Category : C Source Code
Archive   : GRAFGEM3.ZIP
Filename : CYCLIC.C

Output of file : CYCLIC.C contained in archive : GRAFGEM3.ZIP
* Graphics Gems III: Fast Generation of Cyclic Sequences
* programmed by Alan Paeth ([email protected])
* These functions are implemented as macros which fall into two classes:
* sequences -- generate a cyclic set of N arbitrary values
* triggers -- generate a cyclic set of N boolean test conditions.
* Macros come as a set. The first initializes (declarative), the second steps.
* These are paired for VARIABLE / BOOLEAN triggering use.
* The first are called "sequN" such as "getch()" and
* will not introduce side-effects. A third macro named "testM" provides
* boolean triggering expressions without altering the current step. Its value
* is "true" after step "i" if the ith character in string M is non-zero.
* Note: these macros have been tuned for performance and internal consistancy.
* Unlike the book exposition, a cycle's current value is undefined until
* *after* the first call to "cyclN" or "stepN". This style facilitates fast
* testing as in "do { } while(condition)" loops at the expense of additional
* first-use overhead, total amortized loop time remaining unchanged. The code
* takes advantage of both register variables and the C "comma" operator.
* Loops may be cycled symbolically, thereby reordering the initialization or
* step macros to take advantage of specific compiler or problem optimizations.

* Sequences
* The macro "sequN(parm1,...,parmN) initializes a sequence N values;
* the macro "cyclN()" advances to (and returns in "t1") the next cyclic value.

/* cycle: [a, b] (eqn 2.2) */

#define sequ2(a,b) register int t1, t2; t1 = (int)(b); t2 = t1^(int)(a)
#define cycl2() (t1 ^= t2)

/* cycle: [a, b, c] (eqn 3.3) */

#define sequ3(a,b,c) register int t1, t2, t3; \
t1 = (int)(c); t2 = t1^(int)(b); t3 = t2^(int)(a)
#define cycl3() (t2 ^= (t1 ^ t3), t1 ^= t2)

/* cycle: [a, b, c, d, e, f] (eqn 6.2)
* register t1 may be removed if value is not kept; t4 provides only an offset
* a second table may be easily added to the LHS of the innermost subexpression
* values may be cast as ints or the macro rewritten to support floats, etc.

#define sequ6(a,b,c,d,e,f) register int t1,t2,t3,t4[7],*t5;t2=t3=1;t5= &t4[3];\
t4[1]=(a); t4[0]=(b); t4[2]=(c); t4[5]=(d); t4[6]=(e); t4[4]=(f)
#define cycl6() (t1=t5[(t2 += t3, t3 += (~t2))])

/* cycle: [1, 2, 3] (eqn 3.3b, end) */

#define sequ123() register int t1, t2; t1 = 3; t2 = 1
#define cycl123() (t2 ^= t1, t1 ^= t2)

* Triggers
* The macro "trigN() initializes a boolean cycle of N states.
* the macro "stepN()" advances the state
* the macro "testM" is a true expression at step i if M's ith char is '1'.

/* trigger mod 2 (eqn 2.1) */

#define trig2() register int t1 = 0
#define step2() (t1 = !t1)
#define test01() (!t1)
#define test10() (t1)

/* trigger mod 3 (eqn 3.2) */

#define trig3() register int t1, t2; t1 = t2 = 1
#define step3() (t1 ^= t2, t2 ^= t1)
#define test100() (!t1)
#define test010() (!t2)
#define test001() (t1 == t2)
#define test110() (t1 != t2)

/* trigger mod 6 (eqn 6.3) */

#define trig6() register int t1, t2; t1 = -1; t2 = 1
#define step6() (t1 += t2, t2 += ~t1)
#define test100000() ((t1 == 0) && (t2 == 0))
#define test100100() (!t2)
#define test101000() (t1 == t2)
#define test110000() (!t1)
#define test110100() ((t1 == 0) || (t2 == 0))
#define test010111() (t1 != t2)
#define test011111() ((t1 != 0) || (t2 != 0))

  3 Responses to “Category : C Source Code
Archive   : GRAFGEM3.ZIP
Filename : CYCLIC.C

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: