Category : C Source Code
Archive   : LHA211S.ZIP
Filename : SHUF_.ASM

Output of file : SHUF_.ASM contained in archive : LHA211S.ZIP
; shuf_.asm -- extract static Huffman coding
page 0, 128

$_init GEN


TEXT segment byte public 'CODE'
assume cs:CGROUP, ds:DGROUP, ss:DGROUP
TEXT ends

DATA segment byte public 'DATA'
DATA ends

BSS segment byte public 'DATA'
np_ dw 1 dup (?)
BSS ends

TEXT segment byte public 'CODE'
assume cs:CGROUP, ds:DGROUP, ss:DGROUP

;void decode_start_st0(void)

public decode_start_st0_
mov word ptr DGROUP:[n_max_], 286
mov word ptr DGROUP:[maxmatch_], 0100h
call init_getbits_
mov word ptr DGROUP:[np_], 128
mov blocksize, 0

;void encode_p_st0(unsigned short j)

public encode_p_st0_
push cx
push ax
mov bx, ax
mov cl, 6
shr bx, cl
mov al, pt_len_[bx]
shl bx, 1
mov bx, pt_code_[bx]
call putcode_
mov al, 6
pop bx
; and bx, 3fh
call putbits_
pop cx
TEXT ends

DATA segment byte public 'DATA'
public fixed_
fixed_ db 3
db 1
db 4
db 12
db 24
db 48
db 0

fixed1_ db 2
db 1
db 1
db 3
db 6
db 13
db 31
db 78
db 0
DATA ends

TEXT segment byte public 'CODE'
assume cs:CGROUP, ds:DGROUP, ss:DGROUP

;static void ready_made(int method)

public ready_made_
push cx
push dx
push si
push di
mov si, offset DGROUP:fixed_
$_if , NZ
mov si, offset DGROUP:fixed1_
mov cl, [si]
inc si
xor ax, ax
mov dx, ax
mov ch, al
rcr dx, cl
mov bx, offset DGROUP:pt_len_
mov di, offset DGROUP:pt_code_
$_while , E
inc cx
inc si
shr dx, 1
mov [bx], cl
inc bx
add ax, dx
inc ch
$_until , AE
pop di
pop si
pop dx
pop cx

;void encode_start_fix(void)

public encode_start_fix_
mov word ptr DGROUP:[n_max_], 314
mov word ptr DGROUP:[maxmatch_], 60
mov word ptr DGROUP:[np_], 64
call init_putbits_
call start_c_dyn_
xor ax, ax
call ready_made_

;static void read_tree_c(void) /* read tree from file */

push cx
push dx
push di
push ds
pop es
mov di, offset DGROUP:c_len_
mov cx, 3
mov al, 1
call getbits_
$_if , NZ
mov al, 4
call getbits_
inc ax
$_break , , AE
$_if , E, AND
$_c , E
xor ax, ax
mov cx, 286
sub di, 3
rep stosb
mov ax, 9
call getbits_
mov cx, 4096
mov di, offset DGROUP:c_table_
rep stosw
jmp retRT_c_
mov cx, 286 - 3
mov ax, 286
mov bx, offset DGROUP:c_len_
mov cx, 12
mov dx, offset DGROUP:c_table_
call make_table_
pop di
pop dx
pop cx

;static void read_tree_p(void) /* read tree from file */

push cx
push dx
push di
push ds
pop es
mov di, offset DGROUP:pt_len_
mov cx, 3
mov al, 4
call getbits_
$_break , , AE
$_if , E, AND
$_c , E
xor ax, ax
mov cx, 128
sub di, 3
rep stosb
mov cx, 4096
mov di, offset DGROUP:pt_table_
rep stosw
jmp retRT_p_
mov cx, 128 - 3
pop di
pop dx
pop cx

;void decode_start_fix(void)

public decode_start_fix_
push cx
push dx
mov n_max_, 314
mov maxmatch_, 60
call init_getbits_
mov np_, 64
call start_c_dyn_
xor ax, ax
call ready_made_
mov ax, np_
mov bx, offset DGROUP:pt_len_
mov cx, 8
mov dx, offset DGROUP:pt_table_
call make_table_
pop dx
pop cx
TEXT ends

DATA segment byte public 'DATA'
blocksize dw 0
DATA ends

TEXT segment byte public 'CODE'
assume cs:CGROUP, ds:DGROUP, ss:DGROUP

;ushort decode_c_st0(void)

public decode_c_st0_
push cx
push si
$_if , C
push dx
mov al, 16
call getbits_
dec ax
mov blocksize, ax
call read_tree_c_
mov al, 1
call getbits_
$_if , NZ
call read_tree_p_
mov ax, 1
call ready_made_
mov ax, 128
mov bx, offset DGROUP:pt_len_
mov cx, 8
mov dx, offset DGROUP:pt_table_
call make_table_
pop dx
mov bx, bitbuf_
mov cl, 4
shr bx, cl
shl bx, 1
mov si, c_table_[bx]
$_if , B
mov al, c_len_[si]
call fillbuf_
mov al, 12
call fillbuf_
mov ax, bitbuf_
$_if , C
mov si, right_[si]
mov si, left_[si]
$_until , B
mov al, c_len_[si]
sub al, 12
call fillbuf_
$_if , E
mov al, 8
call getbits_
add si, ax
mov ax, si
pop si
pop cx

;ushort decode_p_st0(void)

public decode_p_st0_
push cx
push si
mov bl, byte ptr bitbuf_ + 1
xor bh, bh
shl bx, 1
mov si, pt_table_[bx]
$_if , B
mov al, pt_len_[si]
call fillbuf_
mov al, 8
call fillbuf_
mov ax, bitbuf_
$_if , C
mov si, right_[si]
mov si, left_[si]
$_until , B
mov al, pt_len_[si]
sub al, 8
call fillbuf_
mov al, 6
mov cl, al
call getbits_
shl si, cl
add ax, si
pop si
pop cx

EXTRN init_putbits_:near
EXTRN putbits_:near
EXTRN fillbuf_:near
EXTRN make_table_:near
EXTRN start_c_dyn_:near
EXTRN getbits_:near
EXTRN init_getbits_:near
EXTRN putcode_:near

TEXT ends

EXTRN c_table_:word
EXTRN c_len_:byte
EXTRN pt_table_:word
EXTRN pt_code_:word
EXTRN pt_len_:byte
EXTRN right_:word
EXTRN left_:word
EXTRN maxmatch_:word
EXTRN n_max_:word
EXTRN bitbuf_:word


  3 Responses to “Category : C Source Code
Archive   : LHA211S.ZIP
Filename : SHUF_.ASM

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: