Category : C Source Code
Archive   : R386DEV4.ZIP
Filename : INTMATHX.C

Output of file : INTMATHX.C contained in archive : R386DEV4.ZIP
/* Routines for moving, scaling and rotating objects */
/* Matrix math, assembly by Dave Stampe */

/* Copyright 1992 by Dave Stampe and Bernie Roehl.
May be freely used to write software for release into the public domain;
all commercial endeavours MUST contact Bernie Roehl and Dave Stampe
for permission to incorporate any part of this software into their

/* Contact: [email protected] or [email protected] */

#pragma inline

#include "3dstruct.h"

#define XFSC 536870912 /* 2**29 for shifting xform coeffs to long */

/*************** TRIGNOMETRIC FUNCTIONS *****************/

/* (from inttrig.c) */

extern long isine(long x);
extern long icosine(long x);
extern long arcsine(long x);
extern long arccosine(long x);
extern long arctan2(long y, long x);

/*************** MATRIX MANIPULATION *****************/

/* (from matrix.c) */

#define RXYZ 1 /* matrix rotation types */
#define RYXZ 0 /* ONLY RYXZ guaranteed to be tested */
#define RXZY 2
#define RZYX 5
#define RZXY 4
#define RYZX 6

extern void matrix_point(MATRIX m, long *xp, long *yp, long *zp);
extern void matrix_rotate(MATRIX m, long *xp, long *yp, long *zp);
extern void cross_column(MATRIX m, int col);
extern long m_mult(long a, long b); /* perform mult. by matrix element */
extern long dot_prod_29(long a, long b, long c, long x, long y, long z);
extern void matrix_mult(MATRIX a, MATRIX b, MATRIX c);
extern void matrix_product(MATRIX a, MATRIX b, MATRIX c);
extern void matrix_transpose(MATRIX a, MATRIX b);
extern void inverse_matrix(MATRIX a, MATRIX b);
extern void identity_matrix(MATRIX m);
extern void matrix_copy(MATRIX m, MATRIX n);
extern void matrix_rot_copy(MATRIX m, MATRIX n);

/* create rotation/translation */
/* "matrix" from angle data */

/******************** APPLY MATRIX TO OBJECTS **************/

void matmove_rep(REP *rep, MATRIX m)
int i;
VERTEX *v = rep->verts; /* use "matrix" to rotate then translate */
POLY *p = rep->polys;
int vs = sizeof(VERTEX);
int ps = sizeof(POLY);
int vc = rep->nverts;
int pc = rep->npolys;
long rx,ry,rz;

asm {
push ds
push si
push di
push cx
push dx
lds si,DWORD PTR m

les di,DWORD PTR v /* rotate/translate all vertices */
asm {
mov eax,ds:[si]
imul DWORD PTR es:[di].(VERTEX)ox
mov ecx,edx
mov ebx,eax
mov eax,ds:[si+4]
imul DWORD PTR es:[di].(VERTEX)oy
add ebx,eax
adc ecx,edx
mov eax,ds:[si+8]
imul DWORD PTR es:[di].(VERTEX)oz
add eax,ebx
adc edx,ecx
shrd eax,edx,29
adc eax,ds:[si+36]
mov es:[di].(VERTEX)x,eax

mov eax,ds:[si+12]
imul DWORD PTR es:[di].(VERTEX)ox
mov ecx,edx
mov ebx,eax
mov eax,ds:[si+16]
imul DWORD PTR es:[di].(VERTEX)oy
add ebx,eax
adc ecx,edx
mov eax,ds:[si+20]
imul DWORD PTR es:[di].(VERTEX)oz
add eax,ebx
adc edx,ecx
shrd eax,edx,29
adc eax,ds:[si+40]
mov es:[di].(VERTEX)y,eax

mov eax,ds:[si+24]
imul DWORD PTR es:[di].(VERTEX)ox
mov ecx,edx
mov ebx,eax
mov eax,ds:[si+28]
imul DWORD PTR es:[di].(VERTEX)oy
add ebx,eax
adc ecx,edx
mov eax,ds:[si+32]
imul DWORD PTR es:[di].(VERTEX)oz
add eax,ebx
adc edx,ecx
shrd eax,edx,29
adc eax,ds:[si+44]
mov es:[di].(VERTEX)z,eax

add di,vs
dec WORD PTR vc
jz vconve
jmp vconv
asm {
les di,DWORD PTR p /* rotate all normals */
asm {
mov eax,ds:[si]
imul DWORD PTR es:[di].(POLY)onormalx
mov ecx,edx
mov ebx,eax
mov eax,ds:[si+4]
imul DWORD PTR es:[di].(POLY)onormaly
add ebx,eax
adc ecx,edx
mov eax,ds:[si+8]
imul DWORD PTR es:[di].(POLY)onormalz
add eax,ebx
adc edx,ecx
shrd eax,edx,29
adc eax,0
mov es:[di].(POLY)normalx,eax

mov eax,ds:[si+12]
imul DWORD PTR es:[di].(POLY)onormalx
mov ecx,edx
mov ebx,eax
mov eax,ds:[si+16]
imul DWORD PTR es:[di].(POLY)onormaly
add ebx,eax
adc ecx,edx
mov eax,ds:[si+20]
imul DWORD PTR es:[di].(POLY)onormalz
add eax,ebx
adc edx,ecx
shrd eax,edx,29
adc eax,0
mov es:[di].(POLY)normaly,eax

mov eax,ds:[si+24]
imul DWORD PTR es:[di].(POLY)onormalx
mov ecx,edx
mov ebx,eax
mov eax,ds:[si+28]
imul DWORD PTR es:[di].(POLY)onormaly
add ebx,eax
adc ecx,edx
mov eax,ds:[si+32]
imul DWORD PTR es:[di].(POLY)onormalz
add eax,ebx
adc edx,ecx
shrd eax,edx,29
adc eax,0
mov es:[di].(POLY)normalz,eax

add di,ps
dec WORD PTR pc
jz pconve
jmp pconv
asm {
pop dx
pop cx
pop di
pop si
pop ds


void matmove_osphere(OBJECT *obj, MATRIX m)
asm { /* rotate/translate sphere center */
push ds
push si
push di
push cx
push dx
lds si,DWORD PTR m

les di,DWORD PTR obj
mov eax,ds:[si]
imul DWORD PTR es:[di].(OBJECT)osphx
mov ecx,edx
mov ebx,eax
mov eax,ds:[si+4]
imul DWORD PTR es:[di].(OBJECT)osphy
add ebx,eax
adc ecx,edx
mov eax,ds:[si+8]
imul DWORD PTR es:[di].(OBJECT)osphz
add eax,ebx
adc edx,ecx
shrd eax,edx,29
adc eax,ds:[si+36]
mov es:[di].(OBJECT)sphx,eax

mov eax,ds:[si+12]
imul DWORD PTR es:[di].(OBJECT)osphx
mov ecx,edx
mov ebx,eax
mov eax,ds:[si+16]
imul DWORD PTR es:[di].(OBJECT)osphy
add ebx,eax
adc ecx,edx
mov eax,ds:[si+20]
imul DWORD PTR es:[di].(OBJECT)osphz
add eax,ebx
adc edx,ecx
shrd eax,edx,29
adc eax,ds:[si+40]
mov es:[di].(OBJECT)sphy,eax

mov eax,ds:[si+24]
imul DWORD PTR es:[di].(OBJECT)osphx
mov ecx,edx
mov ebx,eax
mov eax,ds:[si+28]
imul DWORD PTR es:[di].(OBJECT)osphy
add ebx,eax
adc ecx,edx
mov eax,ds:[si+32]
imul DWORD PTR es:[di].(OBJECT)osphz
add eax,ebx
adc edx,ecx
shrd eax,edx,29
adc eax,ds:[si+44]
mov es:[di].(OBJECT)sphz,eax

pop dx
pop cx
pop di
pop si
pop ds

/* works as if only current rep existed */

void apply_matrix(OBJECT *obj, MATRIX m)
REP *rep = obj->current_rep;
if(rep==NULL) return;

matmove_osphere(obj, m);
matmove_rep(rep, m);

/* used to compute floor/ceiling of areas */

long plane_y(long a, long b, long c, long d, long x, long z)
/* computes (Ax + Cz + D)/-B */

long result;

asm {
push si
push di

mov eax,a
imul DWORD PTR x
mov esi,eax
mov edi,edx

mov eax,c
imul DWORD PTR z
add eax,esi
adc edx,edi

add eax,DWORD PTR d
adc edx,0
idiv DWORD PTR b
mov result,eax

pop di
pop si
return result;

/************ COLLISION DETECTION AND SELECTION ***********/

long sphere_pretest(OBJECT *obj, long x, long y, long z)
long dist = 0; /* returns 0x7FFFFFFF if not in, else (D) */

long sx = obj->sphx;
long sy = obj->sphy;
long sz = obj->sphz;
long sr = obj->sphr;

asm {
push cx

mov eax,sx /* x bounds */
sub eax,x
cmp eax,sr
jg notin
neg eax
cmp eax,sr
jg notin

mov eax,sy /* y bounds */
sub eax,y
cmp eax,sr
jg notin
neg eax
cmp eax,sr
jg notin

mov eax,sz /* z bounds */
sub eax,z
cmp eax,sr
jg notin
neg eax
cmp eax,sr
jg notin

imul eax /* square of distance to center */
mov ebx,eax
mov ecx,edx

mov eax,sx
sub eax,x
imul eax
add ebx,eax
adc ecx,edx

mov eax,sy
sub eax,y
imul eax
add ebx,eax
adc ecx,edx

mov eax,sr /* square of radius */
imul eax
cmp edx,ecx
ja in
jb notin
cmp eax,ebx
jae in
notin: /* outside of sphere */
asm pop cx;
return 0x7FFFFFFF; /* big never wins */

asm {
test ebx,-1 /* shift so denom. is 32-bit or less */
jz nolo1
mov eax,edx
xor edx,edx
mov ebx,ecx
xor ecx,ecx
asm {
mov eax,x /* abs(x-sx)+abs(y-sy)+abs(z-sz) approx. dist from center */
sub eax,sx
xor eax,edx
sub eax,edx
mov ebx,eax

mov eax,x
sub eax,sx
xor eax,edx
sub eax,edx
add ebx,eax

mov eax,x
sub eax,sx
xor eax,edx
sub eax,edx
add ebx,eax

mov dist, ebx
pop cx
return dist; /* for comparison between objects: smallest wins */

/************* POLYGON NORMAL COMPUTATION *************/

/* returns abs(x1-x2) + abs(y1-y2) + abs(z1-z2) */

long big_dist(long x1, long y1, long z1,
long x2, long y2, long z2 )
long dist;

asm {
mov eax,x1
sub eax,x2
xor eax,edx
sub eax,edx
mov ecx,eax

mov eax,y1
sub eax,y2
xor eax,edx
sub eax,edx
add ecx,eax

mov eax,z1
sub eax,z2
xor eax,edx
sub eax,edx
add ecx,eax

mov dist,ecx
return dist;

/* compute, unitize (3.29 format) normal to plane. */
/* returns -1 if normal is zero, else log2(length) */

int find_normal(long x1, long y1, long z1,
long x2, long y2, long z2,
long x3, long y3, long z3,
long *xn, long *yn, long *zn)
long xh, xl, yh, yl, zh, zl;
long xah, xal, yah, yal, zah, zal;
int length;

extern int sqrtable[1024];

asm {
push dx
push cx
push si
push di

mov eax,y2 /* compute 64-bit cross product */
sub eax,y1 /* and also abs. value for shifts */
mov ecx,z3
sub ecx,z2
imul ecx
mov edi,edx
mov esi,eax
mov eax,y3
sub eax,y2
mov ecx,z2
sub ecx,z1
imul ecx
sub esi,eax
sbb edi,edx
mov xh,edi
mov xl,esi
jge stax
not edi
not esi
add esi,1
adc edi,0
asm {
mov xah,edi
mov xal,esi

mov eax,z2
sub eax,z1
mov ecx,x3
sub ecx,x2
imul ecx
mov edi,edx
mov esi,eax
mov eax,z3
sub eax,z2
mov ecx,x2
sub ecx,x1
imul ecx
sub esi,eax
sbb edi,edx
mov yh,edi
mov yl,esi
jge stay
not edi
not esi
add esi,1
adc edi,0
asm {
mov yah,edi
mov yal,esi

mov eax,x2
sub eax,x1
mov ecx,y3
sub ecx,y2
imul ecx
mov edi,edx
mov esi,eax
mov eax,x3
sub eax,x2
mov ecx,y2
sub ecx,y1
imul ecx
sub esi,eax
sbb edi,edx
mov zh,edi
mov zl,esi
jge staz
not edi
not esi
add esi,1
adc edi,0

asm {
mov zah,edi
mov zal,esi

asm { /* now normalize to 3.29 */
or esi,yal
or esi,xal
or edi,yah
or edi,xah
jz zero_h

xor ax,ax /* ax is shift count */
test edi,0FFFF0000h /* top word not zero: cnvt to 1.n <3.29> */
jz z16h
add ax,16
shr edi,16
asm {
test di,0FF00h
jz z8h
add ax,8
shr edi,8
asm {
shl edi,8 /* most ecomonical pos'n */
bsr cx,di /* get exact shift */
sub cx,5
add cx,ax

mov eax,xh /* convert cross product to 1.n */
shrd xl,eax,cl
mov eax,yh
shrd yl,eax,cl
mov eax,zh
shrd zl,eax,cl

add cx,29
mov length,cx

jmp dshnorm

asm {
or esi,esi
jz zero_normal
mov ax,24
test esi,0FFFF0000h /* top word is zero: cnvt to 1.n <3.29> */
jz z16l
sub ax,16
shr esi,16
asm {
test si,0FF00h
jz z8l
sub ax,8
shr esi,8
asm {
shl esi,8 /* most ecomonical pos'n */
bsr cx,si /* get exact shift */
neg cx
add cx,13
add cx,ax

jz noshiftl
jg lshiftl

neg cx
mov eax,xh /* convert cross product to 1.n */
shrd xl,eax,cl /* need ext. for borderline cases */
mov eax,yh
shrd yl,eax,cl
mov eax,zh
shrd zl,eax,cl
asm {
add cx,29
mov length,cx

jmp dshnorm
asm {
shl DWORD PTR xl,cl
shl DWORD PTR yl,cl
shl DWORD PTR zl,cl

mov ax,29
sub ax,cx
mov length,ax
dshnorm: goto finish;

asm {
pop di
pop si
pop cx
pop dx
*xn = *yn = *zn = -1;
return 0;

finish: /* compute magnitude, convert to unit length */

asm {
mov eax,xl /* compute squares */
sar eax,16
imul ax
mov bx,dx
mov cx,ax

mov eax,yl
sar eax,16
imul ax
add cx,ax
adc bx,dx

mov eax,zl
sar eax,16
imul ax
add cx,ax
adc bx,dx

shr bx,4 /* magnitude << 13 */
shl bx,1
mov cx,sqrtable[bx]
movzx ecx,cx

mov eax,xl /* scale cross product */
shld edx,eax,13
shl eax,13
idiv ecx
mov xl,eax

mov eax,yl
shld edx,eax,13
shl eax,13
idiv ecx
mov yl,eax

mov eax,zl
shld edx,eax,13
shl eax,13
idiv ecx
mov zl,eax

pop di
pop si
pop cx
pop dx

*xn = -xl; /* left-hand coordinate system */
*yn = -yl;
*zn = -zl;

return length;

long scale_16(long s, long a, long x) /* perform scaling by 16.16 number */
long result;

asm {
mov eax,DWORD PTR x
add eax,DWORD PTR a
imul DWORD PTR s
shrd eax,edx,16
adc eax,0
mov DWORD PTR result,eax
return result;

long calc_scale_16(long a, long b, long s) /* compute 16.16 scaling factor */
long result = 0;

asm {
mov ebx,DWORD PTR a
sub ebx,DWORD PTR b
je cdiv
mov eax, DWORD PTR s
shld edx,eax,17
shl eax,17
idiv ebx
mov DWORD PTR result,eax
return result;

  3 Responses to “Category : C Source Code
Archive   : R386DEV4.ZIP
Filename : INTMATHX.C

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: