Category : C Source Code
Archive   : JJBQC.ZIP
Filename : JJBSHOW5.C

Output of file : JJBSHOW5.C contained in archive : JJBQC.ZIP

* *
* *
* Copyright (c) 1989, JJB. All rights reserved. *
* *
* *
* This example shows you how to use the 'enter' functions so you can *
* input entire screens of data. *
* *
* JJB, 9236 church Rd suite 1082, Dallas, Tx 75231 (214) 341-1635 *

* *
* To make an .exe file JJBSHOW5.EXE for this program, from DOS enter: *
* *
* *

#include "c:\bin\jjbkbd.h"
#include "c:\bin\jjbset.h"

main() {

jjb_initalize(); /* initalize the jjb functions */

jjb_setup(); /* set up your options and assign functions*/

jjb_start(); /* start executing the default option */


* *
* *

update_cust() { int x; unsigned long lfrom, lto;
char buffer[256]; /* customer I/O buffer */

/* define the define pointers */
char *name, *street, *city, *phone1, *phone2, *phone3,
*comment, *mo, *day, *year, *check , *amt,
*pak = " "; /* for press any key */

/* define the data lengths. */
/* if you change any data length, the buffer pointers below
will automatically be adjusted for the new address */

int lname = 44,
lstreet = 30,
lcity = 30,
lphone1 = 3,
lphone2 = 3,
lphone3 = 4,
lcomment = 30,
lmo = 2,
lday = 2,
lyear = 2,
lcheck = 6,
lamt = 14;

/* store buffer address in the character pointers */
name = &buffer[x]; x += lname +1;
street = &buffer[x]; x += lstreet +1;
city = &buffer[x]; x += lcity +1;
phone1 = &buffer[x]; x += lphone1 +1;
phone2 = &buffer[x]; x += lphone2 +1;
phone3 = &buffer[x]; x += lphone3 +1;
comment = &buffer[x]; x += lcomment +1;
mo = &buffer[x]; x += lmo +1;
day = &buffer[x]; x += lday +1;
year = &buffer[x]; x += lyear +1;
check = &buffer[x]; x += lcheck +1;
amt = &buffer[x]; x += lamt +1;

/*a zero data buffer */
for (x=0; x<256; ++x) buffer[x] = '\0';

/* Normally you would read the data file, but since we don't have a data
file in this example, we need to fill the data buffer as follows: */

name = "John Thomas Wellington";
street = "1527 South Meadow Road";
city = "Dallas, TX 75247";
phone1 = "214"; phone2 = "357"; phone3 = "8934";
comment = "Place any comment here";
mo = "11"; /* JJB S&W (strings & windows) will be */
day = "24"; /* released in 1989 and it will have */
year = "88"; /* complete date handling source for you. */
check = "34512";

amt = "";
vloc(15,22); vfs("( ) -"); /* for phone number */
vloc(19,22); vfs(" - - "); /* for date */

vloc(4,3); vfs("Note: ");
/* Notice '1,9' on next line. It means down 1, over 9 */
vfscr("At any time while entering, you can press: ALT to exit",1,9);
vfscr("UP or DOWN ARROWS to move cursor, '*' to remove data.");
vfscr("Plus any assigned function keys F1 thru F8, or F9 to DOS. ");
vfscr("SPACE BAR is same as RETURN if first character entered.");

/* BEGIN....AGAIN is a continuous while loop */
/* eptr(4) will be true only if the entry pointer equals 4 */
/* Each enter( increments the entry pointer by 1 */
/* In addition to entering, JJB also displays the data from the buffer */
/* Since the buffer is updated directly, the only thing left for the */
/* programmer to do is to read & write the record to the disk file. */
/* The first time thru the enter( will just display the screen. */
/* until it starts with (x) */

eptr_reset(); /* set eptr (enter pointer) to 1 */

lfrom = 100; /* see enter_lnum( below */
lto = 999998;


if (eptr(1)) enter(9,9 , "Enter name: ",name, lname);
if (eptr(2)) enter(11,12, " street: ",street, lstreet);
if (eptr(3)) enter(13,12, " city: ",city, lcity);
if (eptr(4)) enter_num(15,12, " phone: ",phone1, lphone1,100,999,15,23);
if (eptr(5)) enter_num(15,12, " phone: ",phone2, lphone2,100,999,15,28);
if (eptr(6)) enter_num(15,12, " phone: ",phone3, lphone3,1000,9999,15,32);
if (eptr(7)) enter (17,12, "comment: ",comment, lcomment,17,22);
if (eptr(8)) enter_num (19,12," date: ",mo, lmo, 1,12,19,22);
if (eptr(9)) enter_num (19,12," date: ",day, lday, 1,31,19,25);
if (eptr(10)) enter_num (19,12," date: ",year,lyear,0,99,19,28);
if (eptr(11)) enter_lnum (21,12," check#: ",check,lcheck,lfrom,lto,21,23);
if (eptr(12)) enter_dollar(23,12," amount:",amt, 23,22);
if (eptr(13)) {enter(23,50 ,"Press any key ",pak, 1);
vloc(23,50); vspaces(22);}

eptr_start_with(1); /* turn off displaying and start entering */


jjb_setup() {
option("Update customer file");
option("Type the");
option("Description to");
option("Your options here.",DRAWLINE);
option("Each group can");
option("have as many ");
option("Options as you need.");

option("These options have no");
option("functions assigned to them.");

  3 Responses to “Category : C Source Code
Archive   : JJBQC.ZIP
Filename : JJBSHOW5.C

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: