Category : C Source Code
Archive   : LHA211S.ZIP
Filename : UTIL.C

Output of file : UTIL.C contained in archive : LHA211S.ZIP
util.c -- utility routines
#include "lh.h"
#include "intrface.h"
#include "errmes.h"

uchar pathdelim = '\\';
uchar swchar;

convert path delimiter
returns *filename
char *convdelim(char *path, char delim)
uchar c;
uchar *p;
int kflg;

kflg = 0;
for (p = path; (c = *p) != 0; p++) {
if (kflg) {
kflg = 0;
} else if (iskanji(c)) {
kflg = 1;
} else if (c == '\\' || c == DELIM || c == DELIM2) {
*p = delim;
path = p + 1;
return path;

char *getfilename(char *path)
char *q;

if ((q = strrchr(path, DELIM)) != NULL ||
(q = strchr(path, ':')) != NULL) {
return q + 1;
} else {
return path;

get back to parent directory
char *backpath(char *p)
char *q;

q = getfilename(p);
*q = '\0';
return q;

ask 'Y' or 'N'
int getyn(void)
int yn;

do {
yn = getch();
yn = toupper(yn);
if (yn == '\x03') error(CTRLBRK, NULL);
} while (yn != 'Y' && yn != 'N');
eprintf("%c\n", yn);
return yn;

void getswchar(void)
union REGS regs; = 0x3700;
intdos(®s, ®s);
swchar = regs.h.dl;
if (swchar != '/') {
pathdelim = '/';

time_t dos2unix(struct ftime *ft)
struct tm tm;

tm.tm_sec = ft -> ft_tsec * 2;
tm.tm_min = ft -> ft_min;
tm.tm_hour = ft -> ft_hour;
tm.tm_mday = ft -> ft_day;
tm.tm_mon = ft -> ft_month - 1;
tm.tm_year = ft -> ft_year + 80;
tm.tm_isdst = timezone;
return mktime(&tm);

struct ftime *unix2dos(time_t utc)
static struct ftime ft;
struct tm *tm;

tm = localtime(&utc);
ft.ft_tsec = tm -> tm_sec / 2;
ft.ft_min = tm -> tm_min ;
ft.ft_hour = tm -> tm_hour;
ft.ft_day = tm -> tm_mday;
ft.ft_month = tm -> tm_mon + 1;
ft.ft_year = tm -> tm_year - 80;
return &ft;

ratio * 1000
int ratio(ulong a, ulong b, int ord)
int i;

for (i = 0; i < ord && a < 0x19999999; i++) {
a *= 10; /* while not overflow */
} /* upto 10^ord times */
for (; i < ord; i++) { /* the case of overflow */
b /= 10;
if (b == 0) return 0; /* if diviser == 0 */
a += b / 2; /* for round up */
return (a / b); /* return (a * 1000 / b) */

#define BUFFERSIZE 0x6000

void copyfile(FILE *f1, FILE *f2, long size, int crc_flg)
int xsize;
int dicsiz;
void dispmark(char c);
void fwrite_crc(uchar *p, int n, FILE *f);

crc = 0;
if (f2) fflush(f2);
dicsiz = 1 << interface.dicbit;
while (size > 0) {
xsize = (size > BUFFERSIZE) ? BUFFERSIZE : size;
if (fread(text, 1, xsize, f1) != xsize) {
fileerror(RDERR, f1);
fwrite_crc(text, xsize, f2);
size -= xsize;
if (crc_flg) {
while (xsize > 0) {
xsize -= dicsiz;

void far *e_farmalloc(ulong size)
void far *p;

if ((p = farmalloc(size)) == NULL) error(MEMOVRERR, NULL);
return p;

void *e_malloc(uint size)
void *p;

if ((p = malloc(size)) == NULL) error(MEMOVRERR, NULL);
return p;

void *e_realloc(void *buf, int size)
void *p;

if ((p = realloc(buf, size)) == NULL) error(MEMOVRERR, NULL);
return p;

FILE *myeopen(char *path, char *mode, char *errmes)
FILE *f;
int fd;
extern int _creat(char *path, int attr);

f = NULL;
if (*mode != 'w') {
f = fopen(path, mode);
} else {
fd = _creat(path, 0x20);
if (fd >= 0) f = fdopen(fd, mode);
if (f == NULL && errmes != NULL) error(errmes, path);
return f;

FILE *mywopen(char *path, char *errmes)
return myeopen(path, "wb", errmes);

FILE *myropen(char *path)
return myeopen(path, "rb", NOFILEERR);

void eprintf(char *fmt, ...)
va_list p;

va_start(p, fmt);
vfprintf(stderr, fmt, p);

  3 Responses to “Category : C Source Code
Archive   : LHA211S.ZIP
Filename : UTIL.C

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: