Category : C Source Code
Archive   : SMPDEMO2.ZIP

Output of file : KEYBOARD.INF contained in archive : SMPDEMO2.ZIP

/063 The Screen Manager Professional provides programs with advanced
keyboard manipulation functions. Over 20 functions provide you with
the ability to:

/049 Utilize extended keyboard keys ( ie. )

/049 Clear the keyboard buffer

/049 Query for pending key strokes

/049 Get and set the keyboard shift states

/049 Assign keyboard idle functions to automatically process while there
/049 is no keyboard activity

/049 Intercept keys and remap them before they are processed by your
/049 application

/049 Remap the keyboard

/049 Record and playback key sequences

/049 Assign C functions to be automatically executed by key strokes

/049 Manipulate the keyboard repeat rates

/063 All functions are easy to use and to remember. The next few
screens contains a C program to read, record, and play a line of text.

/062 #include /049/* include standard i/o header */
/062 #include /049/* Screen Manager Professional */
/062 #include /049/* keyboard constants and prototypes */

/062 void getLine ( char * ); /049/* prototype for read line function */

/062 main ( )
/062 {
/062 char * buffer[ 80 ]; /049/* buffer to hold line of text */
/062 char * recordBuff; /049/* keyboard record buffer pointer */

/062 k_record ( 80 ); /049/* record a maximum of 80 key strokes */
/062 getLine ( buffer ); /049/* get a line of text */
/062 recordBuff = k_stop ( ); /049/* stop recording and get record buff */
/062 k_play ( recordBuff ); /049/* replay keyboard buffer */
/062 getLine ( buffer ); /049/* get a line of text again */
/062 }

/062 void getLine ( char * buffer )
/062 {
/062 SMPKEY keyStroke; /049/* keyboard key value */
/062 USHORT bPos = 0;

/062 puts (" Enter a line of text, ENTER to finish.");

/062 /049/* read keys until Enter is pressed */
/062 while ( ( buffer[ bPos ] = k_read ( ) ) != K_ENTER )
/062 putchar ( buffer[ bPos++ ] );

/062 putchar ( '\n' );
/062 }

  3 Responses to “Category : C Source Code
Archive   : SMPDEMO2.ZIP

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: