Category : C Source Code
Archive   : MOU.ZIP
Filename : MOU.H

Output of file : MOU.H contained in archive : MOU.ZIP
* PROJECT: Mouse routines with 'real' graphic cursor in text mode.
* Header file for the mouse routines.
* Date Author Comment
* 26-Oct-1990 dk Initial file.
* 07-Jan-1991 dk Fixed bugs and set up for release to Usenet.
* Programmers may incorporate any or all code into their programs,
* giving proper credit within the source. Publication of the
* source routines is permitted so long as proper credit is given
* to Dave Kirsch.
* Copyright (C) 1990, 1991 by Dave Kirsch. You may use this program, or
* code or tables extracted from it, as desired without restriction.
* I can not and will not be held responsible for any damage caused from
* the use of this software.
* This source works with Turbo C 2.0 and MSC 6.0 and above.

/* 26-Oct-1990 - dk */
/* */
/* Standard types and constants I use in my programs. */
/* */

typedef unsigned char byte;
typedef unsigned short int word;
typedef unsigned short int boolean;
typedef unsigned long int dword;

#define FALSE 0
#define TRUE (!FALSE)

#ifdef __TURBOC__
#define FAST pascal /* for fast calling of functions -- Turbo C */
#define FAST _fastcall /* for fast calling of functions -- MicroSoft C 6.0 */
#define asm _asm
#define LOCAL near /* function can not be called outside of this module */
#define PRIVATE static /* function is private */
#define STATIC static /* private variables */

#ifndef poke
#define poke(a,b,c) (*((int far*)MK_FP((a),(b))) = (int)(c))
#define pokeb(a,b,c) (*((char far*)MK_FP((a),(b))) = (char)(c))
#define peek(a,b) (*((int far*)MK_FP((a),(b))))
#define peekb(a,b) (*((char far*)MK_FP((a),(b))))

/* Mon 07-Jan-1991 - dk */
/* */
/* Variables and defines for the mouse routines. */
/* */

/* Size of mouse "click" ahead buffer. */

/* Bit defines for mouse driver function 12 -- define handler. */
#define MOUSEMOVE 1
#define LEFTBPRESS 2

#define LEFTBDOWN 1
#define RIGHTBDOWN 2

/* Shift states for byte a 0:417h
bit 7 =1 INSert active
bit 6 =1 Caps Lock active
bit 5 =1 Num Lock active
bit 4 =1 Scroll Lock active
bit 3 =1 either Alt pressed
bit 2 =1 either Ctrl pressed
bit 1 =1 Left Shift pressed
bit 0 =1 Right Shift pressed

#define SHIFT_LEFTSHIFT 0x02
#define SHIFT_SHIFT 0x03 /* Either shift key. */
#define SHIFT_CTRL 0x04
#define SHIFT_ALT 0x08
#define SHIFT_NUMLOCK 0x20
#define SHIFT_CAPSLOCK 0x40
#define SHIFT_INS 0x80

/* Mouse information record */
struct minforectype {
word buttonstat;
int cx, cy;
byte shiftstate;

#define MOUINFOREC struct minforectype

extern word mousehidden; /* Is the mouse on? Additive flag */
extern boolean mouseinstalled; /* Is the mouse installed? */

extern volatile int mousex, mousey; /* Mouse coordinates in characters. */

/* Initialize the mouse routines -- must be called. */
void FAST MOUinit(void);

/* Deinitialize the mouse routines -- must be called on shutdown.
Failure to call it will most likely result in a system crash if the mouse
is moved. */
void FAST MOUdeinit(void);

/* Hide the mouse cursor */
void FAST MOUhide(void);

/* Hide the mouse cursor if it moves or is in a specific rectangular region
of the screen. */
void FAST MOUconditionalhide(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2);

/* Show the mouse cursor */
void FAST MOUshow(void);

/* return TRUE if there are events waiting in the buffer. */
boolean FAST MOUcheck(void);

/* look at the next event in the buffer, but don't pull it out. */
void FAST MOUpreview(MOUINFOREC *mouinforec);

/* get and remove next event from the buffer. */
void FAST MOUget(MOUINFOREC *mouinforec);

/* return the current status of the mouse buttons (see defines above). */
word FAST MOUbuttonstatus(void);

  3 Responses to “Category : C Source Code
Archive   : MOU.ZIP
Filename : MOU.H

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: