Category : C Source Code
Archive   : RPNCALSC.ZIP
Filename : RPN.H

Output of file : RPN.H contained in archive : RPNCALSC.ZIP
** RPN.H
** The usual good h-file stuff for the rpn program.
** Global function prototypes, global variables, global defines.
** You know.
** v3.0 90.05.08
** More stuff...
** v2.3 90.05.04
** fixed register-0 bug, ctrl-C hex-digit bug,
** added config. file for hex digits & display colors
** v2.2 90.01.23
** simplified stack display; Xreg in f format, others in e-format.
** v2.1 90.01.04 hrs() patch, screen positioning with SCROLL_LOCK
** v2.0 90.01.01
** hr.minsec <-> decimal hours, percent, precomputed screens,
** exponent input, degrees mode, "doco" updates, TC v2.0
#ifndef RPN_H
#define RPN_H

#ifdef __TURBOC__
#define C_DECL cdecl
#define C_DECL

#include /** Supplies MAXLONG, MAXDOUBLE ... **/

int process(int);
void init_machine(void);

void toggle_help(void);
void startup(void);
void shutdown(void);

int getkey(void);
void open_savefile(const char *);
void close_savefile(void);

#define TRUE 1
#define FALSE 0
#define DEGREES 'D'
#define RADIANS 'R'

#define OK_VAL 0 /* Possible return values of the process() ftn. */
#define INIT_VAL 1
#define QUIT_VAL 2
#define ABORT_VAL 3
#define NO_CHANGE 4

#define NAME_LEN 14 /** function-display fields are 13 chars wide **/

#define MAX_BASE 16 /** biggest possible displayed-number base **/

#ifdef MAIN
const char version[] = "RPN 3.0 / " __DATE__ " ";

#include "digits.h" /** define the array of acceptable digits. **/

| Names and default values of display-window colors.
char filename[13]; /** Keep savefile name for shell re-use **/
char default_save[] = "save-out.rpn"; /** save-file name **/
FILE *savefile = NULL;
int write_save = FALSE;

int TOP = 6; /** default values for upper-left pos'n **/
int LEFT = 41; /** of the display window (v2.0) **/
unsigned D_BKGND, D_BORDER, D_NUM, D_FTN, D_OOPS; /** display colors **/

char xbuf[40], *xbp = xbuf; /** ASCII form of number inputs **/
double lastx, xreg, yreg, zreg, treg; /** RPN stack registers **/
char thisfunct[NAME_LEN]; /** current-function display **/
char lastfunct[NAME_LEN]; /** last-function display **/
int notation, base, pre, negative;
int help_flag = 0; /** Which Help screen? 0 => none **/
int trig_mode = DEGREES; /** Angle-mode flag; default to degrees **/
int newnum; /** "Is this the first digit entered?" **/
int num_ct; /** number of fractional digits **/

char orig_sl; /** save orignal scrl status as "off" **/
char scrolllock; /** flag for scroll-lock status **/
volatile void far *ksp = MK_FP(0x0000, 0x0417);

#else /* !MAIN */

extern const char version[];
extern char default_save[]; /** save-file name **/
extern char filename[13];
extern FILE *savefile;
extern int write_save;

extern int TOP, LEFT; /** display-window upper left corner **/
extern unsigned D_BKGND, D_BORDER, D_NUM, D_FTN, D_OOPS;

extern char xbuf[40], *xbp; /** ASCII form of number inputs **/
extern double lastx, xreg, yreg, zreg, treg;
extern char thisfunct[NAME_LEN];
extern char lastfunct[NAME_LEN];
extern int notation, base, pre, negative;
extern unsigned digits[MAX_BASE];
extern int help_flag;
extern int trig_mode;
extern int newnum; /** "Is this the first digit entered?" **/
extern int num_ct; /** number of fractional digits **/
extern char orig_sl; /** save orignal scrl status as "off" **/
extern char scrolllock;
volatile extern void far *ksp;

#endif /* MAIN */

#endif /* RPN_H */

  3 Responses to “Category : C Source Code
Archive   : RPNCALSC.ZIP
Filename : RPN.H

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: