Category : C Source Code
Archive   : IMDSRC78.ZIP
Filename : XMSLIB.H

Output of file : XMSLIB.H contained in archive : IMDSRC78.ZIP
/* Copyright 1990,1991 by Michael Graff. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK */
/* See end of this file for more information. */
/* */
/* Version 1.2, 08-Mar-91 */
/* */
/* Modified to work under Microsoft C, Ron Baalke, 05/01/91 */

/* One thing for sure... */
#ifdef __HUGE__
#error I KNOW the HUGE memory model will NOT work with XMSLIB AT ALL!


#define MK_FP(seg,ofs) ((void far *) \
(((unsigned long) (seg) << 16) | (unsigned)(ofs)))

/* void far *HMAAddr = MK_FP(0xffff, 0x0010); */
/* Area of the HMA. Can be used for data storage and code. */

struct EMMMoveStruct {
unsigned long int Length;
unsigned int SourceHandle;
unsigned long int SourceOffset;
unsigned int DestHandle;
unsigned long int DestOffset;
}; /* Needed for the 640k to extended memory move routines */

extern unsigned int XMS_Setup(void); /* MUST BE CALLED PRIOR TO OTHER */

extern unsigned char far XMS_FreeMem( /* returns free and total extended */
unsigned int far *freemem, /* free extended memory in K */
unsigned int far *totmem); /* total extended memory in K */

extern unsigned char far XMS_Version( /* Returns version information */
unsigned int far *version, /* BCD protocol version (2.0) */
unsigned int far *internal, /* BCD internal version number */
unsigned int far *HMA); /* is the HMA free? */

extern unsigned char far XMS_RequestHMA( /* Try to allocate HMA */
unsigned int size); /* amount you'll be using in K. */
/* Applications should use 0xffff to */
/* allocate all 64k */

extern unsigned char far XMS_ReleaseHMA(void); /* give up the HMA */

extern unsigned char far XMS_GlobalEnableA20(void); /* when the A20 line */
extern unsigned char far XMS_GlobalDisableA20(void); /* is enabled, the HMA */
extern unsigned char far XMS_LocalEnableA20(void); /* can be accessed. */
extern unsigned char far XMS_LocalDisableA20(void);

extern unsigned char far XMS_QueryA20( /* Find out if A20 is enabled */
unsigned int far *state);

extern unsigned char far XMS_AllocEMB( /* Allocate extended momory */
unsigned int size, /* size in K needed */
unsigned int far *handle); /* handle for this EMB */

extern unsigned char far XMS_FreeEMB( /* Release an EMB */
unsigned int handle); /* handle to release */

extern unsigned char far XMS_MoveEMB( /* Move between real memory and */
struct EMMMoveStruct far *MoveRec);/* extended memory. */

extern unsigned char far XMS_LockEMB( /* make sure a memory block doesn't */
unsigned int handle, /* move. */
void far *address); /* LINEAR memory address for this block */

extern unsigned char far XMS_UnlockEMB( /* undo a lock */
unsigned int handle);

extern unsigned char far XMS_GetEMBHandleInfoEMB( /* info on a handle */
unsigned int handle, /* handle info wanted on */
unsigned char far *LockCount, /* number of locks enabled */
unsigned char far *EMBHandlesFree, /* total handles free in system */
unsigned int far *length); /* size of this handle in K */

extern unsigned char far XMS_ReallocEMB( /* Try to change the size of */
unsigned int handle, /* this block. */
unsigned int newsize); /* new size in K */

extern unsigned char far XMS_RequestUMB( /* request UPPER MEMORY BLOCK */
unsigned int SizeWanded, /* size in PARAGRAPHS needed */
unsigned int far *segaddr, /* segment address of block */
unsigned int far *SizeUgot); /* size of block you got */

extern unsigned char far XMS_ReleaseUMB( /* Release UMB */
unsigned int segaddr);


If you find any errors, want to suggest improvements, or wish to use these
routines in a commercial application, please write me at the following
Michael Graff
418 8th Avenue
Grinnell, IA 50112

E-MAIL: [email protected], [email protected]

You can use these routines for personal use without restrictions, other than
I would like to get a copy of YOUR source.

If you use these routines in a program and make a profit, please share some
small part of it with me! (Donations of all kinds accepted, from very old
hardware to old compact disks to a copy of part or all of your source to
a thank you.)



DEFINITIONS: ( stolen from the XMS 2.0 spec doc )

Memory - Memory in 80286 and 80386 based machines which is located
above the 1MB address boundary.

High Memory
Area (HMA) - The first 64K of extended memory. The High Memory
Area is unique because code can be executed in it while
in real mode. The HMA officially starts at FFFF:10h
and ends at FFFF:FFFFh making it 64K-16 bytes in length.

Upper Memory
Blocks (UMBs)- Blocks of memory available on some 80x86 based machines
which are located between DOS's 640K limit and the
1MB address boundary. The number, size, and location
of these blocks vary widely depending upon the types
of hardware adapter cards installed in the machine.

Extended Memory
Blocks (EMBs)- Blocks of extended memory located above the HMA which
can only be used for data storage.

A20 Line - The 21st address line of 80x86 CPUs. Enabling the A20
line allows access to the HMA.


- Far pointers to data located in the HMA cannot be passed to DOS. DOS
normalizes any pointer which is passed into it. This will cause data
addresses in the HMA to be invalidated.

- Disk I/O directly into the HMA (via DOS, INT 13h, or otherwise) is not

- Programs, especially drivers and TSRs, which use the HMA *MUST* use
as much of it as possible. If a driver or TSR is unable to use at
least 90% of the available HMA (typically ~58K), they must provide
a command line switch for overriding HMA usage. This will allow
the user to configure his machine for optimum use of the HMA.

- Device drivers and TSRs cannot leave the A20 line permanently turned
on. Several applications rely on 1MB memory wrap and will overwrite the
HMA if the A20 line is left enabled potentially causing a system crash.

- Interrupt vectors must not point into the HMA. This is a result of
the previous restriction. Note that interrupt vectors can point into
any allocated upper memory blocks however.

ERROR CODE INDEX: ( functions of type UNSIGNED CHAR return these codes )

80h if the function is not implemented
81h if a VDISK device is detected
82h if an A20 error occurs
8Eh if a general driver error occurs
8Fh if an unrecoverable driver error occurs
90h if the HMA does not exist
91h if the HMA is already in use
92h if DX is less than the /HMAMIN= parameter
93h if the HMA is not allocated
94h if the A20 line is still enabled
A0h if all extended memory is allocated
A1h if all available extended memory handles are in use
A2h if the handle is invalid
A3h if the SourceHandle is invalid
A4h if the SourceOffset is invalid
A5h if the DestHandle is invalid
A6h if the DestOffset is invalid
A7h if the Length is invalid
A8h if the move has an invalid overlap
A9h if a parity error occurs
AAh if the block is not locked
ABh if the block is locked
ACh if the block's lock count overflows
ADh if the lock fails
B0h if a smaller UMB is available
B1h if no UMBs are available
B2h if the UMB segment number is invalid


  3 Responses to “Category : C Source Code
Archive   : IMDSRC78.ZIP
Filename : XMSLIB.H

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: