Category : C Source Code
Archive   : SDB.ZIP
Filename : SDBCOM.C

Output of file : SDBCOM.C contained in archive : SDB.ZIP
/* SDB - expression compiler
::= { '|' }
::= { '&' }
::= { }
::= |
::= | | '(' ')'
::= |
::= '"' '"'
::= nil |
::= '=' | '<>' | '<' | '>' | '<=' | '>='
::= '+' | '-' | '~'

#include "sdbio.h"

extern int dbv_token;
extern char dbv_tstring[];
extern int dbv_tvalue;

extern int db_xand();
extern int db_xor();
extern int db_xnot();
extern int db_xlss();
extern int db_xleq();
extern int db_xeql();
extern int db_xgeq();
extern int db_xgtr();
extern int db_xneq();
extern int db_xpush();
extern int db_xstop();

static union codecell code[CODEMAX+1];
static int cndx;
static struct sel *selptr;

/* compile - compile a boolean expression */
int db_compile(slptr)
struct sel *slptr;
int result,i;
union codecell *cptr;

/* save the selection structure pointer */
selptr = slptr;

/* initialize the code array index */
cndx = 0;

/* parse the boolean expression */
if (!expr(&result)) {
code[cndx++].c_operator = db_xstop;
return (FALSE);

/* terminate the code */
code[cndx++].c_operator = db_xstop;

/* allocate space for the code array */
if ((cptr = (union codecell *)malloc(sizeof(union codecell) * cndx)) == NULL) {
return (FALSE);

/* store the code into the code array */
slptr->sl_where = cptr;
for (i = 0; i < cndx; i++) {
(*cptr++).c_operator = code[i].c_operator;
if (code[i].c_operator == db_xpush)
(*cptr++).c_operand = code[++i].c_operand;

/* return successfully */
return (TRUE);

/* db_fcode - free a code array */
struct sel *slptr;
/* make sure there is a where clause */
if (slptr->sl_where == NULL)

/* free the literals */

/* free the code array */

/* operator - insert an operator into the code array */
static int operator(opr)
int (*opr)();
/* insert the operator */
if (cndx < CODEMAX)
code[cndx++].c_operator = opr;
return (db_ferror(CDSIZE));

/* return successfully */
return (TRUE);

/* operand - insert an operand into the code array */
static int operand(opr)
struct operand *opr;
/* insert the push operator */
if (!operator(db_xpush))
return (FALSE);

/* insert the operand */
if (cndx < CODEMAX)
code[cndx++].c_operand = opr;
return (db_ferror(CDSIZE));

/* return successfully */
return (TRUE);

/* expr - compile an expression */
static int expr(result)
int *result;
int lval,rval;

if (!land(&lval))
return (FALSE);
while (db_token() == '|') {
if (!land(&rval))
return (FALSE);
if (!operator(db_xor))
return (FALSE);
*result = lval;
return (TRUE);

static int land(result)
int *result;
int lval,rval;

if (!relat(&lval))
return (FALSE);
while (db_token() == '&') {
if (!relat(&rval))
return (FALSE);
if (!operator(db_xand))
return (FALSE);
*result = lval;
return (TRUE);

static int relat(result)
int *result;
int lval,rval;
int tkn;

if (!primary(&lval))
return (FALSE);
while (db_token() <= LSS && dbv_token >= GTR) {
tkn = db_ntoken();
if (!primary(&rval))
return (FALSE);
switch (tkn) {
case LSS:
if (!operator(db_xlss))
return (FALSE);
case LEQ:
if (!operator(db_xleq))
return (FALSE);
case EQL:
if (!operator(db_xeql))
return (FALSE);
case NEQ:

if (!operator(db_xneq))
return (FALSE);
case GEQ:
if (!operator(db_xgeq))
return (FALSE);
case GTR:
if (!operator(db_xgtr))
return (FALSE);
*result = lval;
return (TRUE);

static int primary(result)
int *result;
int val;
int tkn;

if (db_token() == '~') {
tkn = db_ntoken();
if (!primary(&val))
return (FALSE);
switch (tkn) {
case '~':
if (!operator(db_xnot))
return (FALSE);
if (!factor(&val))
return (FALSE);
*result = val;
return (TRUE);

static int factor(result)
int *result;
int val;

if (db_token() == '(') {
if (!expr(&val))
return (FALSE);
if (db_token() != ')')
return (db_ferror(SYNTAX));
if (!get_operand(&val))
return (FALSE);
*result = val;
return (TRUE);

/* get_operand - get an operand (number, string, or attribute) */
static int get_operand(result)
int *result;
/* determine operand type */
if (db_ntoken() == NUMBER)
return (get_number(result));
else if (dbv_token == ID)
return (get_attr(result));
else if (dbv_token == STRING)
return (get_string(result));
return (db_ferror(SYNTAX));

/* get_attr - get an attribute argument */
static int get_attr(result)
int *result;
struct operand *opr;
char rname[RNSIZE+1],aname[ANSIZE+1];
char *aptr; int atype,alen;

/* save the attribute name */
strncpy(aname,dbv_tstring,ANSIZE); aname[ANSIZE] = EOS;

/* check for a "." indicating a qualified attribute name */
if (db_token() == '.') {

/* the previous ID was really a relation name */

/* check for the real attribute name */
if (db_ntoken() != ID)
return (db_ferror(SYNTAX));

/* save the attribute name */
strncpy(aname,dbv_tstring,ANSIZE); aname[ANSIZE] = EOS;

/* lookup the attribute name */
if (!db_sattr(selptr,rname,aname,&atype,&aptr,&alen))
return (FALSE);
if (!db_sattr(selptr,NULL,aname,&atype,&aptr,&alen))
return (FALSE);

/* get a new operand structure */
if ((opr = (struct operand *)malloc(sizeof(struct operand))) == NULL)
return (db_ferror(INSMEM));

/* initialize the new operand structure */
opr->o_type = ATTR;
opr->o_value.ov_char.ovc_type = atype;
opr->o_value.ov_char.ovc_string = aptr;
opr->o_value.ov_char.ovc_length = alen;

/* insert the operand into the code array */
if (!operand(opr)) {
return (FALSE);

/* store operand type */
*result = atype;

/* return successfully */
return (TRUE);

/* get_number - get a numeric operand */
static int get_number(result)
int *result;
struct operand *opr;

/* get a new operand structure */
if ((opr = (struct operand *)malloc(sizeof(struct operand))) == NULL)
return (db_ferror(INSMEM));

/* initialize the new operand structure */
opr->o_type = LITERAL;
if ((opr->o_value.ov_char.ovc_string =
malloc(strlen(dbv_tstring)+1)) == NULL) {
return (db_ferror(INSMEM));
opr->o_value.ov_char.ovc_type = TNUM;
opr->o_value.ov_char.ovc_length = strlen(dbv_tstring);

/* insert the operand into the code array */
if (!operand(opr)) {
free(opr->o_value.ov_char.ovc_string); free(opr);
return (FALSE);

/* operand type is number */
*result = TNUM;

/* return successfully */
return (TRUE);

/* get_string - get a string operand */
static int get_string(result)
int *result;
struct operand *opr;

/* get a new operand structure */
if ((opr = (struct operand *)malloc(sizeof(struct operand))) == NULL)
return (db_ferror(INSMEM));

/* initialize the new operand structure */
opr->o_type = LITERAL;
if ((opr->o_value.ov_char.ovc_string =
malloc(strlen(dbv_tstring)+1)) == NULL) {
return (db_ferror(INSMEM));
opr->o_value.ov_char.ovc_type = TCHAR;
opr->o_value.ov_char.ovc_length = strlen(dbv_tstring);

/* insert the operand into the code array */
if (!operand(opr)) {
free(opr->o_value.ov_char.ovc_string); free(opr);
return (FALSE);

/* operand type is character */
*result = TCHAR;

/* return successfully */
return (TRUE);

/* freelit - free the literals in a code array */
static freelit(cptr)
union codecell *cptr;
for (; (*cptr).c_operator != db_xstop; cptr++)
if ((*cptr).c_operator == db_xpush)
if ((*++cptr).c_operand->o_type == LITERAL)

  3 Responses to “Category : C Source Code
Archive   : SDB.ZIP
Filename : SDBCOM.C

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: