Dec 192017
PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) Ver 2.0 - RSA public-key encryption freeware for MSDOS. Executables in file PGP20.ZIP.
File PGP20SRC.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category C Source Code
PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) Ver 2.0 – RSA public-key encryption freeware for MSDOS. Executables in file PGP20.ZIP.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
BLURB.TXT 697 412 deflated
CONFIG.TXT 3644 1684 deflated
ES.HLP 3723 1161 deflated
FR.HLP 4083 1264 deflated
KEYS.ASC 2298 1722 deflated
LANGUAGE.TXT 64894 16911 deflated
MKZIP.BAT 365 180 deflated
PGFORMAT.DOC 34370 9725 deflated
PGP.1 12096 4701 deflated
PGP.HLP 3546 1143 deflated
PGPDOC1.TXT 68969 22751 deflated
PGPDOC2.TXT 85803 28157 deflated
README.DOC 3731 1725 deflated
SETUP.DOC 8931 3774 deflated
SRC 0 0 stored
SRCFILES 1139 404 deflated
68000_32.S 6061 1392 deflated
80386.S 5479 1199 deflated
8086.ASM 8527 2191 deflated
8086.OBJ 1499 542 deflated
ARMOR.C 21341 7246 deflated
CCC 320 212 deflated
CCC.X28 400 260 deflated
CHARSET.C 5994 2051 deflated
CONFIG.C 11399 3739 deflated
CRYPTO.C 85036 19322 deflated
CRYPTO.H 3115 1100 deflated
FILEIO.C 24226 6826 deflated
FILEIO.H 3965 1343 deflated
GENPRIME.C 32975 10521 deflated
GENPRIME.H 1537 752 deflated
GETOPT.C 2194 1001 deflated
IDEA.C 15745 5222 deflated
IDEA.H 706 373 deflated
KEYADD.C 19465 5272 deflated
KEYMAINT.C 27717 7237 deflated
KEYMGMT.C 67875 15738 deflated
KEYMGMT.H 3586 1165 deflated
LANGUAGE.C 9408 2887 deflated
LANGUAGE.H 1210 553 deflated
MAKEFILE.MSC 4494 1400 deflated
MAKEFILE.TC 3239 1004 deflated
MAKEFILE.UNX 6537 2282 deflated
MD5.C 11409 3030 deflated
MD5.H 3024 926 deflated
MDFILE.C 3158 1376 deflated
MDFILE.H 718 342 deflated
MORE.C 10236 3630 deflated
MPIIO.C 17996 5987 deflated
MPIIO.H 4613 1710 deflated
MPILIB.C 51159 13571 deflated
MPILIB.H 15994 4721 deflated
PASSWD.C 2142 985 deflated
PGP.C 52526 14199 deflated
PGP.H 8645 3000 deflated
PGP.MAK 2482 892 deflated
RANDOM.C 25209 8682 deflated
RANDOM.H 1916 781 deflated
RSAGEN.C 12176 4372 deflated
RSAGEN.H 1078 528 deflated
SPARC.S 1456 467 deflated
STDLIB.H 200 135 deflated
SYSTEM.C 14070 4489 deflated
USUALS.H 799 332 deflated
ZBITS.C 5795 1956 deflated
ZDEFLATE.C 27017 7874 deflated
ZFILE_IO.C 2217 862 deflated
ZGLOBALS.C 709 431 deflated
ZINFLATE.C 33834 10186 deflated
ZIP.C 1092 561 deflated
ZIP.H 4211 1668 deflated
ZIPERR.H 2613 1082 deflated
ZIPUP.C 2994 1353 deflated
ZMATCH.ASM 8554 2857 deflated
ZMATCH.OBJ 576 480 deflated
ZREVISIO.H 1236 659 deflated
ZTAILOR.H 3599 1265 deflated
ZTREES.C 41930 11214 deflated
ZUNZIP.C 3729 1317 deflated
ZUNZIP.H 10636 3364 deflated
VMS 0 0 stored
DESCRIP.MMS 4788 1673 deflated
PGP.OPT 888 536 deflated
README.VMS 4693 2179 deflated
VAX.MAR 23695 6040 deflated
VAXCRTL.OPT 520 320 deflated

Download File PGP20SRC.ZIP Here

Contents of the README.DOC file

Pretty Good Privacy version 2.0 - READ ME FIRST

You are looking at the README file for PGP release 2.0. PGP, short for
Pretty Good Privacy, is a public key encryption package; with it, you
can secure messages you transmit against unauthorized reading and
digitally sign them so that people receiving them can be sure they
come from you.

The files pgpdoc1.txt and pgpdoc2.txt contain documentation for the

Before using PGP, PLEASE READ THE DOCUMENTATION. This tends to get
neglected with most computer software, but cryptography software is
easy to misuse, and if you don't use it properly much of the security
you could gain by using it will be lost! You might also be unfamiliar
with the concepts behind public key cryptography; the manual explains
these ideas. Even if you are already familiar with public key
cryptography, it is important that you understand the various security
issues associated with using PGP.

The file SETUP.DOC contains information on how to install PGP on your
system; this document is broken up into several sections, each dealing
with a different operating system: PGP is known to run on MS-DOS,
UNIX, and VMS. Part of the information in SETUP.DOC might make more
sense if you have already read the manuals.

PGP 2.0, which was released on September 3, 1992, will likely be
followed by updated versions within a few months of the release date.
Bugs will likely be found and fixed, this being a new major release of
the software, and we will try to get these fixes out to the public as
soon as possible.

Given this, if you have received PGP 2.0 substantially after the
initial release date, you may want to check around for a more recent
release. If there is a more recent release, please acquire it, and
please get the place you got PGP 2.0 from to update their release,

MANIFEST for PGP 2.0 MSDOS executable release

Here is a list of files included in the PGP 2.0 MSDOS executable release
file PGP20.ZIP...

README.DOC- This file you are reading
SETUP.DOC- Installation guide
PGP.EXE - PGP executable program
CONFIG.TXT - User configuration parameter file for PGP
LANGUAGE.TXT - Sample language file for French and Spanish
PGP.HLP - Online help file for PGP
ES.HLP - Online help file in Spanish
FR.HLP - Online help file in French
PGPDOC1.DOC- PGP User's Guide, Vol I: Essential Topics
PGPDOC2.DOC- PGP User's Guide, Vol II: Special Topics
KEYS.ASC- Sample public keys to add to your keyring
PGPSIG.ASC - Detached signature of PGP.EXE, to detect viruses

For Clinical Paranoia Sufferers Only

It is always possible that the PGP you have received has been tampered
with in some way. This is a risk because PGP is used as a system to
assure security, so those wishing to breach your security could likely
do it by making sure that your copy of PGP has been tampered with. Of
course, if you receive PGP in a binary distribution, it makes sense to
check it for viruses, and if you receive PGP as source code, looking
for signs of obvious tampering might be a good idea. However, it is
very difficult to actually determine if the code has no subtle bugs
that have been introduced and that the executable you are using has
not been tampered with in any way. If you are a really paranoid
person, try getting a cryptographically signed copy of the software
from someone you trust to have a good copy. It would also likely be
good for you to read the sections of the manual on "Vulnerabilities",
which you should have read anyway since you have read the
documentation already, haven't you?

 December 19, 2017  Add comments

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