Category : C Source Code
Archive   : PCURSE14.ZIP
Filename : OVERLAY.C

Output of file : OVERLAY.C contained in archive : PCURSE14.ZIP
/* Overlay() and overwrite() functions of the PCcurses package */
/* */
/* This version of curses is based on ncurses, a curses version */
/* originally written by Pavel Curtis at Cornell University. */
/* I have made substantial changes to make it run on IBM PC's, */
/* and therefore consider myself free to make it public domain. */
/* Bjorn Larsson ([email protected]) */
/* 1.4: Overlaying window will not line up with over- */
/* layed window's origin, but at it's 'own' origin */
/* relative to the overlayed's origin. Use of short */
/* wherever possible. Portability improvements: 900114 */
/* 1.3: MSC -W3, Turbo'C' -w -w-pro checks: 881005 */
/* 1.2: Max limits off by 1. Fixed thanks to S. Creps: 881002 */
/* 1.0: Release: 870515 */


char _curses_overlay_rcsid[] = "@(#)overlay.c v.1.4 - 900114";

/* Overlay() overwrites 'win1' upon 'win2', with 'win1' appea- */
/* ring in 'win2' at it own origin relative to 'win2's origin. */
/* This is a departure, but a desirable one, from the initial */
/* definition of this function. Overlay is transparent; blanks */
/* from 'win1' are not copied to 'win2'. */

void overlay(win1, win2)
WINDOW *win1, *win2;
short *minchng;
short *maxchng;
short *w1ptr;
short *w2ptr;
short attrs;
short col;
short line;
short last_line;
short last_col;

last_col = min(win1->_maxx + win1->_begx, win2->_maxx) - 1;
last_line = min(win1->_maxy + win1->_begy, win2->_maxy) - 1;
attrs = win2->_attrs & ATR_MSK;
minchng = win2->_minchng + win1->_begy;
maxchng = win2->_maxchng + win1->_begy;

for(line = win1->_begy; line <= last_line; line++)
register short fc, lc;

w1ptr = win1->_line[line - win1->_begy];
w2ptr = win2->_line[line] + win1->_begx;
fc = _NO_CHANGE;

for(col = win1->_begx; col <= last_col; col++)
if ((*w1ptr & CHR_MSK) != ' ')
*w2ptr = (*w1ptr & CHR_MSK) | attrs;
if (fc == _NO_CHANGE)
fc = col;
lc = col;
} /* if */
} /* for */

if (*minchng == _NO_CHANGE)
*minchng = fc;
*maxchng = lc;
} /* if */
if (fc != _NO_CHANGE)
if (fc < *minchng)
*minchng = fc;
if (lc > *maxchng)
*maxchng = lc;
} /* else if */
} /* for */
} /* overlay */

/* Overwrite() overwrites 'win1' upon 'win2', with 'win1' ap- */
/* pearing in 'win2' at it own origin relative to 'win2's ori- */
/* gin. This is a departure, but a desirable one, from the */
/* initial definition of this function. Overwrite is non-trans- */
/* parent; blanks from 'win1' are copied to 'win2'. */

void overwrite(win1, win2)
WINDOW *win1, *win2;
short *minchng;
short *maxchng;
short *w1ptr;
short *w2ptr;
short attrs;
short col;
short line;
short last_line;
short last_col;

last_col = min(win1->_maxx + win1->_begx, win2->_maxx) - 1;
last_line = min(win1->_maxy + win1->_begy, win2->_maxy) - 1;
attrs = win2->_attrs & ATR_MSK;
minchng = win2->_minchng + win1->_begy;
maxchng = win2->_maxchng + win1->_begy;

for(line = win1->_begy; line <= last_line; line++)
register short fc, lc;

w1ptr = win1->_line[line - win1->_begy];
w2ptr = win2->_line[line] + win1->_begx;
fc = _NO_CHANGE;

for(col = win1->_begx; col <= last_col; col++)
if ((*w1ptr & CHR_MSK) != (*w2ptr & CHR_MSK))
*w2ptr = (*w1ptr & CHR_MSK) | attrs;
if (fc == _NO_CHANGE)
fc = col;
lc = col;
} /* if */
} /* for */

if (*minchng == _NO_CHANGE)
*minchng = fc;
*maxchng = lc;
} /* if */
if (fc != _NO_CHANGE)
if (fc < *minchng)
*minchng = fc;
if (lc > *maxchng)
*maxchng = lc;
} /* else if */
} /* for */
} /* overwrite */

  3 Responses to “Category : C Source Code
Archive   : PCURSE14.ZIP
Filename : OVERLAY.C

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: