Category : C Source Code
Archive   : IMDSRC78.ZIP
Filename : CHANGES.DOC

Output of file : CHANGES.DOC contained in archive : IMDSRC78.ZIP
rcb = Ron Baalke
aw3 = Archie Warnock
mjm = Mike Martin

Version 7.8g - Released 07/10/92
Cleaned up IMDISP.DOC (7/9/92 - aw3)
Brought HELP.C up to date with new commands (7/9/92 - aw3)

Version 7.8b - Released ??
Added high pass filter - ENH HIGH (2/9/92 - rcb)
Added histogram equalization - ENH HIST (2/11/92 - rcb)
Added command line recall (2/12/92 - rcb)
Display "Loading Image Into Memory" (2/12/92 - rcb)
Added FORMAT option to the SAVE command, added option to
save images in raw format (2/15/92 - rcb)
Fixed two GIF memory leaks (2/22/92 - rcb)
Fixed image buffers to work with 16 & 32 bit images
(3/07/92 - rcb)
Suppressed messages to screen for FILE & CUR commands when
SET PROMPT = OFF (03/24/92 - rcb)

Version 7.8a - Released ??
Increased labelbuffer size (mjm)
Fixed "Help Set" output (mjm)
Fixed problem with numbers in ^IMAGE file names (mjm)

Version 7.8 - Not released
First (non-working) BC++ port (aw)
Added support to DISP SOURCE for Magellan C-MIDR images
(11/4/91 - rcb)
Merged in GIF_LIB 1.2 (11/13/91 - rcb)
Moved PAUSE message to bottom of screen (12/1/91 - rcb)

Version 7.7 - Released 10/08/92
Added CURSOR option to DISPLAY command (09/21/91 - rcb)
Added ROTATE command (09/26/91 - rcb)
Added WINDOW command (09/18/91 - rcb)
Cleaned up FatalError routine to close files and
deallocate memory (09/18/91 - aw3)
Make labelsize global variable (09/18/91)

Version 7.6 - Released 09/18/91
Patched GIF bug - again (09/18/91 - rcb)

Version 7.5 - Released 09/16/91
Patched GIF code to read GIF89a images (09/09/91 - rcb)
Fixed GIF bug (09/15/91 - rcb)

Version 7.4 - Released 08/23/91
Added MASK command (07/20/91 - rcb)
Added POWER & STAIR filters (07/21/91 - rcb)
Added SET DELAY & SET PROMPT options (07/22/91 - rcb)
Added batch file comments capability (07/22/91 - rcb)
Fixed a bug in buffer scheme (07/22/91 - rcb)
Added keyboard break to HIST (07/22/91 - mjm)
Fixed a bug in DISPLAY SOU (07/22/91 - mjm)

Version 7.3 - Not released
Added extended/expanded memory interface (07/91 - rcb)
Modified PERSPECT command to store image into refresh buffer
(07/91 - rcb)
Add TIME option to PAL CYCLE (07/91 - rcb)
Modified CURSOR so that the cursor position is retained for
command logging, added DSL & DSS options (07/91 - rcb)
Modified SET (no paramaters) so that DNLOW & DNHIGH are displayed
(07/91 - rcb)
Added code to display source file if the name is given in PDS
label for Mars MDIM and Magellan F-MIDR (07/18/91 - mjm)
Added code to compute source file name for Mars MDIM
dataset (07/18/91 - mjm)
Fixed HIST command when histogram offset is given in PDS
label (07/18/91 - mjm)

Version 7.2 - Not released
Added 5x5 mask to the MEAN filter (06/19/91 - rcb)
Added multiple buffers, COPY and MERGE (6/20/91 - rcb)
Added PERspective command and new palette (6/23/91 - aw3)
Added GIF reader (06/28/91 - rcb)
Added FAST option to PAL CYC (06/29/91 - rcb)
Added new palette #11 (06/29/91 - rcb)
Added VESA support (1024x768x256 mode only) (6/28/91 - aw3)
Added 7x7 mask to the MEAN filter (07/91 - rcb)
Added UNSHARP and LOG filters (07/91 - rcb)

Version 7.1 - Not released
Grouped filter under the ENHANCE command (05/91)
File will attempted to be put into extended memory with the
FILE command, added NOMEMORY option (05/18/91 - rcb)
Added BAALKE filter (05/18/91 - rcb)
Added SLANT command (05/18/91 - rcb)
Fixed bug with EDGE filter (05/18/91 - rcb)
Added NOClear subcommand to EXIT and QUIT (05/20/91 - aw3)
Squashed an uninitialized variable bug in display.c
(05/22/91 - rcb)
Added mouse support for CURsor, PROfile and PAL EDI
commands (5/26/91 - aw3)
Bug fixes to file select (06/17/91 - rcb)
Fixed SAVE to refresh over command line prompt (06/17/91 - rcb)
Added command logging (06/19/91 - aw3)

Version 7.0 - Not released
Added extended memory interface for refresh buffer (05/91 - rcb)
Palette and file are restored after SWAP (05/91 - rcb)
Fixed Orchid bug in ReadPixel(), added Which_Tseng()
(05/91 - rcb/aw3)
Refresh buffer is adjusted after display change with SET DIS
(05/91 - rcb)
Added GetLine() to read a line of pixels from the screen or
refresh buffer (05/91 - rcb)
Added DARKEN and BRIGHTEN commands (05/91 - rcb)
Added image processing capabilities: MEAN, MEDIAN, CONVOLUTION
and EDGE enhancement filters (05/91 - rcb)
Added option to apply filters to either image or entire
screen (05/91 - rcb)
Grouped filters together under a new FILTER command (05/91 - rcb)
Added a SMEAR filter (05/91 - rcb)
Added Orchid code to GetLine() (05/91 - rcb)
Added option to SAVE to save screen to refresh buffer (05/91-rcb)

Version 6.0 - Not released
Scrolling palette while editing speeded up (using
memmove() instead of for()-loop) (2/4/91 - aw3)
TIMER module and Delay() routines added to palette
scrolling (2/5/91 - aw3)
Added NOPROMPT option to TEXT command (2/3/91 - rcb)
Added palette directory to PAL LOAD command (2/3/91 - rcb)
Added Sleep routine (IMDUTIL.C) (2/4/91 - rcb)
Added palette cycling (PAL CYC) option (2/4/91 - rcb)
Created CYCLE.BAT batch file (2/4/91 - rcb)
Added SET PAL option & IMPALETTE enviroment variable
(2/8/91 -rcb)
Added Trident support (TRIDENT.OBJ from gg/usgs) (3/5/91 -aw)
Combined PAL SCR and PAL CYC options under PAL CYC (3/7/91 -aw)
Added VAX-float support for VICAR color palette (4/8/91 - rcb)
More palette menu stuff (4/8/91 - rcb)
Added AUTO option to DIS and BRO (4/9/91 - mjm)

Version 5.7 - Not released
SAV *.GIF now saves in GIF format (1/18/91 - aw3)
Return to starting directory on exit (1/18/91 - aw3)
Moved refresh buffer to external file (1/22/91 - aw3)
Moved text routines to TEXTUTIL.C (1/24/91 - aw3)
Moved palette routines to PALUTIL.C (1/24/91 - aw3)
Added MSHELL memory allocation error detection (1/24/91 - aw3)
Refresh buffer looks for env. variable IMREFRESH for
directory (1/24/91 - aw3)
Delete swap file after unsuccessful return (1/29/91 - aw3)
Reopen (rather than create) existing refresh file, if it
already exists (1/29/91 - aw3)
Added NOPROMPT option to DISPLAY command (2/2/91 - rcb)
PAL SCRoll functions added (2/4/91 - aw3)

Version 5.61 - (special for JEDI project) released 3/5/91
Added Trident support (TRIDENT.OBJ from gg/usgs) (3/5/91 -aw)

Version 5.6 - released 1/31/91
Use SWAP to free up external memory for SYS commands (aw3)
Include internal 256-color palettes (mjm)
Character font scaling to display resolution (aw3)
Support for Orchid ProDesigner II (aw3)
Separate StatusLine routine (mjm)

  3 Responses to “Category : C Source Code
Archive   : IMDSRC78.ZIP
Filename : CHANGES.DOC

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: