Category : C Source Code
Archive   : LH113SRC.ZIP
Filename : SFXL.ASM

Output of file : SFXL.ASM contained in archive : LH113SRC.ZIP
page 66, 120
; LHarc version 1.13 (c) Yoshi 1988-89.
; self-extract module : 1989/ 5/ 4
; HTAB = 8

_TEXT segment byte public 'CODE'
_TEXT ends

assume cs:_TEXT, ds:_BSS

F equ 60
N_CHAR equ (256 - THRESHOLD + F)
T equ (N_CHAR * 2 - 1)
R equ (T - 1)
N equ 1000h
MAX_FREQ equ 8000h
CRC16 equ 0a001h
BufSiz equ 04000h

LzHead struc
HeadSiz db ?
HeadChk db ?
HeadID db 3 dup (?)
Method db ?
db ?
PacSiz dw 2 dup (?)
OrgSiz dw 2 dup (?)
FTime dw ?
FDate dw ?
FAttr dw ?
FnLen db ?
Fname db 80h dup (?)
LzHead ends

_BSS segment at 1000h
org 0
public freq, prnt, son
public d_len, d_code
public crctbl
public cpyhdr, infile, outfile
public inpptr
public curcrc, iobuf, iolen, crcflg, orgcrc
public myname, keyword, keyword2, keycnt
public param, pathname, fnnext, swchar

freq dw (T + 1) dup (?)
prnt dw (T + N_CHAR) dup (?)
son dw T dup (?)
d_len db 100h dup (?)
d_code db 100h dup (?)
crctbl dw 100h dup (?)
text_buf db N dup (?)
inpbuf db BufSiz dup (?)
inpptr dw 1 dup (?)
cpyhdr LzHead 1 dup ()
infile dw 1 dup (?)
outfile dw 1 dup (?)
orgcrc dw 1 dup (?)
curcrc dw 1 dup (?)
iobuf dw 1 dup (?)
crcflg db 1 dup (?)
iolen db 1 dup (?)
myname db 80h dup (?)
keyword db 80h dup (?)
keyword2 db 80h dup (?)
param dw 20 dup (?)
pathname db 80h dup (?)
fnnext dw 1 dup (?)
fnptr dw 1 dup (?)
swchar db 1 dup (?)
endBBS label byte
_BSS ends

_TEXT segment byte public 'CODE'
assume cs:_TEXT

org 0100h

public start, main
public BSSseg
public cright, chglen, crlf, space
public absent, myself, broken, extend
jmp main

BSSseg = (endofcode - start + 10fh) / 10h
mes_yn equ space - 1
space db ' ', 0
cright db "LHarc's SFX 1.13L (c)Yoshi, 1989."
db 13, 10, 10, 0
absent db 'Rename to '
myself db ' ', 0
chglen db 01h, 04h, 0ch, 18h, 30h ; next byte must not be 3?h
overwt db 'Overwrite ', 0
yesno db '[Y/N] ', 0
broken db 'Broken file ', 0
write db 'Write', 0
header db 'Header', 0
crcmes db 'CRC'
error db ' Error'
crlf db 13, 10, 0
auto db 8, 'AUTOLARC'
autoflg db '.'
db 'BAT'
extend db 0
attrib db 0
keycnt dw 0

envseg = 002ch
cmdcnt = 0080h
cmdline = 0081h

main: cld
mov sp, offset start
mov bx, offset cright
call mesout
mov ax, cs
add ax, BSSseg
mov es, ax

assume es:_BSS
; Get options
public getopt
getopt: mov ax, 3700h
int 21h ; get switch char
mov si, cmdline
mov es:swchar, dl

mov es:fnnext, offset _BSS:pathname
$_1: lodsb
call isspace
jE $_3
cmp al, es:swchar
jE $_4
cmp al, '-'
jNE $_5
lp0: lodsb
call isspace
jE $_6
cmp al, 'e'
jNE $_8
mov di, offset _BSS:pathname
mov ah, '\'
call trans_t
mov al, ah
call isdelim2
jE $_9
mov al, '\'
$_9: mov es:fnnext, di
dec si
jmp short $_7
$_8: cmp al, 'x'
jNE $_10
inc cs:extend
jmp short $_7
$_10: cmp al, 'a'
jNE $_11
inc cs:attrib
$_7: jmp lp0
$_6: jmp short $_12
$_5: mov di, offset _BSS:keyword
mov dx, di
call trans
sub di, dx
mov cs:keycnt, di
$_3: cmp al, 0dh
jNE $_1
public mnlp1
mnlp1: push es
pop ds

assume ds:_BSS
; Get my name
mov ah, 30h
int 21h ; get DOS ver.
push ds
cmp al, 3
jB $_13
mov ax, cs:[envseg]
mov es, ax
xor ax, ax
mov di, ax
mov cx, -1
$_14: repne scasb
jNE $_14
$_15: inc ax
push es
pop ds
mov dx, di
je openme
jmp short $_16
$_13: mov ax, cs:[0002h]
sub ax, 38h
mov ds, ax
mov dx, 0009h
jmp short openme
brknenv:push cs
pop ds
mov dx, offset myself
openme: mov ax, 3d00h
int 21h ; Open Myself
jNC $_17
cmp dx, offset myself
jne brknenv
mov bx, offset absent
call mesout
mov bx, offset crlf
jmp errout1
$_17: pop ds
mov infile, ax

mov bx, ax
xor cx, cx
exehdr = 20h
mov dx, (endofcode - start) + exehdr;
mov ax, 4200h
int 21h ; Move a File Pointer
jNC $_18
mov bx, offset broken ; Broken file
jmp errout
$_18: push ds
pop es
; Get Key-word from SFX-file
mov di, offset _BSS:keyword2
lea dx, [di + 79]
mov si, dx
mov cx, 1
mov bx, infile
$_19: mov [si], ch ; for error detect (ch = 0)
mov ah, 3fh
int 21h ; Read 1 char
mov al, [si]
or al,al
jNZ $_19
; make CRC table
mov di, offset crctbl
xor dx, dx
$_21: mov ax, dx
mov cx, 8
$_23: shr ax, 1
jNC $_25
xor ax, CRC16
$_25: LOOP $_23
$_24: stosw
inc dl
jNZ $_21
; make table for position
mov si, offset _TEXT:chglen
mov di, offset _BSS:d_len
mov ax, 1 ; d_len = real length - 2
mov dx, 0020h
cmp ah, cs:[si]
jNE $_28
inc al
inc si
shr dx, 1
mov cx, dx
mov [di + d_code - d_len], ah
LOOP $_29
inc ah
cmp ah, 040h
jL $_26

public mainloop

; Get Header ---------------------------
mov _BSS:cpyhdr.HeadSiz, 0
mov bx, infile
mov cx, 1
mov dx, offset _BSS:cpyhdr.HeadSiz
mov ah, 3fh
int 21h ; Read header size
dec cx ; cx = 0
add cl, _BSS:cpyhdr.HeadSiz
jNZ $_34
jmp exit
inc dx
mov si, dx
inc cx
mov ah, 3fh
int 21h ; Read header

; Test Header Sum ----------------------
mov di, si ; cpyhdr.HeadID
dec cx
sub al, [si]
inc si
LOOP $_35
or al, al
jne errhdr
xchg di, si ; di = end of cpyhdr

; Test Header ID -----------------------
cmp ax, 'l-'
jne errhdr
xchg al, ah
sub ax, 'h0'
mov bp, ax ; bp = method
cmp ax, 0001h
ja errhdr
cmp al, '-'
jE $_37
mov bx, offset header
jmp errout

; Get original CRC ---------------------
mov bx, offset _BSS:cpyhdr.Fname
mov dx, bx
mov cl, [bx - 1] ; ch = 0
add bx, cx

mov ax, [bx] ; may be CRC
mov orgcrc, ax

sub di, bx ; bx = end of Fname
mov word ptr crcflg, di ; if 2, crc supported.
; iolen = 0 also.

; Test Special File ? ------------------
mov ax, 1
mov fnptr, dx
cmp word ptr _BSS:cpyhdr.FnLen, 2101h ; 01h, '!'
jNE $_38
jmp mn7
$_38: mov si, dx
mov di, offset auto + 1 ; AUTOLARC.BAT ?
mov cl, 12 ; ch may be 0
push es
push cs
pop es
rep cmpsb
pop es
je mn2

; -x switch ----------------------------
mov si, dx
cmp cs:extend, 0
jNE $_39
$_40: lodsb
call isdelim2
jNE $_43
mov dx, si
jmp short $_42
$_43: call iskanji
jNE $_44
inc si
$_42: cmp si, bx
jB $_40
$_41: mov si, dx

; -eDIRECTORY --------------------------
mov al, [si]
call isdelim2
jE $_45
mov cx, bx
sub cx, dx
mov dx, offset _BSS:pathname
mov di, fnnext
rep movsb
mov bx, di
jmp short $_46
$_45: mov ax, word ptr _BSS:pathname
cmp ah, ':'
jNE $_47
dec dx
dec dx
mov di, dx
mov [di], ax; brakes FnLen and
$_46: mov fnptr, dx
mov cx, 1

; Display File name --------------------
mov word ptr [bx], 0 * 256 + ' '
mov bx, dx
push dx
call dispent ; output file name
pop dx
mov byte ptr [bx - 1], 0

jcxz mn9 ; AUTOLARC.BAT ?

; Check Existence of File --------------
mov ax, 4300h ; get file attr
int 21h ; (for MS-DOS 3.3)
jc mn5

mov bx, offset overwt ; prompt
call mesout
call getyn
je mn1

; Skip to next File --------------------
mov dx, _BSS:cpyhdr.PacSiz ; skip file
mov cx, _BSS:cpyhdr.PacSiz + 2

mov bx, infile
mov ax, 4201h
int 21h ; Move a File Pointer
jmp mn6
mn9: mov cs:autoflg, 0dh

; Make Directories ---------------------
mn5: mov si, dx
jmp short mn0
call isdelim2
jNE $_50
mov byte ptr [si - 1], 0
mov ah, 39h ; make dir
int 21h
mov byte ptr [si - 1], '\'
mn0: call iskanji
jNE $_51
inc si
$_51: cmp al, 0
jNE $_48

; Create a New File --------------------
mn1: mov cl, 20h ; ch may be 0
mov ah, 3ch
int 21h ; Create a File
jNC $_52
jmp errwrite

; Decode -------------------------------
mn7: mov outfile, ax

mov curcrc, 0
; mov iolen, 0 ; already iolen = 0
mov inpptr, -1

push dx
or bp, bp
jZ $_53
call Decode
jmp short $_54
$_53: call copyall
$_54: pop si

; Set Time-Stamp -----------------------
mov bx, outfile
cmp bx, 1 ; file '!' ?
je mn8

mov dx, _BSS:cpyhdr.FDate
mov cx, _BSS:cpyhdr.FTime
mov ax, 5701h ; set date
int 21h
mov bx, outfile
call close

; Check CRC ----------------------------
mov dx, si
cmp crcflg, 2
jNE $_55
mov ax, curcrc
cmp ax, orgcrc
jne errcrc

; Set File Attributes ------------------
cmp attrib, 0
jE $_56
mov cl, byte ptr _BSS:cpyhdr.FAttr
mov ch, 0
mov ax, 4301h
int 21h ; Set File Attributes
$_56: jmp mn6
mn8: call getyn
jne exit1
mn6: mov bx, offset crlf
call mesout
jmp $_31
$_32: public exit
exit: push ds
pop es
cmp cs:autoflg, 0dh
jNE $_57
mov cx, keycnt
jcxz exit1
inc cx
mov si, offset _BSS:keyword
mov di, offset _BSS:keyword2
repe cmpsb
jNE $_57
push cs
pop es
mov bx, (offset resident - start + 100h + 15) / 16
mov ah, 4ah
int 21h
push cs
pop ds
mov si, offset auto
int 2eh ; execute
exit1: mov ax, 4c00h
int 21h

public errhdr, errwrite, errout
call unlink
mov bx, offset crcmes
jmp short errout1

mov bx, outfile
call close
call unlink
mov bx, offset write

call mesout
mov bx, offset error
call mesout
mov bx, infile
call close
mov ax, 4c01h
int 21h

; get 'Y' or 'N'
public getyn
getyn proc near
mov bx, offset yesno ; prompt
call mesout
$_58: mov ah, 08h
int 21h
and al, 0dfh
cmp al, 'Y'
jE $_60
cmp al, 'N'
jNE $_58
$_60: mov bx, offset mes_yn
mov cs:[bx], al
call mesout
cmp al, 'Y'
getyn endp

public putbuf
putbuf proc near
mov dx, offset text_buf
mov cx, di
mov bx, outfile
mov ah, 40h ; write to file
int 21h
jc errwrite
sub ax, cx
jE $_61
cmp bx, 1
jne errwrite
$_61: push si
mov si, dx
jcxz putbuf9
mov ax, curcrc
$_62: xor al, [si]
inc si
mov bl, al ; crc & 0xff
xor bh, bh
mov al, ah ; crc >> 8
xor ah, ah
shl bx, 1
xor ax, crctbl[bx]
LOOP $_62
$_63: mov curcrc, ax
putbuf9:pop si
cmp outfile, 1
je return
mov ah, 02h
mov dl, '.'
jmp short int21_ret ; int 21h
; ret
putbuf endp

public copyall
copyall proc near
xor di, di
$_64: mov bx, offset _BSS:cpyhdr.OrgSiz
sub [bx], di
sbb word ptr 2[bx], 0
mov cx, N
jNE $_67
mov ax, [bx]
or ax, ax
jz cpyend
cmp ax, cx
jAE $_67
mov cx, ax
$_67: mov dx, offset _BSS:text_buf
mov bx, infile
mov ah, 3fh
int 21h
mov di, cx
call putbuf
jmp $_64
cpyend: ret
copyall endp

public close
close proc near
mov ah, 3eh
jmp short int21_ret ; int 21h
; ret
close endp

public unlink
unlink proc near
mov dx, fnptr
mov ah, 41h ; unlink
int21_ret:int 21h
return: ret
unlink endp

; buffer
public getbuf
getbuf proc near
push ax
push bx
push cx
push dx
mov bx, infile
mov dx, offset _BSS:inpbuf
mov cx, BufSiz
cmp _BSS:cpyhdr.PacSiz + 2, 0
jNE $_68
cmp cx, _BSS:cpyhdr.PacSiz
jBE $_68
mov cx, _BSS:cpyhdr.PacSiz;
$_68: sub _BSS:cpyhdr.PacSiz, cx
sbb _BSS:cpyhdr.PacSiz + 2, 0
mov ah, 3fh
int 21h ; Read from an Archive
mov inpptr, dx
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
getbuf endp

public mesout
mesout proc near
push ds
push ax
push dx
push cs
pop ds
call dispent
pop dx
pop ax
pop ds
mesout endp

public reconst
reconst proc near
push si

xor si, si
mov di, si
$_69: mov bx, son[si]
lodsw ; freq[si]
cmp bx, bp
jB $_71
inc ax
shr ax, 1
mov son[di], bx
stosw ; mov freq[di], ax
; add di, 2
$_71: cmp si, bp
jB $_69
$_70: xor si, si
$_72: push si
lodsw ; freq[si]
add ax, [si] ; freq[bx]
mov [di], ax ; freq[di], ax
mov bx, di
$_74: dec bx
dec bx
cmp ax, [bx]
jB $_74
$_75: inc bx
inc bx

push ax
push di
jmp short rc1
$_76: mov ax, [di - 2] ; freq[di - 2]
mov cx, son[di - 2]
mov son[di], cx
stosw ; freq[di], ax
rc1: cmp di, bx
jA $_76
$_77: cld
pop di
pop [bx] ; freq[bx]
pop son[bx]

lodsw ; add si, 2
scasw ; add di, 2
cmp di, bp
jB $_72
$_73: xor si, si
$_78: mov di, son[si]
mov prnt[di], si
cmp di, bp
jAE $_80
mov prnt[di + 2], si;
$_80: lodsw ; add si, 2
cmp si, bp
jB $_78
$_79: pop si
reconst endp

; si : prnt[c + T]
public update
update proc near
or freq[R * 2], 0
jNS $_81
call near ptr reconst
$_81: mov si, ds:prnt[si + bp]
$_82: mov di, si ; lea di, freq[si]
mov ax, [di]
scasw ;inc di
;inc di
jNE $_84
mov cx, 0ffffh ; must large enough
repe scasw
sub di, 4 ; offset freq + 4

mov bx, son[si]
mov prnt[bx], di
cmp bx, bp
jAE $_85
mov prnt[bx + 2], di
$_85: xchg bx, son[di]
mov prnt[bx], si
cmp bx, bp
jAE $_86
mov prnt[bx + 2], si
$_86: mov son[si], bx

mov si, di
$_84: inc word ptr [si] ; freq[si]
mov si, prnt[si]
or si, si
jNZ $_82
update endp

public DecodeChar
DecodeChar proc near
push bp
mov bp, T * 2
mov si, son[R * 2]
mov dx, _BSS:iobuf
mov cl, _BSS:iolen
xor ch, ch
$_87: jcxz getword
dc2: shr si, 1
shl dx, 1
adc si, 0
shl si, 1
mov si, son[si]
dec cx
cmp si, bp
jB $_87
$_88: mov _BSS:iobuf, dx
mov _BSS:iolen, cl
sub si, bp
push si
call near ptr update
pop ax
shr ax, 1
pop bp
DecodeChar endp

public getword
getword:call getc
mov dh, al
call getc
mov dl, al
mov cl, 16
jmp short dc2

; getc
; ax: 1 byte (return)
public getc
getc proc near
cmp inpptr, offset inpbuf + BufSiz
jB $_89
call getbuf
mov bx, inpptr
mov al, [bx]
inc inpptr
xor ah, ah
getc endp

; cl : n bits
public GetNBits
GetNBits proc near
push cx
mov dx, _BSS:iobuf
cmp iolen, 8
jG $_90
call getc
mov cl, 8
sub cl, _BSS:iolen
shl ax, cl
or dx, ax
add _BSS:iolen, 8
$_90: pop cx
mov ax, dx
shl dx, cl
mov _BSS:iobuf, dx
sub _BSS:iolen, cl
mov dx, -1
shr dx, cl
not dx
and ax, dx
GetNBits endp

public DecodePosition
DecodePosition proc near
mov cx, 8
call near ptr GetNBits
xchg al, ah
mov si, ax
mov dl, d_code[si]
mov dh, 0
mov cl, 6
shl dx, cl
push dx
mov cl, d_len[si] ; ch == 0
call near ptr GetNBits
or ax, si
rol ax, cl
and ax, 003fh
pop dx
add ax, dx
DecodePosition endp

; Decode
public Decode
Decode proc near
mov si, offset _BSS:cpyhdr.OrgSiz
or ax, [si]
jNZ $_91
jmp de9
push ds
pop es

public StartHuff
mov ax, 1
mov cx, N_CHAR
push cx
xor di, di ; mov di, offset _BSS:freq
rep stosw
mov ax, T * 2
xor dx, dx
pop cx
mov di, offset _BSS:son
mov bx, offset _BSS:prnt[T * 2]
$_92: stosw
inc ax ; add ax, 2
inc ax
mov [bx], dx
inc bx ; add bx, 2
inc bx
inc dx ; add dx, 2
inc dx
LOOP $_92
$_93: xor si, si
mov di, N_CHAR * 2
mov cx, N_CHAR - 1
$_94: mov son[di], si
mov prnt[si], di
lodsw ; mov ax, freq[si]
add ax, [si] ; add ax, freq[si + 2]
mov prnt[si], di
stosw ; mov freq[di], ax
LOOP $_94
$_95: xor ax, ax
mov iobuf, ax
; mov iolen, al
mov _BSS:prnt[R * 2], ax ; prnt[R * 2], 0
dec ax
mov [di], ax ; freq[T * 2], -1

mov al, 20h
mov cx, F
mov di, offset _BSS:text_buf + N - F
rep stosb

xor di, di
mov bp, N - 1
$_96: push di
call near ptr DecodeChar
; $_if
or ah, ah
jnz de1
pop di
mov cx, 1
push cx
jmp short de2
; $_else
de1: push ax
call near ptr DecodePosition
pop cx
pop di
mov si, di
sub si, ax
dec si
and si, bp
sub cx, 255 - THRESHOLD
push cx
$_98: mov al, _BSS:text_buf[si]
inc si
and si, bp
de2: mov _BSS:text_buf[di], al
inc di
cmp di, bp
jBE $_100
push cx
call putbuf
pop cx
$_100: and di, bp
LOOP $_98
$_99: pop cx
; $_elseif
mov bx, offset _BSS:cpyhdr.OrgSiz
sub [bx], cx
sbb word ptr 2[bx], 0
pop ax
and ah, al
jG $_96
$_97: call putbuf
de9: ret
Decode endp

; is Japanese kanji char
public iskanji
iskanji proc near
push ax
and al, 0e0h
cmp al, 080h
je ik_ret
cmp al, 0e0h
ik_ret: pop ax
iskanji endp

; is delimiter of path-name
public isdelim
public isdelim2
isdelim proc near
cmp al, ':'
je id_ret
isdelim2:cmp al, '\'
je id_ret
cmp al, '/'
id_ret: ret
isdelim endp

; is spacing char
public isspace
isspace proc near
cmp al, 0dh
je is_ret
cmp al, 09h
je is_ret
cmp al, ' '
isspace endp

; transfer from cmd-line
public trans
public trans_t
trans proc near
$_101: mov ah, al
call iskanji
jNZ $_103
trans_t:call isspace
jNZ $_101
$_102: mov byte ptr es:[di], 0
trans endp

; display ASCIZ char
public disp
disp proc near
$_104: inc bx
mov ah, 2
int 21h
dispent:mov dl, [bx]
or dl, dl
jNZ $_104
$_105: ret
disp endp

public endofcode
_TEXT ends
end start

  3 Responses to “Category : C Source Code
Archive   : LH113SRC.ZIP
Filename : SFXL.ASM

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: