Category : C Source Code
Archive   : TCKEY.ZIP
Filename : TCKEY.H

Output of file : TCKEY.H contained in archive : TCKEY.ZIP
/* tckey.h
* Object code is in mylib.lib
* Taken from Inside Turbo C, Special Issue
* header file for TCKEY.C and programs that use it
* Uses DOS Interrupt 16 basic (0) or extended (10h) service. Extended
* adds F11 & F12 and the additional cursor control keys.
* KbdEnhanced lets an application program toggle TCKEY's use of the
* extended services (default is FALSE, use standard services).
* KbdEnhanced(TRUE) to toggle.
* KbdGetChar is a replacement for getch, but retrieves both the next
* character and the Scan code. The Scan code is in the upper 8 bits and
* the character code in the lower 8 bits. Then use the macros defined
* in tckey.h to retrieve the portion you want. KbdChar retrives the
* character, KbdScan the Scan code, KbdNoScan shift the Scan code to the
* lower 8 bits, while KbdMakeScan shift the 8 lower bits up to the upper
* 8 bits to compare to a Scan code as in;
* c = KbdGetChar();
* if (KbdScan(c) == KbdMakeScan(73) where 73 is a Scan code
* KbdHit replaces kbhit. KbdHit return TRUE or FALSE.
* KbdFlags returns the status of the keyboard flags. Use the status
* code detection and the Enhanced Keyboard status code macros to find
* the status. KbdFlags returns _AL or _AX if enhanced. For example,
* if (RightShift(KbdFlags) == TRUE)
* KbdCharIn returns the character code, Scan code, and state of the
* of the keyboard flags in a single call. For example,
* unsigned flags, keys;
* KbdCharIn(&key, &flags, TRUE);
* if (RightShift(flags))

#if !defined(TRUE)
#define TRUE 1

#if !defined(FALSE)
#define FALSE 0

#define KEYINT 0x16

/* Status code detection: */
#define RightShift(val) (val & 0x0001)
#define LeftShift(val) (val & 0x0002)
#define CtrlKey(val) (val & 0x0004)
#define AltKey(val) (val & 0x0008)
#define ScrollLockToggle(val) (val & 0x0010)
#define NumLockToggle(val) (val & 0x0020)
#define CapsLockToggle(val) (val & 0x0040)
#define InsertToggle(val) (val & 0x0080)

/* Enhanced Keyboard status codes: */
#define LeftCtrlKey(val) (val & 0x0100)
#define LeftAltKey(val) (val & 0x0200)
#define RightCtrlKey(val) (val & 0x0400)
#define RightAltKey(val) (val & 0x0800)
#define Scroll(val) (val & 0x1000)
#define NumLock(val) (val & 0x2000)
#define CapsLock(val) (val & 0x4000)

/* Essential keyboard macros: */
#define KbdChar(value) (value & 0x00ff)
#define KbdScan(value) (value & 0xff00)
#define KbdMakeScan(value) (value << 8)
#define KbdNoScan(value) (value >> 8)

#define Ctrl(value) (value - 'A' + 1)
#define F1 KbdMakeScan(59)
#define F2 KbdMakeScan(60)
#define F3 KbdMakeScan(61)
#define F4 KbdMakeScan(62)
#define F5 KbdMakeScan(63)
#define F6 KbdMakeScan(64)
#define F7 KbdMakeScan(65)
#define F8 KbdMakeScan(66)
#define F9 KbdMakeScan(67)
#define F10 KbdMakeScan(68)
#define F11 KbdMakeScan(133)
#define F12 KbdMakeScan(134)

#define HOME KbdMakeScan(71)
#define END KbdMakeScan(79)
#define PGUP KbdMakeScan(73)
#define PGDN KbdMakeScan(81)
#define UPARROW KbdMakeScan(72)
#define DOWNARROW KbdMakeScan(80)
#define LEFTARROW KbdMakeScan(75)
#define RIGHTARROW KbdMakeScan(77)

void KbdEnhanced(int is_enhanced);
unsigned KbdGetChar(void);
unsigned KbdFlags(void);
void KbdCharIn(unsigned *character, unsigned *flags, unsigned wait);
int KbdHit(void);

  3 Responses to “Category : C Source Code
Archive   : TCKEY.ZIP
Filename : TCKEY.H

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: