Category : C Source Code
Archive   : OBFUSC89.ZIP
Filename : TROMP.HIN

Output of file : TROMP.HIN contained in archive : OBFUSC89.ZIP
Best game: John Tromp

John Tromp
Centre for Mathematics and Computer Science (CWI)
Oetgensstraat 7
1701CK Heerhugowaard

Judges notes:

This is a character terminal version of the TETRIS program.
It runs on a VT100 compatible terminal or emulator. It is
best used at 4800 baud or more.


tromp [drops_per_sec [cmd_string]]
tromp.s5 [1 [cmd_string]]

By default, "drops_per_sec", the number of times an object
will drop in a second, is 2. The default "cmd_string" is
"jkl pq". The first 6 characters of "cmd_string" relate
to the following 6 game commands:

j - left
k - rotate
l - right
- drop
p - pause
q - quit

Specifying "cmd_string" allows one to re-define the commands.
The pause command pauses the game, clears the screen and
prints the current score. To un-pause, type the pause
character again, which by default is "p".

This original program requires a BSD-style interval timer and

and new BSD signal interface. If you are using System V.3
or earlier, for example, you will need to make "tromp.s5"
instead of "tromp". You can change the default make rule
by changing "tromp" to "tromp.s5" in the "WINNERS=..." line
of the Makefile.

The "tromp.s5" version is not as functional as "tromp".
The "drops_per_sec" is ignored and defaults to 1. The level
is always reported as 0.

As was stated last year, we are likely to be more strict about
portability in the future. [ We mean it this time 🙂 ]

Selected notes from the author:

This program plays the familiar game of `TETRIS' with the
following features:

* outputs vt100-like escape-sequences for cursor
positioning and normal/reverse video in curses
like fashion (minimal output for screen updates)

* continuously increasing speed (except in pause)

* start speed selectable by giving n as first argument,
where n is the number of drops per second (default=2).

* controls also selectable by giving as the second argument
a string of 6 characters. By default they are "jkl pq".

* screen is blanked during the pause and the score is shown

* maintains a high-score table

Giving a full path name for the table will result in a
system-wide hiscore allowing a competition between users.

The author provided us with the following notes and new version of
the program:

Here is a somewhat improved version of my tetris entry. All the
changes are in the popen() at the end. Formerly a move was done
to the HI score file which is not permitted for other users. Now
other users can change the HI score file. The extra option -m is
passed to sort, so that it knows that its input files are already
sorted. The -o output option of sort is used instead of a
temporary file.

You may also want to consider giving just the raw option to stty
at the start and -raw at the end. This further reduces the size of
the program, but has the possible disadvantage that the program
can only by stopped by 'q' or by the `kill -9' command.

long h[4];t(){h[3]-=h[3]/3000;setitimer(0,h,0);}c,d,l,v[]={(int)t,0,2},w,s,I,K
"\033[%dm "+(K-k?0:5),k);K=k;}Q[263]=c=getchar();}G(b){for(i=4;i--;)if(q[i?b+
n[i]:b])return 0;return 1;}g(b){for(i=4;i--;q[i?x+n[i]:x]=b);}main(C,V,a)char*
*V,*a;{h[3]=1000000/(l=C>1?atoi(V[1]):2);for(a=C>2?V[2]:"jkl pq";i;i--)*n++=i<
25||i%12<2?7:0;srand(getpid());system("stty cbreak -echo stop u");sigvec(14,v,
"stty -cbreak echo stop \023;sort -mnr -o HI - HI;cat HI","w");fprintf(d,
"%4d from level %1d by %s\n",w,l,getlogin());pclose(d);}

  3 Responses to “Category : C Source Code
Archive   : OBFUSC89.ZIP
Filename : TROMP.HIN

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: