Category : C Source Code
Archive   : LHA211S.ZIP
Filename : MES_E.C

Output of file : MES_E.C contained in archive : LHA211S.ZIP
mes_e.c -- english error message
char title[] = "\nLHA 2.10 (c)Yoshi, 1988-91\n";

char NOARCNMERR[] = "No archive name";
char NOFNERR[] = "No file name";
char NOARCERR[] = "Archive not found";
char MKTMPERR[] = "Can't create temporary file";
char DUPFNERR[] = "Same names in another path";
char TOOLONGERR[] = "Path name too long";
char NOFILEERR[] = "No file found";
char MKFILEERR[] = "Can't create file";
char RDERR[] = "Can't read file";
char WTERR[] = "Can't write file";
char MEMOVRERR[] = "Memory overflow";
char CTRLBRK[] = "Ctrl-break pressed";
char NOMATCHERR[] = "Can't find File";
char NOTLZH[] = "Extension of archive(%s) is not '.LZH'. "
"Continue process? [Y/N] ";
char SAMEFILE[] = "already exists.";
char OVERWT[] = "Overwrite? [Y/N] ";
char MKDIR[] = "Make directory? [Y/N] ";
char MKDIRERR[] = "Failed in making directory";
char RDONLY[] = "Read only!";
char COPYERR[] = "\nFailed in copying temporary file to archive\n"
"Terminate and left temporary '%s'.\n";
char BROKENARC[] = "Broken archive.";
char MAYDELETE[] = " delete? [Y/N] ";
char MAYCONT[] = " continue? [Y/N] ";

char SAMEDIR[] = "a directory with the same name exists.";
char NEWFILE[] = "newer or same file exists.";
char METHODERR[] = "unknown method.";
char DISKFULL[] = "disk full";
char NOCRC[] = "CRC is not supported.";
char NOMOREEXT[] = "cannot assign extension.";
char SPECIALATTR[] = "special attribute";
char EXTRADATA[] = "WARNING: Extra data preceeding the first header.\n\n";
char UNKNOWNERR[] = "Unknown error";
char INVCMDERR[] = "Invalid command";
char MANYPATERR[] = "Too many files in command line";
char RENAMEERR[] = "Can't rename Archive";
char TOOMANYERR[] = "Too many files matched";
char INVSWERR[] = "Invalid switch";
char CRCERR[] = "CRC Err\n";
char MKARCERR[] = "Can't create archive";
char NESTERR[] = "Cannot nest.";

  3 Responses to “Category : C Source Code
Archive   : LHA211S.ZIP
Filename : MES_E.C

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: