Category : C Source Code
Archive   : JAZLIB.ZIP
Filename : JAZ.H

Output of file : JAZ.H contained in archive : JAZLIB.ZIP
³ Title : jaz.h ³
³ Purpose : Define general purpose macros for use in my programs ³
³ ³
³ Written by Jack Zucker - 75766,1336 301-794-5950 on 1/15/85 ³

/* given a segment and offset, return a pointer which will point to the */
/* seg:off pair */

#define LPOINTER(type,seg,ofs) (type far *) ((long) seg << 16 | ofs)
#define CNULL 0

/* ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ define various memory peek macros. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ */

/* this one returns a char */
#define MEMB(seg,ofs) (*LPOINTER(unsigned char,seg,ofs))

/* this one returns a word */
#define MEMW(seg,ofs) (*LPOINTER(unsigned int,seg,ofs))

#define MEML(seg,ofs) (*LPOINTER(long,seg,ofs))
/* this one returns a long */

/* ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ define a macro for avoiding snow. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ */

/* this next macro will wait for the horizontal retrace status bit to */
/* avoid snow. Much more elegant than writing the routines in masm */

#define WAITSCR while (inp(0x3da) & 1) ; while (! (inp(0x3da) & 1)) ;

struct tfat {
long free;
long total;
long used;
} ;
#define TFAT struct tfat

/* structure for keyboard shift state */
struct shiftstate {
unsigned rightshift : 1;
unsigned leftshift : 1;
unsigned control : 1;
unsigned alt : 1;
unsigned scroll : 1;
unsigned numlock : 1;
unsigned capslock : 1;
unsigned insert : 1;
#define SHIFTSTATE struct shiftstate

/* structure for keyboard hold state */
/* this byte indicates whether or not the key is being pressed, not the state */
struct holdstate {
unsigned filler : 2;
unsigned pcjrclick : 1;
unsigned ctrlnum : 1;
unsigned scroll : 1;
unsigned numlock : 1;
unsigned capslock : 1;
unsigned insert : 1;
#define HOLDSTATE struct holdstate

union keystate {
#define KEYSTATE union keystate

struct REGW {
unsigned int ax,bx,cx,dx,si,di,ds,es,flags;

struct REGB {
unsigned char al,ah,bl,bh,cl,ch,dl,dh;

union TREG {
struct REGW x;
struct REGB h;

struct tname {
char *filename;
struct tname *next;
#define TNAME struct tname

struct tdiskblk {
char jmploc[3]; /* code to jump to boot rec */
char sysid[8]; /* system id */
int bytes; /* bytes per sector */
char sectors; /* sectors per cluster */
int rsvsect; /* number of reserved sectors */
char numfat; /* num of fat tables */
int numdir; /* num of root dir entries */
unsigned int ttlsect; /* total sectors on disk */
char fmtid; /* format id */
int sectfat; /* num of sectors per fat */
int secttrack; /* num of sectors per track */
int numheads; /* num of heads (sides) */
int special; /* special reserved sectors */
#define TDISKBLK struct tdiskblk

struct tdiskdir {
char filename[8];
char ext[3];
unsigned char attribute;
char reserved[10];
unsigned int time;
unsigned int date;
unsigned int cluster;
long size;
#define TDISKDIR struct tdiskdir

struct tfcb {
char flag ;
char junk[5];
char search;
char drive;
char name[8];
char ext[3];
char attr;
char dos[10];
int time;
int date;
int cluster;
long size;
#define TFCB struct tfcb

struct tbit {
unsigned b : 1;

struct tbitmap {
struct tbit bit[8];
#define TBITMAP struct tbitmap

struct thead {
int listlen;
struct tname *first,*last;
#define THEAD struct thead

THEAD *rsplist();
THEAD *dirlist();

struct tregx { /* define a register struct for bios calls */
unsigned int ax,bx,cx,dx,si,di,ds,es,flags;

struct tregh {
unsigned char al,ah,bl,bh,cl,ch,dl,dh;

struct tstack /* stack structure for pushdir/popdir*/
char *pointer; /* pointer to path name */
int wint; /* generic integer */
struct tstack *next,*prev;
#define TSTACK struct tstack

struct tstkhead
{ /* head of stack struct */
int numitems; /* size of stack items */
struct tstack *first , *last; /* pointer to items in stack */
#define TSTKHEAD struct tstkhead

union treg {
struct tregx x;
struct tregh h;
#define TREG union treg

struct tvector { unsigned int offset,segment; };
#define TVECTOR struct tvector

/*global*/ void intr(int , TREG *);
/*global*/ int rindex(char *,char);
/*global*/ char *tabtosp(char *,char *);
/*global*/ void jzdskfre(TFAT *,int);
/*global*/ char *jzpad(int , int);
/*global*/ void jzgetint(int,TVECTOR *);
/*global*/ int jzinstr(char*,int,int,int,int,long,char*);
/*global*/ char *jzrgtjst(char *,int);
/*global*/ void jzdelay(long);
/*global*/ char *jzstrpos(char *,char*);
/*global*/ unsigned char far *jzfat(int ,int *,int *,int *);
/*global*/ void jzgetfat(char **, int);
/*global*/ unsigned int jzgetcls( char *, int , int);
/*global*/ int jzfateof( unsigned int , int );
/*global*/ char *jzcntstr( char * , int );
/*global*/ char *jzrgtstr(char * , int);
/*global*/ char *jzlftstr(char *,int);
/*global*/ char *jzmidstr(char *,int , int);
/*global*/ int jzcrtfil( char * , int);
/*global*/ int jzredfil(int , char * , int);
/*global*/ int jzwrtfil(int , char * , int);
/*global*/ long jzsekfil(int , unsigned long , int);

#define msdos(_wreg) intr(0x21,_wreg) /* define turbo like msdos call */
#define hibyte(x) (unsigned int) x & 0xff
#define lobyte(x) (unsigned int) x >> 8
#define max(x,y) (x > y ? x : y)
#define min(x,y) (x < y ? x : y)

  3 Responses to “Category : C Source Code
Archive   : JAZLIB.ZIP
Filename : JAZ.H

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: