Category : C Source Code
Archive   : SIOD30.ZIP
Filename : SIOD.H

Output of file : SIOD.H contained in archive : SIOD30.ZIP
/* Scheme In One Defun, but in C this time.

* COPYRIGHT (c) 1988-1994 BY *
* See the source file SLIB.C for more information. *


struct obj
{short gc_mark;
short type;
union {struct {struct obj * car;
struct obj * cdr;} cons;
struct {double data;} flonum;
struct {char *pname;
struct obj * vcell;} symbol;
struct {char *name;
struct obj * (*f)(void);} subr0;
struct {char *name;
struct obj * (*f)(struct obj *);} subr1;
struct {char *name;
struct obj * (*f)(struct obj *, struct obj *);} subr2;
struct {char *name;
struct obj * (*f)(struct obj *, struct obj *, struct obj *);
} subr3;
struct {char *name;
struct obj * (*f)(struct obj **, struct obj **);} subrm;
struct {char *name;
struct obj * (*f)(void *,...);} subr;
struct {struct obj *env;
struct obj *code;} closure;
struct {long dim;
long *data;} long_array;
struct {long dim;
double *data;} double_array;
struct {long dim;
char *data;} string;
struct {long dim;
struct obj **data;} lisp_array;
struct {FILE *f;
char *name;} c_file;}

#define CAR(x) ((*x)
#define CDR(x) ((*x).storage_as.cons.cdr)
#define PNAME(x) ((*x).storage_as.symbol.pname)
#define VCELL(x) ((*x).storage_as.symbol.vcell)
#define SUBR0(x) (*((*x).storage_as.subr0.f))
#define SUBR1(x) (*((*x).storage_as.subr1.f))
#define SUBR2(x) (*((*x).storage_as.subr2.f))
#define SUBR3(x) (*((*x).storage_as.subr3.f))
#define SUBRM(x) (*((*x).storage_as.subrm.f))
#define SUBRF(x) (*((*x).storage_as.subr.f))
#define FLONM(x) ((*x)

#define NIL ((struct obj *) 0)
#define EQ(x,y) ((x) == (y))
#define NEQ(x,y) ((x) != (y))
#define NULLP(x) EQ(x,NIL)
#define NNULLP(x) NEQ(x,NIL)

#define TYPE(x) (((x) == NIL) ? 0 : ((*(x)).type))

#define TYPEP(x,y) (TYPE(x) == (y))
#define NTYPEP(x,y) (TYPE(x) != (y))

#define tc_nil 0
#define tc_cons 1
#define tc_flonum 2
#define tc_symbol 3
#define tc_subr_0 4
#define tc_subr_1 5
#define tc_subr_2 6
#define tc_subr_3 7
#define tc_lsubr 8
#define tc_fsubr 9
#define tc_msubr 10
#define tc_closure 11
#define tc_free_cell 12
#define tc_string 13
#define tc_double_array 14
#define tc_long_array 15
#define tc_lisp_array 16
#define tc_c_file 17
#define tc_user_1 50
#define tc_user_2 51
#define tc_user_3 52
#define tc_user_4 53
#define tc_user_5 54

#define tc_sys_1 91
#define tc_sys_2 92
#define tc_sys_3 93
#define tc_sys_4 94
#define tc_sys_5 95

#define FO_fetch 127
#define FO_store 126
#define FO_list 125
#define FO_listd 124

#define tc_table_dim 100

typedef struct obj* LISP;
typedef LISP (*SUBR_FUNC)(void);

#define CONSP(x) TYPEP(x,tc_cons)
#define FLONUMP(x) TYPEP(x,tc_flonum)
#define SYMBOLP(x) TYPEP(x,tc_symbol)

#define NCONSP(x) NTYPEP(x,tc_cons)
#define NFLONUMP(x) NTYPEP(x,tc_flonum)
#define NSYMBOLP(x) NTYPEP(x,tc_symbol)

#define TKBUFFERN 256

struct gen_readio
{int (*getc_fcn)(char *);
void (*ungetc_fcn)(int, char *);
char *cb_argument;};

#define GETC_FCN(x) (*((*x).getc_fcn))((*x).cb_argument)
#define UNGETC_FCN(c,x) (*((*x).ungetc_fcn))(c,(*x).cb_argument)

struct repl_hooks
{void (*repl_puts)(char *);
LISP (*repl_read)(void);
LISP (*repl_eval)(LISP);
void (*repl_print)(LISP);};

void process_cla(int argc,char **argv,int warnflag);
void print_welcome(void);
void print_hs_1(void);
void print_hs_2(void);
long no_interrupt(long n);
LISP get_eof_val(void);
long repl_driver(long want_sigint,long want_init,struct repl_hooks *);
void set_repl_hooks(void (*puts_f)(char *),
LISP (*read_f)(void),
LISP (*eval_f)(LISP),
void (*print_f)(LISP));
long repl(struct repl_hooks *);
LISP err(char *message, LISP x);
LISP errswitch(void);
char *get_c_string(LISP x);
long get_c_long(LISP x);
LISP lerr(LISP message, LISP x);

LISP newcell(long type);
LISP cons(LISP x,LISP y);
LISP consp(LISP x);
LISP car(LISP x);
LISP cdr(LISP x);
LISP setcar(LISP cell, LISP value);
LISP setcdr(LISP cell, LISP value);
LISP flocons(double x);
LISP numberp(LISP x);
LISP plus(LISP x,LISP y);
LISP ltimes(LISP x,LISP y);
LISP difference(LISP x,LISP y);
LISP quotient(LISP x,LISP y);
LISP greaterp(LISP x,LISP y);
LISP lessp(LISP x,LISP y);
LISP eql(LISP x,LISP y);
LISP symcons(char *pname,LISP vcell);
LISP symbolp(LISP x);
LISP symbol_boundp(LISP x,LISP env);
LISP symbol_value(LISP x,LISP env);
LISP cintern(char *name);
LISP rintern(char *name);
LISP subrcons(long type, char *name, SUBR_FUNC f);
LISP closure(LISP env,LISP code);
void gc_protect(LISP *location);
void gc_protect_n(LISP *location,long n);
void gc_protect_sym(LISP *location,char *st);

void init_storage(void);

void init_subr(char *name, long type, SUBR_FUNC fcn);
void init_subr_0(char *name, LISP (*fcn)(void));
void init_subr_1(char *name, LISP (*fcn)(LISP));
void init_subr_2(char *name, LISP (*fcn)(LISP,LISP));
void init_subr_3(char *name, LISP (*fcn)(LISP,LISP,LISP));
void init_lsubr(char *name, LISP (*fcn)(LISP));
void init_fsubr(char *name, LISP (*fcn)(LISP,LISP));
void init_msubr(char *name, LISP (*fcn)(LISP *,LISP *));

LISP assq(LISP x,LISP alist);
LISP delq(LISP elem,LISP l);
void set_gc_hooks(long type,
LISP (*rel)(LISP),
LISP (*mark)(LISP),
void (*scan)(LISP),
void (*free)(LISP),
long *kind);
LISP gc_relocate(LISP x);
LISP user_gc(LISP args);
LISP gc_status(LISP args);
void set_eval_hooks(long type,LISP (*fcn)(LISP, LISP *, LISP *));
LISP leval(LISP x,LISP env);
LISP symbolconc(LISP args);
void set_print_hooks(long type,void (*fcn)(LISP, FILE *));
LISP lprin1f(LISP exp,FILE *f);
LISP lprint(LISP exp);
LISP lread(void);
LISP lreadtk(long j);
LISP lreadf(FILE *f);
void set_read_hooks(char *all_set,char *end_set,
LISP (*fcn1)(int, struct gen_readio *),
LISP (*fcn2)(char *,long, int *));
LISP apropos(LISP);
LISP vload(char *fname,long cflag);
LISP load(LISP fname,LISP cflag);
LISP save_forms(LISP fname,LISP forms,LISP how);
LISP quit(void);
LISP nullp(LISP x);
LISP strcons(long length,char *data);
LISP read_from_string(LISP x);
LISP aref1(LISP a,LISP i);
LISP aset1(LISP a,LISP i,LISP v);
LISP cons_array(LISP dim,LISP kind);
LISP string_append(LISP args);
LISP string_length(LISP string);
LISP string_search(LISP,LISP);
LISP string_trim(LISP);
LISP string_trim_left(LISP);
LISP string_trim_right(LISP);
LISP string_upcase(LISP);
LISP string_downcase(LISP);
void init_subrs(void);
LISP copy_list(LISP);
long c_sxhash(LISP,long);
LISP fast_print(LISP,LISP);
LISP fast_read(LISP);
LISP assoc(LISP x,LISP alist);
LISP make_list(LISP x,LISP v);
void set_fatal_exit_hook(void (*fcn)(void));
LISP parse_number(LISP x);
LISP intern(LISP x);
void init_trace(void);
long repl_c_string(char *,long want_sigint,long want_init,long want_print);
char *siod_version(void);
LISP nreverse(LISP);
LISP number2string(LISP,LISP);
LISP string2number(LISP,LISP);

  3 Responses to “Category : C Source Code
Archive   : SIOD30.ZIP
Filename : SIOD.H

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: