Category : C Source Code
Archive   : LHA211S.ZIP
Filename : VHUF_.ASM

Output of file : VHUF_.ASM contained in archive : LHA211S.ZIP
; vhuf_.asm -- works for dynamic & static
; Huffman methods
page 0, 128

NC = (200h - 2)
NP = 14
NT = 19
NPT = 080h

N1 equ 256 + 60 - THRESHOLD + 1
N2 equ N1 * 2
NN1 equ 2000h / 64
NN2 equ NN1 * 2

DATA segment word public 'DATA'
DATA ends

BSS segment word public 'DATA'
heap dw NC + 1 dup (?)

public heap

avail_mt dw 1 dup (?)
nchar dw 1 dup (?)
bitlen dw 1 dup (?)
freq dw 1 dup (?)
code dw 1 dup (?)
n2 dw 1 dup (?)
heapsize dw 1 dup (?)
sort dw 1 dup (?)
depth dw 1 dup (?)

public avail_mt
public nchar
public bitlen
public freq
public code
public n2
public heapsize
public sort
public depth
public text_

text_ db (2000h * 2 + 100h) dup(?)

parent_ label word
left_ dw 2 * NC - 1 dup (?)

child_ label word
right_ dw 2 * NC - 1 dup (?)

c_table_ dw 4096 dup (?)
c_code_ dw NC dup (?)
pt_table_ dw 256 dup (?)
pt_code_ dw NPT dup (?)
c_len_ db NC dup (?)
pt_len_ db NPT dup (?)
dummy db 8000h - (pt_len_ + NPT - text_) dup (?)

public freq_
public c_freq_, p_freq_, t_freq_
public parent_
public left_
public child_
public right_
public c_table_
public c_code_
public pt_table_
public pt_code_
public c_len_
public pt_len_

org c_table_
freq_ label word
c_freq_ dw 2 * NC - 1 dup (?)
p_freq_ dw 2 * NP - 1 dup (?)
t_freq_ dw 2 * NT - 1 dup (?)

block_ label word
dw N2 dup (?)
dw NN2 dup (?)

edge_ label word
dw N2 dup(?)
dw 256 dup (?)

stock_ label word
dw N2 dup (?)
dw NN2 dup (?)

public block_
public edge_
public stock_

org heap
len_cnt dw 17 dup (?)
start dw 17 dup (?)
weight dw 17 dup (?)

public len_cnt
public start
public weight

org freq
tablebits dw 1 dup (?)
table dw 1 dup (?)

public tablebits
public table

BSS ends



  3 Responses to “Category : C Source Code
Archive   : LHA211S.ZIP
Filename : VHUF_.ASM

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: