Category : C Source Code
Archive   : PDOC17.ZIP
Filename : PDOC7.TXT

Output of file : PDOC7.TXT contained in archive : PDOC17.ZIP

Print Formatter for C Code Page 1

Print Formatter for
C and C++ Files

Copyright Corel Systems Corp. 1991
Pat Beirne

Print Formatter for C Code Page 2

==> Description:

The program PDOC.COM accepts .C and .H files and creates a formatted
print file. The format have been carefully designed by Marcus et al.
[at Berkley] to highlight the significant parts of source files, and
to aid in understanding.

This version [1.7] can synthesize LaserJet and PostScript codes to
produce printed pages which closely follow the designer's guide. It
can also synthesize RTF codes, with some deviation from the design

==> Usage:

The program should be run from the DOS prompt, using 2 file (or
device) names:
PDOC [-L] | [-P] | [-R] [-n] [-?] sourcefile destfile
-L uses LaserJet (default)
-P uses PostScript codes
-R uses RTF codes
-n sets the tab width to n
-? help

Typically, I use lines like:
PDOC -3 page.c lpt1
PDOC -p -3 object.h lpt2
PDOC -p -3 object.h f:tempfile.psc
PDOC -r -8 c:\include\windows.h f:winh.rtf

==> Output Format:

At the top of each page is a page header, showing the print time, the
file name and the page number. These are things that I always felt I
needed in source code printouts.

Below that is the source code. The printed format puts the source
codes into two columns. The left column is 2 inches wide, and contains
only comments. It is intended to be where one would add hand written
notes, punched holes or a binding. The right column is 6 inches wide
and holds the bulk of the source code.

Most of the .C code is printed in 8 point Helvetica. This font is very
legible and packs well. C language keywords (and C++) are printed in
italics, just so that they stand out from the bulk. Preprocessor
commands are printed in bold, so that they stick out as well. Any
strings are printed in 8 point Courier (or LinePrinter) so that the
reader is reminded that they are strings.

Comments that are own their own lines are treated as significant
paragraphs of information; explanations. They are printed in Times
(the most legible font) on a gray background. The gray background
helps remind the reader that this is comments, and helps separate the

Copyright Corel Systems Corp. 1991

Print Formatter for C Code Page 3

sections of code.

Any comments that are found in line with some code are printed in the
left column, again in Times. These comments are treated as annotations
concerning specific lines, much as if they are annotations.

If the parser discovers a line which appears to be a function
declaration, the function name is printed in 12 or 14 point
Helevetica-Bold, with a wide underbar. This helps break up the body,
and helps locate functions.

The PostScript option produces placeable EPS files.

If you use the RTF option, the output does not follow the above
placement rules, since Word4Windows has real trouble putting text
right-column-then-left-column. It also has trouble with colored
backgrounds. So, for RTF:
everything begins in column 1
comments are in blue, Times 8 point
the tab control is not as good as the other conversions

==> Notes:

The LaserJet codes have been carefully selected so that these codes
work equally well on the Kyocera series and on the LaserJet III.

==> Known Bugs:

Sometimes long lines will not be fully visible on the output.

==> History:

1.5 Added C++ codes
1.6 minor touch on the dimensions of the gray boxes
1.7 Added RTF generator
Added LaserJet III codes
Fixed bug with "strings with embedd'd quotes"
added #ifndef to keywords
optimized lines with trailing whitespace
recognize form feeds in the source

==> Conditions:

Naturally, we deny any responsibility for any problems you may
encounter with the program. We do not support in any way this program.

The only condition on the use of this program is that we require that
any enhancements you may make be sent back to us, so that we may take
advantage of them.

Copyright Corel Systems Corp. 1991

  3 Responses to “Category : C Source Code
Archive   : PDOC17.ZIP
Filename : PDOC7.TXT

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: