pressed d~N

au revoir!


  3 Responses to “Category : C Source Code
Archive   : TEACH-C.ZIP
Filename : LESSON4

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: