Category : C Source Code
Archive   : R386DEV4.ZIP
Filename : STEREOV.C

Output of file : STEREOV.C contained in archive : R386DEV4.ZIP
/* Support for steroscopic viewing */

/* Written by Dave Stampe, July 1992 */

/* Copyright 1992 by Dave Stampe and Bernie Roehl.
May be freely used to write software for release into the public domain;
all commercial endeavours MUST contact Bernie Roehl and Dave Stampe
for permission to incorporate any part of this software into their

#include /* toupper() */

#include "../include/rend386.h"
#include "../include/intmath.h"

/* default screen data setup: example only */

/* STEREO default_stereo = { 1000, 250, 320, 63, 1000, 10*65536L }; */

/* static VIEW default_view = { (EXAMPLE ONLY) */
/* 0,0,-1000, */ /* ex,ey,ez */
/* 0,0,0, */ /* pan,tilt,roll */
/* 9*65536L, */ /* zoom */
/* 1000,15000,-5000, */ /* lx,ly,lz */
/* 0,319,0,200, */ /* left,right,top,bottom */
/* 1,100000, */ /* hither, yon */
/* 1/1.25*65536L, */ /* aspect ratio */
/* 0, */ /* flags */
/* 0,0 */ /* no offset */
/* }; */ /* don't init. matrix */

struct stview {
MATRIX xform;
long zoom;
int x_offset;
long left, top, right, bottom;
int orientation;

static struct stview sview[2];

/* call once for each eye to create cached stereo data */
/* as general as possible to support all devices */

void compute_stereo_data(STEREO *stereo, int eye, int xflip, int xdist, long yr,
long left, long top, long right, long bottom )
long x_fixup;
long world_iod;

sview[eye].zoom = (2*65536L * stereo->phys_screen_dist) /

/* screen offset */
x_fixup = (stereo->phys_eye_spacing *
stereo->phys_screen_dist * stereo->pixel_width ) /
(stereo->phys_convergence * 2 *stereo->phys_screen_width);

/* eye point */
world_iod = (stereo->phys_eye_spacing * stereo->world_scaling) >> 17;

/* make left/right */
if (eye == 0)
sview[eye].x_offset = xdist + ((xflip) ? -x_fixup : x_fixup) ;
std_matrix(sview[eye].xform, 0, -yr, 0, -world_iod, 0, 0);
else if (eye == 1)
sview[eye].x_offset = xdist + ((xflip) ? x_fixup : -x_fixup) ;
std_matrix(sview[eye].xform, 0, yr, 0, world_iod, 0, 0);
sview[eye].left = left;
sview[eye].right = right;
sview[eye].top = top;
sview[eye].bottom = bottom;
sview[eye].orientation = xflip ? XFLIP : 0;

void make_stereo_view(VIEW *root, VIEW *nview, int eye)

*nview = *root; /* copy root view */
nview->zoom = sview[eye].zoom;

nview->x_offset +=
sview[eye].orientation ? -sview[eye].x_offset : -sview[eye].x_offset ;

matrix_product(c, sview[eye].xform, c);

nview->left = sview[eye].left;
nview->right = sview[eye].right;
nview->top = sview[eye].top;
nview->bottom = sview[eye].bottom;

nview->orientation = sview[eye].orientation ^ nview->orientation;


/* sufficient if only view point has changed and no twist or offset */
void update_stereo_view(VIEW *v, STEREO *s, int eye)
long world_iod = (s->phys_eye_spacing * s->world_scaling) >> 17;

if (eye == LEFT_EYE)
v->eye_xform[3][0] -= m_mult(world_iod,v->eye_xform[0][0]);
v->eye_xform[3][1] -= m_mult(world_iod,v->eye_xform[1][0]);
v->eye_xform[3][2] -= m_mult(world_iod,v->eye_xform[2][0]);
else if (eye == RIGHT_EYE)
v->eye_xform[3][0] += m_mult(world_iod,v->eye_xform[0][0]);
v->eye_xform[3][1] += m_mult(world_iod,v->eye_xform[1][0]);
v->eye_xform[3][2] += m_mult(world_iod,v->eye_xform[2][0]);

/* makes a standard SWITCHED stereo screen */

void default_stereo_setup(VIEW *v, STEREO *s)
compute_stereo_data(s, 0, 0, 0, 0*65536L, v->left, v->top, v->right, v->bottom);
compute_stereo_data(s, 1, 0, 0, 0*65536L, v->left, v->top, v->right, v->bottom);

  3 Responses to “Category : C Source Code
Archive   : R386DEV4.ZIP
Filename : STEREOV.C

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: