Category : C Source Code
Archive   : IMDSRC78.ZIP
Filename : IMDISP

Output of file : IMDISP contained in archive : IMDSRC78.ZIP
# This makefile will rebuild IMDISP. Invoke it from DOS with
# the command "MAKE IMDISP". It requires that the programs
# CL (the C compiler), MASM (the macro assembler), LINK (the
# MS-DOS linker) and MAKE (the MAKE program) all lie in the
# current path, along with the response file IMDISP.RSP
# Written by A. Warnock, ST Systems Corp.
# The following define the macros to be used
# These are DEBUG compile/link flags
#compflag = /AL /Od /Zi /c
#linkflag = /NOE /CO /stack:12000
#swapflag = /W2 /D_Large /mx /Zi
# These are QuickC compile/link flags
#compflag = /AL /qc /c
#linkflag = /NOE /stack:12000
#swapflag = /W2 /D_Large /mx
# These are 80286-specific compile/link flags
#compflag = /AL /G2 /c
#linkflag = /F /NOE /stack:12000
#swapflag = /W2 /D_Large /mx
# These are 80286-specific compile/link flags requiring coprocessor
#compflag = /AL /G2 /FPc87 /c
#linkflag = /F /NOE /stack:12000
#swapflag = /W2 /D_Large /mx
# These are regular optimized compile/link flags
compflag = /AL /c
linkflag = /F /NOE /stack:12000
swapflag = /W2 /D_Large /mx
# The following lines compile the C source code
imdisp.obj: imdisp.c imdef.h dispio.h disputil.h fileio.h fileutil.h imageio.h \
imagutil.h labutil.h plot.h refresh.h swap.h browse.h palette.h \
gif_lib.h palutil.h textutil.h imdutil.h mshell.h filter.h \
cl $(compflag) imdisp.c

browse.obj: browse.c imdef.h dispio.h imdisp.h disputil.h fileio.h refresh.h \
cl $(compflag) browse.c

buffer.obj: buffer.c imdef.h imdisp.h dispio.h mem.h refresh.h \
textutil.h display.h
cl $(compflag) buffer.c

dgif_lib.obj: dgif_lib.c gif_lib.h gif_hash.h
cl $(compflag) dgif_lib.c

dispio.obj: dispio.c imdef.h imdisp.h disputil.h evgaio.h ativga.h paradise.h \
dispsub.h refresh.h textutil.h mem.h vesa.h
cl $(compflag) dispio.c

display.obj: display.c imdef.h imdisp.h dispio.h disputil.h imageio.h \
refresh.h labutil.h textutil.h imdutil.h
cl $(compflag) display.c

disputil.obj: disputil.c imdef.h imdisp.h dispio.h refresh.h textutil.h
cl $(compflag) disputil.c

evgaio.obj: evgaio.c imdef.h dispio.h
cl $(compflag) evgaio.c

fileio.obj: fileio.c imdef.h imdisp.h textutil.h
cl $(compflag) fileio.c

fileutil.obj: fileutil.c imdef.h imdisp.h dispio.h disputil.h refresh.h \
imageio.h labutil.h textutil.h imdutil.h
cl $(compflag) fileutil.c

filter.obj: filter.c imdef.h imdisp.h imdutil.h dispio.h refresh.h \
display.h mem.h
cl $(compflag) filter.c

gif_hash.obj: gif_hash.c gif_lib.h gif_hash.h
cl $(compflag) gif_hash.c

gif_lib.obj: gif_lib.c gif_lib.h gif_hash.h
cl $(compflag) gif_lib.c

help.obj: help.c imdef.h imdisp.h dispio.h disputil.h labutil.h textutil.h
cl $(compflag) help.c

imageio.obj: imageio.c imdef.h imdisp.h disputil.h fileio.h labutil.h \
refresh.h textutil.h imdutil.h
cl $(compflag) imageio.c

imagutil.obj: imagutil.c imdef.h dispio.h disputil.h textutil.h
cl $(compflag) imagutil.c

imdutil.obj: imdutil.c imdef.h dispio.h disputil.h textutil.h refresh.h
cl $(compflag) imdutil.c

keywutil.obj: keywutil.c imdef.h dispio.h imdutil.h textutil.h fileio.h \
imdisp.h mshell.h
cl $(compflag) keywutil.c

labutil.obj: labutil.c imdef.h imdisp.h dispio.h disputil.h fileio.h \
refresh.h textutil.h imdutil.h
cl $(compflag) labutil.c

mshell.obj: mshell.c
cl $(compflag) mshell.c

palutil.obj: palutil.c imdef.h imdisp.h dispio.h disputil.h textutil.h \
cl $(compflag) palutil.c

plot.obj: plot.c imdef.h dispio.h disputil.h imageio.h labutil.h textutil.h
cl $(compflag) plot.c

refresh.obj: refresh.c imdef.h dispio.h mem.h
cl $(compflag) refresh.c

textutil.obj: textutil.c imdef.h dispio.h disputil.h imdutil.h
cl $(compflag) textutil.c

vesa.obj: vesa.c
cl $(compflag) vesa.c

mem.obj: mem.c mem.h emsif.h
cl $(compflag) mem.c

# The following lines compile the assembly code
ativga.obj: ativga.asm
masm ativga.asm;

dispsub.obj: dispsub.asm
masm dispsub.asm;

paradise.obj: paradise.asm
masm paradise.asm;

rescale.obj: rescale.asm
masm rescale.asm;

swap.obj: swap.asm
masm $(swapflag) swap.asm;

timer.obj: timer.asm
masm timer.asm;

# The following lines link the program
imdisp.exe: ativga.obj browse.obj dispio.obj display.obj dispsub.obj \
disputil.obj evgaio.obj fileio.obj fileutil.obj filter.obj \
gif_lib.obj help.obj imageio.obj imagutil.obj imdisp.obj \
imdutil.obj keywutil.obj labutil.obj mshell.obj palutil.obj \
paradise.obj plot.obj refresh.obj rescale.obj swap.obj \
textutil.obj timer.obj trident.obj mem.obj \
buffer.obj vesa.obj dgif_lib.obj gif_hash.obj \
mouse.lib ev629.lib emsifl.lib xmsifl.lib
link $(linkflag) @imdisp.rsp,imdisp,NUL,mouse+ev629+emsifl+xmsifl;

  3 Responses to “Category : C Source Code
Archive   : IMDSRC78.ZIP
Filename : IMDISP

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: