Category : C Source Code
Archive   : STAYRESC.ZIP
Filename : STAYRES.C
/* */
/* STAYRES.C Version 1.1 10/26/85 Brian Irvine */
/* */
/* */
/* stayres.c - Code which can be used in a general way to create programs */
/* in C which will terminate and stay resident. This code */
/* will allow the use of DOS I/O without having the stack and */
/* registers clobbered. This code is written in DeSmet C and */
/* uses library functions which may not be available in other */
/* C compilers. It also makes heavy use of the #asm compiler */
/* directive to allow in-line assembly language within the C */
/* code. This code provides a general outline for a main() */
/* function which can be modified to suit the users needs. All */
/* the code necessary to terminate and stay resident is */
/* contained in this module; the user's program can be contain- */
/* ed entirely externally. The program does not have to be a */
/* COM file, and the amount of memory reserved is not limited */
/* to 64K. The code has not been tested on program files with */
/* greater than 64K of code. */
/* */
/* This code is based on a set of routines written in Turbo */
/* Pascal by Lane H. Ferris which are available on the Borland */
/* SIG on Compuserve. */
/* */
/* Brian Irvine */
/* 3379 St Marys Place */
/* Santa Clara, CA 95051 */
/* [71016,544] */
/* */
/* */
/* Modification Log: */
/* Version 1.10 - 10/26/85 */
/* Corrected error in restoring stack which caused major problems. */
/* Tested now with Personal Editor, Volkswriter Deluxe, Crosstalk. */
/* Removed redundant code which restored registers twice, once from */
/* memory and again from the stack. */
/* */
#include "stdio.h"
/*----- Global variables ---------------------------------------------------*/
unsigned dos_regs [10]; /* save DOS registers here */
unsigned dos_dseg; /* save the DS and SS regs */
unsigned dos_sseg; /* for later convenience */
unsigned dos_sp; /* storage for DOS stack pointer */
unsigned c_sseg; /* save our stack segment here */
unsigned c_sp; /* and our stack pointer here */
unsigned stacksize; /* size of DOS/local stack */
int _rax, _rbx, _rcx, _rdx, /* variables hold register values */
_rsi, _rdi, _rds, _res;
/* note: storage to save the DOS/C data segments must be allocated in the */
/* code segment, so variable must be defined inside "#asm - #" area. */
/*----- Constants ----------------------------------------------------------*/
#define KB_INT 0x16 /* BIOS software int keyboard service routine */
#define DOS_INT 0x21 /* DOS kitchen sink interrupt */
#define USER_INT 0x67 /* INT 16H vector is moved to here */
#define WAKEUP 0x71 /* scan code for Alt-F10 */
#define PARAGRAPHS 0x1000 /* # of paragraphs of memory to keep */
/*----- Externals ----------------------------------------------------------*/
extern unsigned _PCB; /* DeSmet C stores original sp value at _PCB + 2. */
extern void program(); /* user's program module entry point */
/* Initial program startup code */
main ()
/* Save the C data segment and reserve storage in code segment for later use */
jmp get_ds
active_: db 0
c_ds_: dw 0
dos_ds_: dw 0
get_ds: push ax
mov ax,ds
mov cs:c_ds_,ax
pop ax
/* initialize program stack segment variable */
c_sseg = _showds();
/* get the current address of INT 16H and save it */
_res = 0; /* just for DOS 3.0 */
_rax = 0x3500 + USER_INT;
_doint (DOS_INT);
if ( _res != 0 )
puts ("\nInterrupt 67H in use. Can't install program.\n");
/* Do your program initialization here because you won't get hold of */
/* it again until it is entered with the wakeup key sequence. */
/* get address of current INT 16H routine */
_rax = 0x3500 + KB_INT;
_doint (DOS_INT);
/* set the old INT 16H code up as INT 67H for later use */
_rax = 0x2500 + USER_INT;
_rds = _res;
_rdx = _rbx;
_doint (DOS_INT);
/* now set the INT 16H vector to point to our new service routine */
_rax = 0x2500 + KB_INT;
_rds = _showcs();
push bx
lea bx, back_door_
mov word _rdx_,bx
pop bx
_doint (DOS_INT);
puts ("Resident program installed.\n");
/* now terminate while staying resident */
_rax = 0x3100;
_doint (DOS_INT);
/*----- Interrupt 16H service routine --------------------------------------*/
/* */
/* This function replaces the standard BIOS INT 16H service routine. */
/* It is called by DOS and our application program to get the next */
/* character from the queue, check the shift status, or just see if */
/* there is a character in the queue. All type 1 and 2 requests are */
/* passed through to the original service routine, through a long */
/* jump to that address. Type 0 requests (get the next character) */
/* are handled through an INT 67H call to the original service rou- */
/* tine. The character obtained is checked to see if it is the */
/* designated wakeup key. If not, it is passed on to DOS. If it is, */
/* then part of the DOS stack is saved on the local stack, all the */
/* processor registers are saved in memory and the program is */
/* started up. The C program environment and registers are estab- */
/* lished and the DOS environment is saved for later restoration. */
/* Upon return from the user's program, the DOS stack is restored */
/* from the data saved on the local stack, bringing DOS back to */
/* where it was before the user program was turned on. */
/* These operations allow programs to be written in C without having */
/* to worry about the resident routines destroying the DOS registers */
/* when file I/O is used. It also allows the use of printf(). */
/* */
void back_door()
Current stack contents:
sp -> DOS ip
sp + 2 -> DOS cs
sp + 4 -> DOS flags
C function prologue:
push bp
mov bp,sp
pop bp ;toss out the bp from the prologue
cmp cs:active_,1 ;if the program is currently active,
jne not_on ;go service the request
; long jump to F000:E82E
db 0EAH
dw 0E82EH
dw 0F000H
not_on: cmp ah,0 ;if this is a character request
jz chr_rqst ;check a little further
; long jump to F000:E82E
db 0EAH
dw 0E82EH
dw 0F000H
int 67H ;get the next character from the queue
cmp ah,71H ;if it's not the wakeup character,
jne skipall ;then take it back to the caller
mov cs:active_,1 ;else set the 'program active' flag
; now we enter the program
cli ;no interrupts for now
mov cs:dos_ds_,ds ;save the DOS data segment
mov ds,cs:c_ds_ ;establish our data segment
push bp ;save bp
mov bp,offset dos_regs_ ;point to dos_regs
mov ds:[bp+0], ax ;copy the current registers into an
mov ds:[bp+2], bx ;array in the local data segment
mov ds:[bp+4], cx
mov ds:[bp+6], dx
pop ds:[bp+8] ;get the bp and save it
mov ds:[bp+10], si
mov ds:[bp+12], di
push ax
mov ax, cs:dos_ds_ ;save the DOS ds reg
mov ds:[bp+14], ax
pop ax
mov ds:[bp+16], es ;save es
pushf ;save the flags too
pop ds:[bp+18]
mov word dos_sseg_,ss ;save DOS stack segment
mov si,ss ;if DOS stack segment and C stack
mov es,si ;segment are the same, then use the
mov ss,word c_sseg_ ;current stack pointer for saving
cmp si,word c_sseg_ ;the registers. If not the same, then
mov si,sp ;we are entering the program so use
je keep_sp ;the starting stack pointer
mov si,ss:_PCB_ + 2
keep_sp: xchg sp,si ;save the registers on the stack
;now using local stack (ds = ss)
push [bp+0] ;save ax
push [bp+2] ;save bx
push [bp+4] ;save cx
push [bp+6] ;save dx
;don't save bp
push [bp+10] ;save si
push [bp+12] ;save di
push [bp+14] ;save ds
push [bp+16] ;save es
;don't save flags
sub cx,cx ;now save 40 words or less from the
sub cx,si ;DOS stack onto the current stack
shr cx,1 ;If the stack size is less than 40
cmp cx,40 ;save 'stacksize' words, else save 40
jle under40
mov cx,40
under40: mov word stacksize_,cx
restack: push es:[si]
inc si
inc si
loop restack
push si ;save the count of words pushed on stack
mov word c_sp_,sp ;save current stack pointer
push bp ;do the C function prologue here
mov bp,sp
/*----- Call your program from here ----------------------------------------*/
/*----- Restore everything -------------------------------------------------*/
pop bp
cli ;no interrupts
mov sp,word c_sp_ ;get the stack pointer back
pop si ;get pointer to top of words to be moved
mov cx,word stacksize_ ;get count of words to move
mov es,word dos_sseg_ ;point es to caller's stack
unstack: dec si ;back up one word
dec si
pop es:[si] ;restore the caller's stack from
loop unstack
mov bp,si ;save pointer to top of caller's stack
pop es ;pop registers off the stack
pop di ;don't restore ds just yet
pop di
pop si
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
mov sp,bp ;restore the caller's stack pointer
mov ax,0 ;tell caller there was no character
mov ss,word dos_sseg_ ;switch back to the caller's stack
mov bp,offset dos_regs_
push ds:[bp+18] ;restore the flags from memory
mov bp,ds:[bp+8] ;restore the caller's bp reg
mov cs:active_,0 ;reset the 'program active' flag
mov ds,cs:dos_ds_ ;finally restore caller's data segment
skipall: iret ;head on back
Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!
This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.
But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: