Category : C Source Code
Archive   : RTFPARSE.ZIP
Filename : TRF-TABL.C

Output of file : TRF-TABL.C contained in archive : RTFPARSE.ZIP
trf-table.c - table writing functions

Ugly ugly ugly.

# include
# ifndef THINK_C
# include
# endif

# include "rtf.h"
# include "rtf2troff.h"

static int CellBorderLocIndex ();
static int VCellBorderType ();
static char *VCellBorderStr ();
static char *HCellBorderStr ();

Border type tokens *follow* cell border location specifiers.

void TblAttr ()
double inch = (double) rtfParam / (double) rtfTpi;
int i, j, loc;

switch (rtfMinor)
case rtfCellBordBottom:
case rtfCellBordTop:
case rtfCellBordLeft:
case rtfCellBordRight:
if (its->nCells >= maxCell)
fprintf (stderr,
"Borders specified for too many cells\n");
loc = CellBorderLocIndex (rtfMinor);
Get border type tokens until non-type token seen,
then route non-type token normally.
for (;;)
(void) RTFGetToken ();
if (!RTFCheckCM (rtfControl, rtfParAttr)
|| (rtfMinor != rtfBorderSingle
&& rtfMinor != rtfBorderThick
&& rtfMinor != rtfBorderShadow
&& rtfMinor != rtfBorderDouble
&& rtfMinor != rtfBorderDot
&& rtfMinor != rtfBorderHair))
if (its->nCells < maxCell)
its->border[its->nCells][loc] = rtfMinor;
RTFRouteToken (); /* send non-border through router */
case rtfRowDef:
its->tableHeader = 0;
its->nCells = 0;
its->curCell = 0;
for (i = 0; i < maxCell; i++)
its->cellPos[i] = 0;
for (j = 0; j < 4; j++)
its->border[i][j] = rtfNoBorderType;
its->tableLeft = 0;
its->cellGap = 0;
case rtfRowLeft:
case rtfRowRight:
case rtfRowCenter:
case rtfRowGapH:
its->cellGap = inch;
case rtfRowHt:
case rtfRowLeftEdge:
its->tableLeft = inch;
case rtfCellPos:
if (its->nCells >= maxCell)
fprintf (f, "max. table row cell count (%d) exceeded\n",
its->cellPos[its->nCells++] = inch;
case rtfMergeRngFirst:
case rtfMergePrevious:

void BeginTbl ()
int i, n;
double cwid;
char *p;

Flush ();
FlushState ();
SaveTblFPV (); /* save current font, ps, vs */
fprintf (f, ".TS\n");
fprintf (f, "center tab(^);\n");
for (i = 0; i < its->nCells; i++)
if ((p = VCellBorderStr (VCellBorderType (i))) != (char *) NULL)
fprintf (f, "%s ", p);
cwid = its->cellPos[i];
if (i > 0)
cwid -= its->cellPos[i-1];
cwid -= EnWidth ();
fprintf (f, "l1w(%gi) ", cwid);
if ((p = VCellBorderStr (VCellBorderType (its->nCells)))
!= (char *) NULL)
fprintf (f, "%s ", p);
fprintf (f, ".\n");

/* print top borders */
n = 0;
for (i = 0; i < its->nCells; i++)
if (its->border[i][topIndex] != rtfNoBorderType)
if (n > 0)
for (i = 0; i < its->nCells; i++)
if (i > 0)
fprintf (f, "^");
if ((p = HCellBorderStr (its->border[i][topIndex]))
!= (char *) NULL)
fprintf (f, "%s", p);
fprintf (f, "\n");

void EndTbl ()
int i, n;
char *p;

/* print bottom borders */
n = 0;
for (i = 0; i < its->nCells; i++)
if (its->border[i][bottomIndex] != rtfNoBorderType)
if (n > 0)
for (i = 0; i < its->nCells; i++)
if (i > 0)
fprintf (f, "^");
if ((p = HCellBorderStr (its->border[i][bottomIndex]))
!= (char *) NULL)
fprintf (f, "%s", p);
fprintf (f, "\n");
fprintf (f, ".TE\n"); /* this undoes ps/vs... */
FlushTblFPV (); /* so redo it. ugh. */
FlushState ();
its->tableHeader = 0;
its->curCell = 0;

BeginCell() called when first \intbl in row is seen and after
each \cell; EndCell() called whenever \cell or \row are seen.
These do nothing if the cell number is greater than would be
expected given the number of cell positions found in the table
layout information. (It *is* possible to find information
beyond the last cell; Word for Macintosh, at least, seems to put an
empty cell at the end of each row.)

void BeginCell ()
/* accept cells 0..nCells-1 */
if (its->curCell < its->nCells)
Flush ();
fprintf (f, "T{\n");
/*FlushState ();*/
FlushTblFPV (); /* set up correct font, ps, vs */
inTable = 1;

void EndCell ()
Flush ();
/* accept cells 0..nCells-1 */
if (its->curCell < its->nCells)
fprintf (f, "T}");
if (its->curCell < its->nCells)
fprintf (f, "^"); /* more cells to go */
else if (its->curCell == its->nCells)
fprintf (f, "\n"); /* no more cells to go */
inTable = 0;

static int CellBorderLocIndex (loc)
int loc;
switch (loc)
case rtfCellBordLeft: return (leftIndex);
case rtfCellBordRight: return (rightIndex);
case rtfCellBordTop: return (topIndex);
case rtfCellBordBottom: return (bottomIndex);
fprintf (stderr, "CellBorderLocIndex: bad argument (%d)\n", loc);
exit (1);

Determine vertical border for left of cell i. Takes into account
right border of i-1 and left border of i, with the latter taking
precedence. Two special cases are handled implicitly in code
below. When i = 0, return left border of cell 0. When i = nCells,
return right border of cell nCells-1.

static int VCellBorderType (i)
int i;
int border = rtfNoBorderType;

if (i >= 0 && i < its->nCells)
border = its->border[i][leftIndex];
if (i > 0 && i <= its->nCells && border == rtfNoBorderType)
border = its->border[i-1][rightIndex];
return (border);

static char *VCellBorderStr (type)
int type;
switch (type)
case rtfBorderShadow:
case rtfBorderThick:
case rtfBorderDot:
case rtfBorderHair:
case rtfBorderSingle: return ("|");
case rtfBorderDouble: return ("||");
return ((char *) NULL);

static char *HCellBorderStr (type)
int type;
switch (type)
case rtfBorderShadow:
case rtfBorderThick:
case rtfBorderDot:
case rtfBorderHair:
case rtfBorderSingle: return ("_");
case rtfBorderDouble: return ("=");
return ((char *) NULL);

  3 Responses to “Category : C Source Code
Archive   : RTFPARSE.ZIP
Filename : TRF-TABL.C

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: