Dec 192017
Latest patches for Turbo C++. Fixes growing .PRJ files, CGA colors, heap fix, etc.
File TCPPT1.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category C Source Code
Latest patches for Turbo C++. Fixes growing .PRJ files, CGA colors, heap fix, etc.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
DOS.H 9352 2785 deflated
FARHEAP.OBC 1443 990 deflated
FARHEAP.OBH 1448 993 deflated
FARHEAP.OBL 1448 993 deflated
FARHEAP.OBM 1381 958 deflated
FARHEAP.OBS 1376 954 deflated
FHEAPCHK.OBC 1100 747 deflated
FHEAPCHK.OBH 1100 747 deflated
FHEAPCHK.OBL 1100 747 deflated
FHEAPCHK.OBM 974 697 deflated
FHEAPCHK.OBS 974 696 deflated
FINDFIRS.OBC 293 244 deflated
FINDFIRS.OBH 272 221 deflated
FINDFIRS.OBL 293 244 deflated
FINDFIRS.OBM 293 244 deflated
FINDFIRS.OBS 293 244 deflated
NEARHEAP.OBC 29 29 stored
NEARHEAP.OBH 29 29 stored
NEARHEAP.OBL 29 29 stored
NEARHEAP.OBM 1007 804 deflated
NEARHEAP.OBS 1003 798 deflated
NHEAPCHK.OBC 29 29 stored
NHEAPCHK.OBH 29 29 stored
NHEAPCHK.OBL 29 29 stored
NHEAPCHK.OBM 793 587 deflated
NHEAPCHK.OBS 793 587 deflated
OVERLAY.LIB 14336 7186 deflated
PATCH.COM 8944 5889 deflated
PATTC.BAT 21 21 stored
PTFILFRE.BAT 2164 590 deflated
PTFNDFRS.BAT 1702 542 deflated
PTREALOC.BAT 2142 590 deflated
PTSETJMP.BAT 1658 537 deflated
README.PAT 2896 1260 deflated
SETJMP.OBC 264 247 deflated
SETJMP.OBH 248 228 deflated
SETJMP.OBL 265 246 deflated
SETJMP.OBM 267 247 deflated
SETJMP.OBS 266 248 deflated
TCIDE.PAT 240 139 deflated
WILDARGS.OBJ 224 185 deflated

Download File TCPPT1.ZIP Here

 December 19, 2017  Add comments

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