Category : C Source Code
Archive   : SUPER_C.ZIP
Filename : V5LIB.ASM

Output of file : V5LIB.ASM contained in archive : SUPER_C.ZIP
; Video_Display Library (part 5)

_TEXT segment byte public 'CODE' ; Place the code in the code segment
assume CS:_TEXT ; Assume the CS register points to it

public _scrClr

_scrClr proc near
push bp
mov bp,sp
push di
push si
mov al,0 ; Set number of lines to scroll to 0
mov ch,0 ; Set upper-left row
mov cl,0 ; Set upper-left column
mov dh,24 ; Set lower-right row
mov dl,79 ; Set lower-right Column
mov bh,7 ; Set blank lines attribute
mov ah,6 ; Scroll page up interrupt
int 10H
mov ah,15 ; Get page number
int 10H
mov dx,0 ; Set position to (0,0)
mov ah,2
int 10H
pop si
pop di
pop bp
_scrClr endp

; _scrPuts(s)
; Function: Do a TTY style write of the null-terminated string pointed
; to by s.
; Algorithm: Directly write the characters to the display, then update
; the cursor to the end of the string written.
; Comments: This function does not implement full TTY style output; most
; importantly, it will not scroll the display when the end is reached.

public _scrPuts ; Routine is available to other modules

s = 4 ; The offset to the s parameter

_scrPuts proc near ; NEAR type subroutine
push bp ; Save the BP register
mov bp,sp ; Set BP to SP, so we can access the parameters
push di ; Save the DI register
push si ; Save the SI register
push es ; Save the ES register
mov ah,15 ; Get mode & active page number by calling
int 10H ; the ROM BIOS
mov cx,0B000H ; Assume monochrome adapter base address
cmp al,7 ; Check it by checking the display mode
je setma ; If it is monochrome, branch
mov cx,0B800H ; Otherwise, set the base address to CGA
setma: mov es,cx ; ES = adapter base address
mov si,[bp+s] ; SI = start of string to write
mov ah,3 ; Get cursor position into DH/DL by calling
int 10H ; the ROM BIOS
; Calculate the character position offset:
calcCh: push es ; Save display memory ES
xor ax,ax ; Point ES to low memory (i.e., zero it)
mov es,ax
mov al,dh ; AL = row of cursor
mov bl,es:44AH ; BL = screen width in characters
mul bl ; AX = row # times columns per row
mov cl,dl ; CX = column of cursor
xor ch,ch
add ax,cx ; Add the column number to AX
shl ax,1 ; Adjust for char/attribute (multiply by 2)
add ax,es:44EH ; Add in the page start address (from low mem)
mov di,ax ; Point DI at next display byte
pop es ; Restore ES to the screen memory base
; Main character copying loop:
loop: lods byte ptr [si] ; Get the next character in the string
or al,al ; Check for end-of-string
jz exit ; If end-of-string, exit
cmp al,0DH ; Check for carriage return
jne notCR ; If not carriage return, branch
xor dl,dl ; Go to the first column, this line
jmp calcCh ; Go recalc display pointer
notCR: cmp al,0AH ; Check for line feed
jne notLF ; If not line feed, branch
inc dh ; Go to the next line, this column
jmp calcCh ; Go recalc display pointer
notLF: cmp al,' ' ; Check for other control characters
jl loop ; If it is a control character, skip it
cmp dl,bl ; Are we off the right edge of the screen?
je loop ; If yes, don't display this one
stos byte ptr es:[di]; Store the character into display memory
inc di ; Skip over display attribute
inc dl ; Next column
jmp loop ; Go do the next one

exit: mov ah,2 ; Set the new cursor position by calling
int 10H ; the ROM BIOS
pop es ; Restore the ES register
pop si ; Restore the SI register
pop di ; Restore the DI register
pop bp ; Restore the BP register
ret ; Return to calling program
_scrPuts endp ; End of subroutine

_TEXT ends ; End of code segment
end ; End of assembly code

  3 Responses to “Category : C Source Code
Archive   : SUPER_C.ZIP
Filename : V5LIB.ASM

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: