Category : C Source Code
Archive   : TCCLIB2.ZIP
Filename : GETFILE.C

Output of file : GETFILE.C contained in archive : TCCLIB2.ZIP

typedef struct {
char Name[9];
char Ext[4];
char Attribute;
unsigned int Date;
unsigned int Time;
unsigned long Size;
int Tag;
} FileStruc;

typedef struct {
char Name[13];
} FileNameStruc;

#define MAXFILES 500

FileStruc *ScanDir( char *Mask, int Type );
char *FileName( FileStruc *f );

int GComm( void );
void HideCursor( void );
void BlockErase( int x, int y, int xx, int yy );
void DrawBox( int x, int y, int xx, int yy );
void DrawBox1( int x, int y, int xx, int yy );
void HLin( int x, int y, int xx, int yy );
void ChangeBlock( int x, int y, int xx, int yy, unsigned char attrib );
void AtSay( int x, int y, register char *s );
void AtSayF( int x, int y, char *fmt, ... );
void NPrintFA( int len, unsigned char attrib, char *fmt, ... );
int GetLine( char *s, int len, int start );
void TcclibInitialize( void );

extern int ScdirDone;
extern unsigned char A_NORMAL;
extern unsigned char A_REVERSE;

int CompareFileNames( FileNameStruc *A, FileNameStruc *B )
return( strcmp( A->Name, B->Name ) );

char *GetFile( int x, int y, int xx, int yy,
char *Mask, int FileAttrib, int ExtOn )
register FileNameStruc *File;
register int i;
int j, cols, rows, Width, files, top, oldptr, oldtop;
static char RetName[15];
FileStruc *fp;
int ptr;
char *Scr1, *Scr2;
int ch;


cols = xx - x + 1;
rows = yy - y + 1;
if ( cols < 14 || rows < 4 ) return( NULL );
if ( ( Scr1 = (char *) calloc( rows*2, cols ) ) == NULL )
return( NULL );
if ( ( Scr2 = (char *) calloc( 6, 14 ) ) == NULL )
return( NULL );
if ( ( File = (FileNameStruc *) calloc( MAXFILES, 13 ) ) == NULL )
return( NULL );
gettext( x, y, xx, yy, Scr1 );
BlockErase( x, y, xx, yy );
DrawBox( x, y, xx, yy );
gotoxy( x+1, y );
NPrintFA( cols-4, A_REVERSE, " %s ", Mask );
files = 0;
ScdirDone = 1;
while ( ( fp = ScanDir( Mask, FileAttrib ) ) != NULL && files < MAXFILES-1 ) {
if ( ExtOn )
strcpy( File[files++].Name, FileName( fp ) );
strcpy( File[files++].Name, fp->Name );
if ( ExtOn )
Width = 14;
Width = 10;
rows -= 2;
cols = (xx - x + 3) / Width;

qsort( File, files, sizeof( FileNameStruc ), CompareFileNames );

top = 0;


BlockErase( x, y, xx, yy );
if ( top > 0 )
AtSay( xx-9, yy+1, "PgUp/" );
HLin( xx-9, yy+1, xx-5, yy+1 );
if ( cols * rows + top < files ) {
AtSay( xx-4, yy+1, "PgDn" );
HLin( xx-5, yy+1, xx-1, yy+1 );

for ( i=0; i for ( j=0; j if ( files > ( i * rows + j + top ) )
AtSayF( x + Width * i, y + j,
"%s", File[i * rows + j + top].Name );

ptr = 0;

for (;;) {

ChangeBlock( x, y, xx, yy, A_NORMAL );
ChangeBlock( x + ( ptr / rows * Width ),
y + ( ptr % rows ),
x + ( ptr / rows * Width ) + Width - 3,
y + ( ptr % rows ),

oldptr = ptr;
oldtop = top;
switch( ch = GComm() ) {
case CR:
strcpy( RetName, File[ptr + top].Name );
puttext( x-1, y-1, xx+1, yy+1, Scr1 );
free( Scr1 );
free( Scr2 );
free( File );
return( RetName );
case ESC:
puttext( x-1, y-1, xx+1, yy+1, Scr1 );
free( Scr1 );
free( Scr2 );
free( File );
return( NULL );
case DOWN:
if ( ptr < rows * cols - 1 )
case UP:
if ( ptr )
case RIGHT:
if ( ptr < rows * cols - rows )
ptr += rows;
case LEFT:
if ( ptr >= rows )
ptr -= rows;
case PGDN:
if ( top + rows * cols < files ) {
top += rows * cols;
goto RedrawFiles;
case PGUP:
if ( top ) {
top -= rows * cols;
if ( top < 0 ) top = 0;
goto RedrawFiles;
if ( ch > ' ' && ch < 128 ) {
gettext( x-1, y, x+12, y+2, Scr2 );
BlockErase( x-1, y, x+12, y+2 );
DrawBox1( x-1, y, x+12, y+2 );
AtSay( x+2, y, "New File" );
gotoxy( x, y+1 );
putch( ch );
memset( RetName, 0, sizeof (RetName) );
RetName[0] = ch;
if ( -1 == GetLine( RetName, 12, 1 ) ) {
puttext( x-1, y, x+12, y+2, Scr2 );
puttext( x-1, y-1, xx+1, yy+1, Scr1 );
free( Scr1 );
free( Scr2 );
free( File );
return( RetName );
if ( top < 0 ) top = 0;
if ( !strlen( File[top+ptr].Name ) ) {
ptr = oldptr;
top = oldtop;

  3 Responses to “Category : C Source Code
Archive   : TCCLIB2.ZIP
Filename : GETFILE.C

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: