Category : C Source Code
Archive   : LANCE.ZIP
Filename : LANCE.C

Output of file : LANCE.C contained in archive : LANCE.ZIP
* CopyRight (C) 1992,1993 by Todd Werelius. *
* *
* You may use these functions in any product as long as the copyright is *
* included. This function may not be sold as a product itself or as part of *
* a source code library. The author takes no responsibilty for its use or *
* distribtution. This is a very touchy systems level routine, bad things *
* can happen so BEWARE! *
* *
int FAR PASCAL LibMain(HANDLE h_inst, WORD w_dataSeg, WORD w_heapSize, LPSTR ac_cmdLine)
if (w_heapSize > 0) UnlockData(0);
return TRUE;

int FAR PASCAL WEP(int i_param)
return 1;

* This function has the capability to hook into any function in the Windows *
* DLL's. You can therefore produce a PRE & POST process for any function *
* that Windows supports. The Function must be supported by a PID # that *
* is an english mnomic that points into an array of structures holding *
* patch information. (SEE LANCE.H) *
BOOL FAR PASCAL Intercept(WORD w_patchID, FARPROC p_newFunc)
* First we get the offset & selector of the interceptor function *
WORD w_newFuncOff = LOWORD(p_newFunc);
WORD w_newFuncSel = HIWORD(p_newFunc);

if (as_PI[w_patchID].b_patched != FALSE) return SW_ALREADYPATCHED;
if (w_patchID > PID_LASTPID) return SW_INVALIDPID;

* Now we load an OPCode instruction that tells the intercepted function *
* to jump to our new function. *
as_PI[w_patchID].ab_jmpCode[0] = 0xEA;// FAR JMP OPCode
as_PI[w_patchID].ab_jmpCode[1] = LOBYTE(w_newFuncOff);
as_PI[w_patchID].ab_jmpCode[2] = HIBYTE(w_newFuncOff);
as_PI[w_patchID].ab_jmpCode[3] = LOBYTE(w_newFuncSel);
as_PI[w_patchID].ab_jmpCode[4] = HIBYTE(w_newFuncSel);

* Now we get the selector address of the function we want to intercept. *
* Then we make a new selector entry that has read write capabilitys. *
* We must also lock the functions code so that it cannot be discarded *
* from memory (invalidating our intercept) *
as_PI[w_patchID].w_readSel = HIWORD(as_PI[w_patchID].p_oldFunc);
as_PI[w_patchID].w_writeSel = AllocSelector(as_PI[w_patchID].w_readSel);
as_PI[w_patchID].p_oldFuncOPCodes = (LPSTR) MAKELONG(LOWORD(as_PI[w_patchID].p_oldFunc),as_PI[w_patchID].w_writeSel);

* Copy the original OP codes for safe keeping. Then Copy the new JMP *
* instruction that will route the call to our function into its place *
as_PI[w_patchID].b_patched = TRUE;
return TRUE;

* This function will undo an intercept function if the function was *
* marked as hooked and the PID # is valid. *
* Make sure this PID is valid and that the function was *
* patched. *
if (as_PI[w_patchID].b_patched != TRUE) return SW_NOTPATCHED;
if (w_patchID > PID_LASTPID) return SW_INVALIDPID;

* Put back the original code and unLock the code selector, *
* finally release the allocated selector, and mark the PID *
* as unpatched. *
FreeSelector (as_PI[w_patchID].w_writeSel);
as_PI[w_patchID].b_patched = FALSE;

* This function will return a PID pointer that is related to the PID # that *
* a function is supported by the new function in the link. *
if (w_patchID > PID_LASTPID) return NULL;
return &(as_PI[w_patchID]);

* This is an example of the DLL intercept function in use. The function *
* uses a hard coded index into an array of PID (program intercept data) *
* structures. One structure for each hooked function must exist. *
* The second requirement is that the intercept function be a duplicate *
* calling image so that the parameters match. Just get the proto from *
* and change the name to i_FunctionName. *
* *
* The function needs to be set with a call to intercept (See Above) *
* After that, this function will recieve control whenever the function is *
* called by any windows program (including windows itself) *
* *
* There are a few bewares. Hooking SendMessage can cause problems because *
* that function could spawn more send messages (A Recursive Loop could be *
* spawned OOPS!!! can you say "Stack Overflow") *
BOOL FAR PASCAL i_RegisterClass(LPWNDCLASS lpWndClass)
BOOL t_result;

* This undoes the patch (momentarily) so that the real *
* function can be called. *

// PreProcess Here
t_result = RegisterClass(lpWndClass);
// PostProcess Here

* This resets the patch (until next call or release *

return t_result;

  3 Responses to “Category : C Source Code
Archive   : LANCE.ZIP
Filename : LANCE.C

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: