Category : C Source Code
Archive   : POLY3DRS.ZIP
Filename : PREPDATA.C

Output of file : PREPDATA.C contained in archive : POLY3DRS.ZIP
* Routines to prepare objects for the scan conversion: *
* At this stage, it is assumed all vertices normals has been evaluated, if *
* is is required to interpolate them (i.e. Gouraud shading.) *
* This module sort the polygons into hash table of ScreenYSize size, *
* according to their lowest vertex, and update a pointer to it. *
* *
* Written by: Gershon Elber Ver 2.0, Mar. 1990 *

#ifdef __MSDOS__
#endif /* __MSDOS__ */

#include "program.h"
#include "genmat.h"
#include "parser.h"

static int PrepareAllObjects(FileDescription **FD);
static int VisitObjectTree(BinTree *PBinTree);
static void PrepareOneObject(ObjectStruct *PObject);
static void PrepareOnePolygon(PolygonStruct *PPolygon);
static VertexStruct *UpdateBBoxPolygon(PolygonStruct *PPolygon);
static void UpdateScanConvertData(VertexStruct *PMinY, PolygonStruct *PPolygon);

* Routine to prepare NumOfObjects given in Objects from FileDescription FD *
* according to view matrix Mat. If NumOfObjects == 0 then all the objects *
* defined by the data sturcture are handled, and NumOfObjects is set to real *
* number of objects exists. *
void PrepareViewData(FileDescription **FD, int *NumOfObjects, char **Objects)
int i;
long SaveTime = time(NULL);
struct ObjectStruct *PObject;

fprintf(stderr, "\nPass 2, Polys [%4d] = ", NumOfPolygons);

if (*NumOfObjects > 0) /* There was something on command line... */
for (i=0; i<*NumOfObjects; i++) {
if ((PObject = SearchObject(FD, *Objects)) == NULL)
"\n\nGiven Object %s not found in data files\n", *Objects);
else PrepareOneObject(PObject);
else { /* Prepare all objects by scanning object trees. */
*NumOfObjects = PrepareAllObjects(FD);

fprintf(stderr, ", %ld seconds.", time(NULL) - SaveTime);

* Routine to search for an object in the File descriptions FD. Note that if *
* an object exists more than once only the first will be returned. If none *
* is found then NULL is returned, else a pointer to that object struct. *
ObjectStruct *SearchObject(FileDescription **FD, char *Object)
struct BinTree *PBinTree;

while (*FD) {
if ((PBinTree = GetBinTree(Object, (*FD++) -> ObjectPointer)) !=
(BinTree *) NULL)
return PBinTree -> Data.PObject;
return (ObjectStruct *) NULL;

* Scan all objects. *
static int PrepareAllObjects(FileDescription **FD)
int Num = 0;

while (*FD) Num += VisitObjectTree((*FD++) -> ObjectPointer);

return Num;

* Scanning all the object in tree PBinTree and prepare them. *
static int VisitObjectTree(BinTree *PBinTree)
int Num;

if (PBinTree == (BinTree *) NULL) return 0;

Num = VisitObjectTree(PBinTree -> right);

PrepareOneObject(PBinTree -> Data.PObject);

Num += VisitObjectTree(PBinTree -> left);

return Num + 1;

* Routine to prepare one object PObject. *
static void PrepareOneObject(ObjectStruct *PObject)
struct PolygonStruct *Ptemp, *PList = PObject -> PPolygon;

while (PList) {
Ptemp = PList -> Pnext;


PList = Ptemp;

* Routine to prepare one polygon PPolygon. *
static void PrepareOnePolygon(PolygonStruct *PPolygon)
static PolyCount = 0;
int i;
double CpCoord[3];
struct VertexStruct *PList = PPolygon -> PVertex;

fprintf(stderr, "\b\b\b\b\b%5d", ++PolyCount);

while (PList) {
/* Use the transform flag to specify number of references */
/* and if one allready trasnform it, dont do that again. */
if (++PList -> Transform > 1) break;

/* Convert the coordinate to screen space (in double pres.). */
MultVecby4by4(CpCoord, PList -> Coord, GlblViewMat);
for (i=0; i<3; i++) PList -> Coord[i] = CpCoord[i];
PList = PList -> Pnext;

if (PPolygon -> Polyline) return;

/* Find X, Y extremum in screen space, and use the lowest vertex in Y to */
/* initialize the scan conversion structure of the polygon: */
PList = UpdateBBoxPolygon(PPolygon);
UpdateScanConvertData(PList, PPolygon);

/* Transform the polygon plane equation as well, and normalize it: */
UpdateEqnPolygon(PPolygon, FALSE);

* Routine to update polygon boundary box in screen space: *
* Note this routine is called after the polygons was checked for validity - *
* all the list of objects was found to be vertices only. *
static VertexStruct *UpdateBBoxPolygon(PolygonStruct *PPolygon)
float *Coord, Xmin, Xmax, Ymin, Ymax;
struct VertexStruct *PList = PPolygon -> PVertex, *PMinY;

PMinY = PList;
Xmin = Xmax = PList -> Coord[0];
Ymin = Ymax = PList -> Coord[1];
PList = PList -> Pnext;
while (PList) {
Coord = PList -> Coord;
if (Coord[0] > Xmax) Xmax = Coord[0];
if (Coord[0] < Xmin) Xmin = Coord[0];
if (Coord[1] > Ymax) Ymax = Coord[1];
if (Coord[1] < Ymin) {
Ymin = Coord[1];
PMinY = PList;
PList = PList -> Pnext;

PPolygon -> Xmin = (int) Xmin;
PPolygon -> Xmax = (int) Xmax;
PPolygon -> Ymin = (int) Ymin;
PPolygon -> Ymax = (int) Ymax;

return PMinY;

* Routine to update polygon scan conversion information: *
* Each polygon (Remember they must be convex), has two boundaries we cross *
* by the scan lines if it is active. These are LeftBndry and RightBndry we *
* update here. *
static void UpdateScanConvertData(VertexStruct *PMinY, PolygonStruct *PPolygon)
struct VertexStruct *PList = PPolygon -> PVertex,
*VMinY, *VBefore, *VAfter;

/* Find the minimum location again: */
while (PList != PMinY && PList -> Pnext != PMinY)
PList = PList -> Pnext;
if (PList == PMinY) {
/* Its the first vertex that has minimum Y value: */
VMinY = PList;
VAfter = PList -> Pnext;
while (PList -> Pnext != NULL) PList = PList -> Pnext;
VBefore = PList;
else {
VMinY = PList -> Pnext;
VBefore = PList;
if (PList -> Pnext -> Pnext != NULL)
VAfter = PList -> Pnext -> Pnext;
else VAfter = PPolygon -> PVertex;

PPolygon -> Bndry1.VMinY = VMinY;
PPolygon -> Bndry1.VMaxY = VBefore;
PPolygon -> Bndry1.MaxEdgeY = (int) VBefore -> Coord[1];

PPolygon -> Bndry2.VMinY = VMinY;
PPolygon -> Bndry2.VMaxY = VAfter;
PPolygon -> Bndry2.MaxEdgeY = (int) VAfter -> Coord[1];

  3 Responses to “Category : C Source Code
Archive   : POLY3DRS.ZIP
Filename : PREPDATA.C

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: