Category : C Source Code
Archive   : SEM10.ZIP
Filename : SYSCALKR.H

Output of file : SYSCALKR.H contained in archive : SEM10.ZIP
/* Citadel */
/* 241 East Eleventh Street * Brookville, IN 47012 * 317-647-4720 */
/* BBS 317-647-2403 */

/* System call declarations for UNIX System V Release 3.2 (K&R C) */

#ident "syscalkr.h 1.1 - 89/09/26"

#ifndef SYSCALLS_H
#define SYSCALLS_H

/* type and structure definitions required by system calls */
#include */

struct utimbuf { /* structure for utime system call */
time_t actime; /* access time */
time_t modtime; /* modification time */

/* system call function declarations */
int access(/*char *path, int mode*/);
int acct(/*char *path*/);
unsigned alarm(/*unsigned seconds*/);
int brk(/*char *endds*/);

char *sbrk(/*int inc*/);
int chdir(/*char *path*/);
int chmod(/*char *path, int mode*/);
int chown(/*char *path, int owner, int group*/);
int chroot(/*char *path*/);
int close(/*int fd*/);
int creat(/*char *path, int mode*/);
int dup(/*int fd*/);
int execl(/*char *path, char *arg0, ...*/);
int execv(/*char *path, char *argv[]*/);
int execle(/*char *path, char *arg0, ...*/);
int execve(/*char *path, char *argv[], char *envp[]*/);
int execlp(/*char *file, char *arg0, ...*/);
int execvp(/*char *file, char *argv[]*/);
void exit(/*int status*/);
void _exit(/*int status*/);
int fcntl(/*int fd, int cmd, ...*/);
int fork(/**/);
int getdents(/*int fd, char *buf, unsigned n*/);
int getmsg(/*int fd, struct strbuf *ctlp, struct strbuf *datap, int *flags*/);
int getpid(/**/);
int getpgrp(/**/);
int getppid(/**/);
unsigned short getuid(/**/);
unsigned short geteuid(/**/);
unsigned short getgid(/**/);
unsigned short getegid(/**/);
int ioctl(/*int fd, int cmd, ...*/);
int kill(/*int pid, int sig*/);
int link(/*char *path1, char *path2*/);
long lseek(/*int fd, long offset, int whence*/);
int mkdir(/*char *path, int mode*/);
int mknod(/*char *path, int mode, int dev*/);
int mount(/*char *spec, char *dir, int flags, int fstype, char *datap, int datalen*/);
int msgctl(/*int msgid, int cmd, struct msgid_ds *buf*/);
int msgget(/*key_t key, int msgflg*/);
int msgsnd(/*int msqid, struct msgbuf *msgp, int msgz, int msgflg*/);
int msgrcv(/*int msqid, struct msgbuf *msgp, int msgz, long msgtype, int msgflg*/);
int nice(/*int inc*/);
int open(/*char *path, int flags, ...*/);
int pause(/**/);
int pipe(/*int fd[]*/);
int plock(/*int cmd*/);
int poll(/*struct poll fds[], unsigned long nfds, int timeout*/);
void profil(/*char *buf, int bufsiz, void (*offset)(), int scale*/);
int ptrace(/*int cmd, int pid, int data*/);
int putmsg(/*int fd, struct strbuf *ctlp, struct strbuf *datap, int flags*/);
int read(/*int fd, char *buf, unsigned n*/);
int rmdir(/*char *path*/);
int semctl(/*int semid, int semno, int cmd, ...*/);
int semget(/*key_t key, int nsems, int semflg*/);
int semop(/*int semid, struct sembuf **sops, unsigned nsops*/);
int setpgrp(/**/);
int setuid(/*int uid*/);
int setgid(/*int gid*/);
int shmctl(/*int shmid, int cmd, struct shmid_ds *buf*/);
int shmget(/*key_t key, int size, int shmflg*/);
char *shmat(/*int shmid, char *shmaddr, int shmflg*/);
int shmdt(/*char *shmaddr*/);
void (*signal(/*int sig, void (*handler)()*/))();
void (*sigset(/*int sig, void (*handler)()*/))();
int sighold(/*int sig*/);
int sigrelse(/*int sig*/);
int sigignore(/*int sig*/);
int sigpause(/*int sig*/);
int stat(/*char *path, struct stat *buf*/);
int fstat(/*int fd, struct stat *buf*/);
int statfs(/*char *path, struct statfs *buf, int len, int fstype*/);
int fstatfs(/*int fd, struct statfs *buf, int len, int fstype*/);
int stime(/*long *tp*/);
void sync(/**/);
int sysfs(/*int cmd, ...*/);
/* int sysi86(int cmd, ...); */
time_t time(/*long *tloc*/);
long times(/*struct tms *buf*/);
int uadmin(/*int cmd, int fcn, int mdep*/);
long ulimit(/*int cmd, long newlim*/);
int umask(/*int cmask*/);
int umount(/*char *path*/);
int uname(/*struct utsname *name*/);
int unlink(/*char *path*/);
int ustat(/*dev_t dev, struct ustat *buf*/);
int utime(/*char *path, struct utimbuf *times*/);
int wait(/*int *statusp*/);
int write(/*int fd, char *buf, unsigned n*/);

/* macros for use with system calls */
/* generic whence macros */
#define FROM_BGN (0)
#define FROM_CUR (1)
#define FROM_END (2)

/* fcntl file locking whence macros */
#define FLCK_BGN (0)
#define FLCK_CUR (1)
#define FLCK_END (2)

/* ulimit command macros */
#define UL_GRFSLIM (1) /* get regular file size limit */
#define UL_SRFSLIM (2) /* set regular file size limit */
#define UL_GBRKLIM (3) /* get maximum possible brk value */
#define UL_GFDLIM (4) /* get file descriptor limit */

/* file status macros (supplementary to those in */
#define S_IPERM (00777) /* file permissions */
#define S_IRWU (00600) /* read, write permission: owner */
#define S_IRXU (00500) /* read, execute permission: owner */
#define S_IWXU (00300) /* write, execute permission: owner */
#define S_IRWG (00060) /* read, write permission: group */
#define S_IRXG (00050) /* read, execute permission: group */
#define S_IWXG (00030) /* write, execute permission: group */
#define S_IRWO (00006) /* read, write permission: other */
#define S_IRXO (00005) /* read, execute permission: other */
#define S_IWXO (00003) /* write, execute permission: other */
#define S_IRWXA (00777) /* read, write, execute permission: all */
#define S_IRWA (00666) /* read, write permission: all */
#define S_IRXA (00555) /* read, execute permission: all */
#define S_IWXA (00333) /* write, execute permission: all */
#define S_IRALL (00444) /* read permission: all */
#define S_IWALL (00222) /* write permission: all */
#define S_IXALL (00111) /* executure permission: all */

/* global data declarations */
extern char **environ; /* environment */
extern char *sys_errlist[]; /* array of messages indexed by errno */
extern int sys_nerr; /* number of messages in sys_errlist */


  3 Responses to “Category : C Source Code
Archive   : SEM10.ZIP
Filename : SYSCALKR.H

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: