Dec 082017
Windows and DOS secondary monitor support routines. Source Code INCLUDED.
File MONOV2.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category C Source Code
Windows and DOS secondary monitor support routines. Source Code INCLUDED.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
MDA.CLS 2361 975 deflated
MONO.MAK 1263 417 deflated
MONO.TXT 3070 1416 deflated
MONODLL.CPP 8095 2782 deflated
MONODLL.DEF 181 131 deflated
MONODLL.DLL 27648 6077 deflated
MONODLL.H 736 313 deflated
MONODLL.LIB 1024 159 deflated
MONODLL.MAP 1188 302 deflated
MONODLL.OBJ 2236 1419 deflated
MONODOS.C 5179 1676 deflated
MONODOS.H 608 261 deflated
MONODOSL.LIB 2048 813 deflated
MONODOSL.OBJ 1044 726 deflated
MONOL.LIB 1536 736 deflated
MONOWIN.C 1696 747 deflated
MONOWIN.H 929 425 deflated
MONOWINL.LIB 1024 401 deflated
MONOWINL.OBJ 463 362 deflated

Download File MONOV2.ZIP Here

Contents of the MONO.TXT file

The routines included here allow you to print debug messages to
a secondary B&W monitor. Support is included for Windows 3.0,
DOS and Actor 3.1. You can print strings or variables using a
format specifier (printf style). The routines will scroll the
screen once you get to the bottom.

Changes: 2/24/92
I have modifed MONODLL.CPP and added a large buffer that will be
dumped to a file called MONO.LOG when the DLL is closed. This is
a multi-page buffer and can be enlarged by the programmer. I
have also added another subroutine in MONODLL that allows you to
configure the buffer and how it is or isnt used. I am only using
C++ so that I can access fstream.h and simplify the file i/o.
That section could be re-written and the program could be done
in C if you do not have a cpp compiler. I also added a call to
Borland's movmem routine to scroll the screen. All of the
changes listed here were not included in the MONODOS.C DOS
version of the library.

MONO.MAK -> Borland Make file for MONODOS, MONODLL and MONOWIN.
MONODOS.C -> This is a DOS version that supports strings
and variables using a format specifier.
MONODOS.H -> Header file for MONODOS.C.
MONOS/L.LIB -> Borland small and large link librarys.
MONODLL.CPP -> This is a Windows DLL that supports only strings.
MONODLL.H -> Header file for MONODLL.C.
MONODLL.DEF -> Definition file for the DLL.
MONODLL.DLL -> Windows 3.0 DLL.
MONOWIN.C -> This is a Windows compatible library (non-DLL) that
adds the variables/format support.
MONOWIN.H -> Header file for MONOWIN.C.
MONOWINS/L.LIB -> Borland small and large link librarys.
MDA.CLS -> Actor class support for MONODLL.C.

I use a secondary monochrome monitor to help me debug my
programs. For less than $150 you can get a good hercules card
and monitor. I highly recommend them, especially when working
in Windows. A hercules card or monochrome card will co-exist
with a vga card.

To use MDA in Actor:

Copy the MDA.CLS source file into the \ACTOR\CLASSES directory and put the
MONODLL.DLL library somewhere. A convienent place for the DLL is in the main
Windows 3 directory (\WIN). That is the default place windows will look for
the DLL. If you put it somewhere else you will have to edit the MDA:init
method and point to the directory where you place the DLL.

Next you must load the Actor classes Proc and Library. Do this by
loading the two source files, PROC.CLS and LIBRARY.CLS (in that order) from
the CLASSES directory. Finally, load the MDA class by loading the MDA.CLS
source file. If all goes well you should be able to test it by entering the
following in actor:

P := new(MDA);

and you should see "" on the monochrome monitor. The
MDA class has not been tested in Actor 4.0.

Good luck. I hope you find these routines as valuable as I do.
Feel free to send me comments or suggestions.

Kevin Pinkerton, 301-862-8862 (work), 301-475-9755 (home)
Rt. 1, Box 140-1A
Leonardtown, Md 20650

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