Dec 102017
Create make file from TC Make/Project file.
File TCMAKE.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category C Source Code
Create make file from TC Make/Project file.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
TCMAKE.DOC 1607 713 deflated
TCMAKE.EXE 33434 21214 deflated

Download File TCMAKE.ZIP Here

Contents of the TCMAKE.DOC file

TCMAKE V1.0 July 24, 1989
Written by Terry Smith

TCMAKE is a program the will read the Project/Make file used
in the Turbo C Intergrated Development Environment and create a
makefile. TCMAKE will then execute MAKE.EXE to keep your programs

To use TCMAKE move to the subdirectory that contains you
project file. Type the following command:

TCMAKE options project[.prj]

TCMAKE will create 'makefile.mak' to be used by MAKE.EXE and
'makefile.rsp' to be used by TLINK.EXE. TCMAKE will execute
MAKE.EXE from the DOS path string and return when complete.

The DOS path string must contain the path name where the
Turbo C program reside. You may also need to use the DOS SET
command to assign two identifiers:

SET INC=C:\TC\LIB (default)

Comments and criticism is always welcome. You may write
to me
Terry Smith
P.O. Box 38024
St. Louis, MO 63138
or call
The Software Domain (BBS)
(314) 868-9911

*** Notice ***

The author assumes no responsibility for any loss or damage that
may be caused by the use of this software, and does not warrant
that it will do anything at all. Users must agree to accept any
risk as a condition of the free use of this software.

 December 10, 2017  Add comments

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