Category : C Source Code
Archive   : TCC_MISC.ZIP
Filename : TCOD.C

Output of file : TCOD.C contained in archive : TCC_MISC.ZIP
* TCOD: This quick-and-dirty utility will create a .COD file which
* contains a mixed assembly and Turbo-C source code listing. The
* result is similar to that obtained by using the "-Fc" option flag
* with Microsoft C v3.0 or v4.0. This utility has been tested with
* Turbo-C v1.00.
* To compile this utility:
* "tcc -G -O -Z -w tcod.c"
* To obtain a listing of foo.c:
* "tcc -S foo.c"
* "tcod foo"
* To build an implicit rule for use with MAKE, place the following
* lines into BUILTINS.MAK
* .c.cod:
* tcc -S $<
* tcod $*
* del $*.ASM
* Beware: If an included file contains code, we will find "; Line"
* comments in the ASM file pointing to the line number of the
* included file. Unfortunately, we will not have any way to
* determine that the code originated from a different source file.
* We can do nothing about this. Let the buyer beware! I think the
* rule here is... don't put code in include files!!
* Placed in the public domain 5/19/87 by Lenox Brassell.
* [CompuServe PPN: 76224,75].
* Modified by Dean McCrory to strip the extension upon startup.
* Also changed function headers to match the old format since the new
* format is not supported by most compilers.


static char self[] = "TCOD"; /* Now this code is "self-aware". */
/* It knows its own name. */

#define PATHNAMELEN 64

/* Input and output streams */
static FILE *asm_stream; /* Input stream for ?.ASM */
static FILE *c_stream; /* Input stream for ?.C */
static FILE *merge_stream; /* Output stream for ?.COD */

/* Input/output buffer for a singe line of the ASM/COD file */
/* We use a leading tab to make the COD output prettier */
#define ASM_LINEMAX 256
static char tab_asm_line[ASM_LINEMAX+2] = "\t";
#define asm_line &tab_asm_line[1]

/* This tag indicates that we should look for the given source code line. */
static char c_tag[] = "; Line ";
#define LINE_LEN (sizeof(c_tag) - 1) /* Don't compare the '\0' */
#define C_LINE_COMMENT(s) ((*(s)==';') && strncmp((s),c_tag,LINE_LEN)==0)

/* Function prototypes */
static FILE *fopen_by_extension (char *, char *, char *);
static char *seek_c_line (int);

void main (argc, argv)
int argc;
char *argv[];
char *rootname;
char *c_line;
int line_number;

if (argc != 2)
fprintf (stderr, "%s: Usage is \"%s FILENAME\".\n", self,self);
exit (1);

rootname = strchr (argv[1], '.'); /* search for a period */
if (rootname != NULL)
*rootname = '\0'; /* cut string off at period */

rootname = argv[1];
asm_stream = fopen_by_extension (rootname, ".ASM", "r");
c_stream = fopen_by_extension (rootname, ".C", "r");
merge_stream = fopen_by_extension (rootname, ".COD", "w");

/* For each line of ASM source: */
while (fgets (asm_line,ASM_LINEMAX,asm_stream) != NULL)
if (C_LINE_COMMENT(asm_line))
line_number = atoi (asm_line+LINE_LEN);
c_line = seek_c_line (line_number);
if (c_line != NULL)
fputs (c_line, merge_stream);
else /* Humph! We can't find the source line. */
fputs (asm_line, merge_stream);
fputs (tab_asm_line, merge_stream);

exit (0);

static FILE *fopen_by_extension (rootname, extension, mode)
char *rootname;
char *extension;
char *mode;
PATHNAME pathname;
FILE *stream;

stream = fopen (strcat (strcpy (pathname, rootname), extension), mode);
if (stream == NULL)
fprintf (stderr, "%s: Cannot open \"%s\"\n", self, pathname);
perror (pathname);
exit (1);

return (stream);

#define C_LINE_MAX 256
static char *seek_c_line (line_number)
int line_number;
static char c_line [C_LINE_MAX+2] = ";";
static int current_line = 1;

if (line_number < current_line)
rewind (c_stream);
current_line = 1;

while (fgets (c_line+1, C_LINE_MAX, c_stream) != NULL)
if (current_line++ == line_number)
return (c_line);

return (NULL);

  3 Responses to “Category : C Source Code
Archive   : TCC_MISC.ZIP
Filename : TCOD.C

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: