Category : C Source Code
Archive   : SOX.ZIP
Filename : SNDRTOOL.C

Output of file : SNDRTOOL.C contained in archive : SOX.ZIP
* Sounder/Sndtool format handler: W V Neisius, February 1992

#include "st.h"

extern errno;
extern char *sys_errlist[];

/* Private data used by writer */
struct sndpriv {
unsigned long nsamples;

#ifndef SEEK_CUR
#define SEEK_CUR 1


ft_t ft;
struct sndpriv *p = (struct sndpriv *) ft->priv;

char buf[97];

int rate;
int i;

rate = 0;

/* determine file type */
/* if first 5 bytes == SOUND then this is probably a sndtool sound */
/* if first word (16 bits) == 0
and second word is between 4000 & 25000 then this is sounder sound */
/* otherwise, its probably raw, not handled here */

if (fread(buf, 1, 2, ft->fp) != 2)
fail("SND: unexpected EOF");
if (strncmp(buf,"\0\0",2) == 0)
/* sounder */
rate = rlshort(ft);
if (rate < 4000 || rate > 25000 )
fail ("SND: sample rate out of range");
/* sndtool ? */
if (strncmp(buf,"SOUND",5))
fail ("SND: unrecognized SND format");
rate = rlshort(ft);
if (fread(buf,1,96,ft->fp) != 96)
fail ("SND: unexpected EOF in SND header");
report ("%s",buf);

ft->info.channels = 1;
ft->info.rate = rate;
ft-> = UNSIGNED;
ft->info.size = BYTE;


ft_t ft;
struct sndpriv *p = (struct sndpriv *) ft->priv;

/* write header */
ft-> = UNSIGNED;
ft->info.size = BYTE;
p->nsamples = 0;
sndtwriteheader(ft, 0);

ft_t ft;
struct sndpriv *p = (struct sndpriv *) ft->priv;

/* write header */
ft-> = UNSIGNED;
ft->info.size = BYTE;

/* sounder header */
wlshort (ft,0); /* sample size code */
wlshort (ft,ft->info.rate); /* sample rate */
wlshort (ft,10); /* volume */
wlshort (ft,4); /* shift */


sndtwrite(ft, buf, len)
ft_t ft;
long *buf, len;
struct sndpriv *p = (struct sndpriv *) ft->priv;
p->nsamples += len;
rawwrite(ft, buf, len);


ft_t ft;
struct sndpriv *p = (struct sndpriv *) ft->priv;

/* fixup file sizes in header */
if (fseek(ft->fp, 0L, 0) != 0)
fail("can't rewind output file to rewrite SND header");
sndtwriteheader(ft, p->nsamples);

ft_t ft;
long nsamples;
char name_buf[97];

/* sndtool header */
fputs ("SOUND",ft->fp); /* magic */
fputc (0x1a,ft->fp);
wlshort (ft,(long)0); /* hGSound */
wllong (ft,nsamples);
wllong (ft,(long)0);
wllong (ft,nsamples);
wlshort (ft,ft->info.rate);
wlshort (ft,0);
wlshort (ft,10);
wlshort (ft,4);
sprintf (name_buf,"%s - File created by Sound Exchange",ft->filename);
fwrite (name_buf, 1, 96, ft->fp);


  3 Responses to “Category : C Source Code
Archive   : SOX.ZIP
Filename : SNDRTOOL.C

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: