Category : C Source Code
Archive   : IRITS.ZIP
Filename : MAKEFILE.TC

Output of file : MAKEFILE.TC contained in archive : IRITS.ZIP

# Makefile for the IRIT solid modeler.

# This makefile is for TC 2.0 - Turbo C version 2.0, MSDOS 3.3

# Flags for tcc (Set INC to tcc include directory) and for the linker:
CFLAGS = -ml -a- -f -G -O -r -c -d -w -v- -y-
# CFLAGS = -ml -a- -f -c -d -w -v -y -N -k
# LFLAGS = /x/v
INC = f:\include

CC = tcc
LNK = tlink

IRIT_OBJS = adjacncy.obj allocate.obj bool-hi.obj bool1low.obj bool2low.obj \
config.obj convex.obj ctrl-brk.obj dataprsr.obj dosintr.obj \
geomat3d.obj geomvals.obj inpteval.obj inptprsr.obj irit.obj \
matherr.obj mousedrv.obj objects.obj overload.obj primitiv.obj \
priorque.obj windows.obj graphgen.obj viewobj.obj

IPRS_OBJS = adjacncy.obj allocate.obj bool-hi.obj bool1low.obj bool2low.obj \
convex.obj dataprsr.obj geomat3d.obj geomvals.obj inpteval.obj \
inptprsr.obj iprsrtst.obj matherr.obj objects.obj overload.obj \
primitiv.obj priorque.obj

$(CC) -I$(INC) $(CFLAGS) $<

irit.exe: $(IRIT_OBJS)
$(LNK) @irit.lnk$(LFLAGS)

iprsrtst.exe: $(IPRS_OBJS)
$(LNK) @iprsrtst.lnk$(LFLAGS)

adjacncy.obj: program.h allocatg.h adjcncyl.h adjcncyg.h
allocate.obj: program.h graphgng.h allocatl.h allocatg.h windowsg.h xgraphic.h
bool-hi.obj: program.h allocatg.h objects.h ctrl-brk.h graphgng.h booleang.h booleanl.h convexg.h windowsg.h matherr.h xgraphic.h
bool1low.obj: program.h allocatg.h adjcncyg.h objects.h geomat3d.h booleang.h booleanl.h
bool2low.obj: program.h allocatg.h convexg.h objects.h booleang.h booleanl.h geomat3d.h
config.obj: program.h config.h
convex.obj: program.h geomat3d.h booleang.h objects.h allocatg.h priorqg.h convexg.h convexl.h
ctrl-brk.obj: program.h ctrl-brk.h xgraphic.h
dataprsr.obj: program.h allocatg.h objects.h geomat3d.h dataprsl.h dataprsg.h xgraphic.h
dosintr.obj: program.h mousedrv.h dosintrl.h dosintrg.h ctrl-brk.h xgraphic.h graphgng.h windowsg.h
geomat3d.obj: program.h objects.h geomat3d.h primitvg.h
geomvals.obj: program.h objects.h windowsg.h geomat3d.h geomvall.h geomvalg.h allocatg.h convexg.h xgraphic.h
graphgen.obj: program.h graphgng.h allocatg.h graphgnl.h mousedrv.h
inpteval.obj: program.h allocatg.h viewobjg.h convexg.h primitvg.h geomat3d.h windowsg.h dataprsg.h objects.h geomvalg.h dosintrg.h inptprsg.h inptprsl.h overload.h matherr.h ctrl-brk.h xgraphic.h graphgng.h
inptprsr.obj: program.h objects.h allocatg.h windowsg.h inptprsg.h inptprsl.h overload.h ctrl-brk.h xgraphic.h
iprsrtst.obj: program.h inptprsg.h dosintrg.h matherr.h
irit.obj: program.h dataprsg.h inptprsg.h ctrl-brk.h config.h matherr.h windowsg.h objects.h dosintrg.h mousedrv.h xgraphic.h graphgng.h
matherr.obj: program.h windowsg.h xgraphic.h
mousedrv.obj: graphgng.h mousedrv.h program.h
objects.obj: program.h objects.h allocatg.h geomat3d.h windowsg.h xgraphic.h
overload.obj: program.h objects.h allocatg.h booleang.h inptprsg.h inptprsl.h overload.h geomat3d.h
primitiv.obj: program.h allocatg.h objects.h primitvl.h primitvg.h geomat3d.h windowsg.h convexg.h xgraphic.h
priorque.obj: program.h priorql.h priorqg.h allocatg.h
viewobj.obj: program.h windowsl.h windowsg.h viewobjl.h viewobjg.h graphgng.h objects.h geomat3d.h mousedrv.h xgraphic.h
windows.obj: program.h graphgng.h windowsl.h windowsg.h viewobjg.h xgraphic.h
xgeneral.obj: program.h allocatg.h
xgrphgen.obj: program.h xgraphic.h graphgng.h graphgnl.h viewobjg.h
xviewobj.obj: program.h windowsl.h windowsg.h viewobjl.h viewobjg.h graphgng.h objects.h xgraphic.h

  3 Responses to “Category : C Source Code
Archive   : IRITS.ZIP
Filename : MAKEFILE.TC

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: